This video is a great example of how a Young Earth Creationist can use a slick presentation to lie to their audience.
I don't expect anyone to watch this full video but you will find therein is Pastor Carl delivering some well rehearsed line which quote mines, cherry picks or otherwise seeks to make his point through dishonesty and then the host of the YouTube channel explaining with detail and peer reviewed sources exactly what mistakes and/or lies Carl is perpetrating.
One example that is repeated throughout the video:
Carl says early on that the Lucy specimen of A. afarensis was not found with hands or feet but that other members of her species were. True.
But then he keeps repeating how can scientists claim to know x,y,z about Lucy's hands and feet?! Gasp, dishonest scientists!
Anyway, if anyone likes watching YEC pseudo science get debunked then Dapper Dinosaur's channel is a good place to be.
One example that is repeated throughout the video:
Carl says early on that the Lucy specimen of A. afarensis was not found with hands or feet but that other members of her species were. True.
But then he keeps repeating how can scientists claim to know x,y,z about Lucy's hands and feet?! Gasp, dishonest scientists!
Anyway, if anyone likes watching YEC pseudo science get debunked then Dapper Dinosaur's channel is a good place to be.