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with 2.9 million people from India in the USA

Poll - Total Votes: 14
Yes that would be a great idea!
Hindi should not be taught in the USA at all! God bless America!
Of course it should, as well as Indian culture !
I already have to press #2 for Spanish, I ain't pressing #3 for Hindi
Anything including language that could help their cultural integration would be amazing
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that have had a strong impact on your medical and tech sectors is it time to offer Hindi as a language in high school and / or more normal in colleges?
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Northwest · M
Hindi is offered in my multiple districts in my area. So's Mandarin and Arabic.

This is the the same area that's home to Microsoft, Amazon.

It may not make sense to offer it in Billings, Montana.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@Northwest that makes sense / no need in Billings
markinkansas · 61-69, M
indian native repaired my heart .very broken english
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
It would be a terrific idea. The more languages the merrier 🤗
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swirlie · F

Welcome to my country ..and welcome to my America, Mister LordShadowfire.

Today will be your first lesson in Hindi, so take a seat and we'll get started!

[image/video deleted]
AmericanAvenger · 56-60, M
English should always be the official language in American schools and all should have to learn it to stay in my country.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
And why are they here?
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Do they all speak Hindi?
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@ninalanyon almost all if not all in America speak English
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@robertsnj I know that, I have worked with some of them. My point was that Hindi is not the mother tongue of everyone from India.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@ninalanyon it is the most common non english language spoken. but sure their are a lot of other langauges spoken in that large county
Thrust · 56-60, M
Let's not and say we didn't
swirlie · F
The English language is the language of the elite who live in India, not Hindi. The only East Asians who speak Hindi in India are the derelicts of Indian society who live in the streets and are largely uneducated. What you're suggesting in your post addresses your acute lack of awareness of Indian culture in India.
swirlie · F
Teaching Hindi in the USA would be a moot point, particularly since East Asians who live in the USA choose to not speak Hindi in the first place. Hindi is considered the Indian language of the poor, not the rich.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@swirlie yeah i realize the Indians here speak English. I was thinking more of non mandatory courses in Hindi to help with connecting their culture to ours. also maybe introducting Hindi holidays and
showing pieces of Christianity/ Jesus that were borrowed from the older Hindu religion / Lord Krishna
swirlie · F
You have to remember that anyone from India who immigrated to the USA only got there because they had money, not because they were poor people in India.

Because cultural language differences are a big deal in India to the point where a rich Indian won't even speak Hindi to a lower class designated person in India, it is highly unlikely that any well-educated East Asian living in the USA who of course speaks English would embrace the concept of actually speaking Hindi among their more affluent Indian friends and acquaintances in the USA.

The Indian culture is a culture unto itself and East Asians have no desire to try and pretend that American culture can be integrated into what they've otherwise known all their lives from their own cultural upbringing, meaning that the two cultures are like oil and water. If Hindi is embraced as a second language in America, who that language would be serving are what East Asians refer to as the lower class of East Asian culture who do not contribute anything of significance to the society they live in.
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