Ikemp13 · 22-25, F
There is two types of vampire
A vampire that drinks blood to get a high
A phsycic vampire
A phsycic vampire feeds off energy instead of blood
A vampire that drinks blood to get a high
A phsycic vampire
A phsycic vampire feeds off energy instead of blood
room101 · 51-55, M
i'm sorry Ikemp but i have to admit that i was teasing you.
yes, there are people in this world who seem to derive great pleasure from draining the energy of others. but that's about control and manipulation. i mean you no disrespect but there's nothing vampyric about this and it's nothing that anybody should want to be.
yes, there are people in this world who seem to derive great pleasure from draining the energy of others. but that's about control and manipulation. i mean you no disrespect but there's nothing vampyric about this and it's nothing that anybody should want to be.

I knew someone like you on EP....she was interesting and we were good friends for a while :)
IsabellaKathleen1 · 26-30, F
crimson347 · 22-25, F
There is no such thing as phycic vampires. They are called empaths. (People that feed off others energy.) Vampires feed off blood.
room101 · 51-55, M
what made no sense? what gabries said or what i said?
room101 · 51-55, M
don't do yourself down like that. i should have said it in a simpler way i guess
gregonov · 22-25, M
I sense that your somewhere from idaho
Ikemp13 · 22-25, F
That wasn't a question.
Ikemp13 · 22-25, F
Don't see what that had to do with anything. But no , vampires do not like sex. It's vile.
Stevengillett · 22-25, M
@Ikemp13 some of us actually do like sex btw
room101 · 51-55, M
oooohh! you were being funny. you were suggesting that was uneducated. fair enough
room101 · 51-55, M
what's a phycic vampire? 🤔
Ikemp13 · 22-25, F
Nothing nvm 😂
Ikemp13 · 22-25, F
Yea I don't go to school lol sorry
Ikemp13 · 22-25, F
Ikemp13 · 22-25, F
What? No omg lol
No I was saying I wouldn't understand because I'm uneducated
Jesus Christ
No I was saying I wouldn't understand because I'm uneducated
Jesus Christ
Ikemp13 · 22-25, F
Obviously who wouldn't want sex with a highly ranked angel
room101 · 51-55, M
oh you mean a psychic vampire. gotcha 😉
Ikemp13 · 22-25, F
That made no sense to an uneducated. Mind
gregonov · 22-25, M
do you like sex
Stevengillett · 22-25, M
@gregonov just a tip most vampires don't like being harassed
gregonov · 22-25, M
would you have sex with an archangel?
gregonov · 22-25, M
I would like to bang a sexy vampire
gregonov · 22-25, M
do you like to suck me --ck
without blood but with white sticky fluid
without blood but with white sticky fluid