What are these Nazis doing here??!! They beat up a black musician too, wish somebody can put a curse on them. (1)
Why are these Nazis culturally appropriating Indians, iranians and Persians using the swastika and calling themselves Aryans?Straight Identity theft. Aryan means noble, there's nothing noble about bigotry and hatred. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/17/us/neo-nazi-march-ohio.html The swastika stolen from Indigenous cultures from India, Africa, Americas and central Asia.
often protestors compare something to the nazis, can any genz ,tell us who the nziz were?do gen z even know who the nazis were, and what war they werein, i doubt it
Europeans who know history, if Jews had gone east, not to Europe after Pompeii expelled them from Israel in 70 AD, would there have been no Nazis inChristian Germany?