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are americans hypocrites for not liking immigrants, even though they are all descendant sof immigrants?

yanks in uk cant stop telling us they ar 'rirish' or 'scpttish' so they are all immigrants ot usa, a massive country, heavily under populated, and yet when brown or black immigrants want to go to usa, they dont want them
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Yes, they’re hypocrites about that. Unless you’re Native American (and after 20,000 years in the U.S. if they don’t qualify as "indigenous" no one does), your ancestors came from somewhere else, too.
No, they’re not disliking immigrants per se. They are disliking the way this government has bent over backwards to aaccommodate alleged asylum seekers who then they release into the country. There are to the chagrin of the pro immigration bunch those who went through a legal process to come here. I personally know a number of those people who ARE NOW U.S. citizens.
This is a movement not so much by the imbecile Biden but by those he answers to like Klaus Schwab and the other one world governance crowd.
@NativePortlander1970 I am the descendant of European immigrants and my family came from other countries, went through a process and had to make it on their own . The Government did not do for them what our Federal, state and city government are doing for people who illegally crossed our borders.
As for the meme…where did native Americans/ first nations peoples come from? They weren’t always in North or South America were they?
And to answer your auction via the meme…YES THEY ARE! Not all but way too many who are a threat in many ways to our lives.
At this point, don't we all know it's just racism?
@BohemianBabe That about sums it up
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They're remiss is codifying human rights and understanding their role in a peaceful world.
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@NativePortlander1970 Palestine removed to make room for Europe's removed Jews? Not ringing the bell, yet? The baton passes to Americans in Berlin, genocide rehabilitated for them to continue to use, Palestine used as an example... Nothing yet?
Getting the Jews to leave Europe, and the Holocaust itself were always called the final solution. Most Americans went along with the final solution.
We don't hate immigrants.
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@BohemianBabe Yep, I wouldn't be surprised if he 'bates to hitler rally videos.
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sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Enjoy your new neighbors.

@sunsporter1649 These lands belonged to MY PEOPLE and ANCESTORS for THOUSANDS of years before ALL YOU genocidal european colonizers even knew the American continents even existed.

cc: @Tumbleweed This is exactly what we were discussing earlier.
@sunsporter1649 Hmmm, maybe I should call you Custer from now on 🤔
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
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People think there's not enough for everyone, and they're conservative. This is a nice recipe for wars and ecocide. It's very reliable. Americans and Europeans are good at this, it's quite familiar.
RedBaron · M
How do you know all Americans dislike immigrants? That’s a preposterous assumption.

And why do you have so much trouble with typing a clean, coherent statement?
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
In the UK some immigrants (those from Ukraine and Poland for example) are viewed more favourably than others. Having white skin helps.
swirlie · 31-35, F
What does brown and black have to do with Irish and Scottish? Were you thinking that brown and black was synonymous with being Irish or Scottish?
@swirlie For quite a long time many, many Scottish and Irish, mainly convicts and debtors, were brought over to the colonies, and later the southern states, as "indentured servants", essentially slaves to work out their debts and sentences. They were told they had to work on average of seven years to work them off, however their "employers" would always find imposed infractions to lengthen their "services", which happened with my Great Grandmother's Great Grandparents, all of who were on the same Georgia plantation, and unlike the African slaves, the Irish and Scottish were not emancipated, it wasn't until the early 20th century that "indentured servitude" was ended. These particular facts will never be found in any history book.
swirlie · 31-35, F
Very interesting facts you provided here! Thank you for those! Reminds me of some current organized Labor Union woes I've been reading about that aren't too far off what you've described here!
@swirlie You are so very welcome
It's racism against us First Nations Natives, we all were here thousands of years before the european colonizers.
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badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@sunsporter1649 Right-wing politicians are trying to manipulate you by making you hate and fear of others. Don't be a chump! Don't be fooled. Whipping up hate and fear of others is an evil act.

I have worked with many Mexicans and Central Americans. None of them looked like that. All the ones I've met are just ordinary people who want a job. I was happy to be working with them.

This is the America I love:

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" The Statue of Liberty
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
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