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Does the Bible’s creation account rule out the possibility that the universe began with the big bang?

Some people say that life evolved. Others contend that God merely started creation off and then let the process of evolution take over. What does the Bible say?

Well, if anyone would know the truth of the matter, it would be God, Himself, Creator of heaven and earth, as follows:

The Bible simply says: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) So even if a cosmic explosion produced our universe, that would not contradict what is stated in the Bible. Rather, Genesis 1:1 would answer the question, Who caused the big bang? When exactly was "the beginning?"

Revelation 22:13 ~ "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end,the first and the last."

Of course, many scientists believe that the big bang was a spontaneous, undirected event that led to the self-arranging of particles of matter into stars and planets over a period of time. Even God didn't insult man's intelligence with that theory. The Bible does not support that view, but states that the formation of the universe, was a direct act of God, whether he employed some sort of cosmic explosion or some other method of creation.

Just from Genesis, the very first verse alone,...tells us what exactly happened to cause the beginning of everything we know. God said, "In the beginning." That means that was the starting point of it all. Where all originated. That means the first thing on God's agenda, was to create. So we see that the Big Bang theory doesn't hold the truth that "out of the blue", without any help at all, the heavens and earth created themselves. Science doesn't give nor have an explanation for that. However, God didn't leave us in the dark so to speak, or to guess about how everything came about. He told us exactly what happened, so we wouldn't have to guess.

We see creation was not undirected, as many claim. The very first thing God wanted us to know, and let us know, is that He created it all. Leaving nothing undone. The very word "created", confirms that He did a great work in the heavens and on Earth, and all was complete in six days!

Does the Bible’s account allow for living things to change over time?

Yes. The Bible says that God created living things “according to their kinds.” (Genesis 1:11, 12,21,24,25) Can variation occurwithin a kind?Yes. However, does observed adaptation within a kind prove that eventually new kinds can evolve? No.
Can the Bible and the theory of evolution be reconciled?

Indeed. The Bible says that GOD created all things.” (Revelation 4:11) He left nothing undone. He did not “rest” until his creative work was complete. (Genesis 2:2) His words are crystal clear: God did not create a simple organism and then rest, or take a backseat, while that organism evolved over millions of years into various kinds of fish, apes, and humans. That idea, called macroevolution, denies the role of a Creator, who the Bible says “made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them.”—Exodus 20:11; Revelation 10:6.

“You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things.”—Revelation 4:11.
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kentex35 · 100+, M
For a being with no beginning and no end what was the length of a day of creation? 24 hours give or take? Did he use the Julian calendar? Did Moses live eight hundred times 365?
There are no typos or mistakes in the Bible except maybe one. Where he was with some guy and every time they stopped a certain amount of trips were sent home. One time of culling the guy sent home those either that drank water by using one hand to lap it up or two hands to cup the water to the mouth. I'm probably saying it wrong but any way it said he was down to four thousand when most likely it was 40k if you were keeping count.
You are very knowledgeable about scripture in such a way I don't believe you to be the type that just uses what scripture servers their purpose . I love to discuss the Bible with open minded people. If one's ultimate answer is well that's what my preacher says , end of discussion. They are like an ass loaded with books spouting off things they don't understand.
Well that's my two cents worth. It was worth more than 27 dollars and some change before I got old. Humor.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@kentex35 I enjoy reading what you wrote and I don't mean to cut you short, but my eyes are just too blurry right now to write anymore.
kentex35 · 100+, M
@LadyGrace mine were too only opposite my eyes were blurry but it caused dysentery of the oral cavity sort of, to put it crudely.
robb65 · 56-60, M
@kentex35 From at the very least the time of the Exodus the Jewish people used a lunar/solar calendar with the beginning of the month always falling on a new moon and an extra month added as needed to keep the holy days in line with seasons (Passover must always fall at the beginning of the barley harvest with Sukkot being 6 months later at the end of the harvest season).
So while the length of a year varies between 353 and 385 days (depending on how the new moons fall and whether or not it has 12 or 13 months) over a period of about 19 years the length of a year will average out to be the same as a solar year which is 365 days, more or less. So unless the Earth was traveling around the sun at a different speed than it is now 800 years then and now would be the same, give or take a few days.
SledgeHammer · 46-50, M
I think from my personal belief that the big bang kicked off the start of planetary structure where powerful beings evolved of different forms in different planets and where very creative and knowledgable.

Many of which had miraculous powers which were recognized as Gods to the less powerful creatures.

One of these Gods used his knowledge power and created man in its own image and that's the God we know. It is written in much older text before the old testament about these large and giant Gods.

One took the creation of man..


This is
Our God
LadyGrace · 70-79
@SledgeHammer Where did the planetary structure come from and powerful beings? Who made them? Who made the planets? They just magically appeared out of nowhere? Even scientists recognize that there's a point of origin. Things just don't happen by themselves. That wouldn't be a bad idea, however, it doesn't match up with God's Word and God is no liar.
SledgeHammer · 46-50, M
@LadyGrace like I was saying,my "personal belief" says evolution.
These creatures evolved in all the form of science that is directed. No one really has the answer but this makes more sence to me. Going on faith alone is a choice.

Over hundreds or thousands of years the bible has been rewritten/edited where they have removed more that 27 chapters in order to preserve the power of the church.

The way the bible reads now is all put together through faith and they have taken out so much written regarding gods anger. The things/ways God punished .

I'm not saying God didnt exist....
We know there were gods.
And our God was a powerful God who is still alive in faith and prayer..

That's the way I see it..
I may seem wrong to you because your personal belief is faith.

So ..
In closing, both theories happened one before the other because..

Where did God come from?

Did he just magically appear?
Penny · 46-50, F
one thing to rememeber when reading the bible is that it is a story as well as a historical recollection written by men supposedly of God, yes, but "God" has told me stuff too. this does not make them 100% factual
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Penny No. Did you know that God said He will not be mocked?
Penny · 46-50, F
@LadyGrace i'm not mocking God. i am mocking your superstitious belief in the bible. the bible also says to not worship idols and many turn teh bible in to just that. an idol of God.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Penny Well, it may be superstitious to you, but not to me. I don't call out your beliefs and call them superstitious or make fun of them, or downgrade them. That's what's so cool about this world. We can believe anything we want to and that's up to us and not for others to judge.

I can't go along with your statement that followers of Christ worship the Bible. That's never been in our heart to do so. All worship God, reverencing Him, but enjoy living according to God's Word. We feel it is to be honored, because it is God-breathed and The Living Word. But worship it? No. Only God.
Keaten · 36-40, M
I've always wondered about that, how the bible and theory of evolution could be explained.🤔
The "Big Bang" works just fine with the idea that God created the universe in an instant.🤷‍♂️

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