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DACA and advance parole (USA )

Poll - Total Votes: 15
she should have taken her kid with her before crossing back
no one should ever be put in the position she was put in .
illegals are illegals / she does not belong here until she legally does
I am not American and your country is so messed up to even have this situation
DACA should be given residency in most cases this is non-needed red tape
she is very brave and made a very difficult decision
this video made me cry (or tear up )
Other please elaborate
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In the USA DACA (called dreamers) are illegal immigrants that came over to the USA with their family when they were young . Often before the age of 10.

Our government has gone back and forth on giving them legal residency in the USA or kicking the out as illegals.

The video below gives a personal story of a mom who left her legal son in the USA to go backto mexico to get the passport stamp giving her a better status with US immigration but does not guarantee of future deportation.

I kept this as neutral as possible not addressing party lines or ideologies. You are welcome to assert your party lines and ideologies in the comments.

May I ask what country you are from and your thoughts on this? the news source for the record is really neutral --just one mothers personal story of DACA and advance parole.
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PeachyK · 100+, F
USA-east coast here. On paper I am a believer in legal immigration. I also believe our immigration process needs to change to become more accessible for those who desire to come here. All that said, On paper doesn't matter when you are talking about human lives. Where is our compassion and humanity?!? To separate families like this is unconscionable.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Apart from the video being absolutely heartbreaking, the problem as I see it is that the process of becoming a citizen legally as far too complex, time-consuming, and generally difficult. I get the need to screen for terrorists, criminals, and so forth, but somebody who's been in the country since they were 6 months old? How the hell is he a threat? And why the hell should a child who is a legal citizen suffer because their parent committed a misdemeanor?

Yeah. A misdemeanor. Crossing the border illegally is still only a misdemeanor, and people are talking about setting up detention camps for people who've done it. That's how insane the conversation has become.
markinkansas · 61-69, M
thanks this was good.. i copy and pasted this in one of my post .. good find
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Illegal if they don't have to obey the law why should we wash it any of us which is still away with the law and do what we want to do that would be a very interesting Society wouldn't it
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
good to know that I can cross into mexico and rob a bank and get away with it because I wasn't "aware" that it was illegal... 🤔
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@wildbill83 sign me up for that program dude let's handle that business
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MethDozer · M
The USA through policy and intervention created the majority of the problems in Central America these people are trying to escape with their children from. It's the hens coming home to roost.
Some people see " 'mgrants and border jumpers". The rest of us just see scared children in need.
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
Probably roll up your sleeves and work honestly to build your country. When you live like a vulture or coyote picking other peoples scraps and don't take things seriously you'll always be something annoying to be eradicated. A stain or a bad smell that people catch in their nose one too many times and finally do something about. Then you will end up crying like this.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@HobNoblin DACA means they came over here undocumented as a child. "build your own country" may not be applicable in the same way it is for an adult that crossed into the USA undocumented for two reasons

1) they were children when they crossed and build your own country is more of an adult idea not a pre teen idea and

2) many DACA's have not been in Mexico / since they were infants or small childrens and the idea of "their country" may feel foreign to them --as growing up (illegally ) in the USA is the only thing they know.

I was specifically looking at DACA as a subset of illegal immigrants / not the entire population of illegal immigrants
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
[@robertsnj If you're running a proper country, children won't be taken across the border illegally in the first place. It all goes back to scavenging for scraps like vermin vs applying yourself in an honest manner. The problem is the culture south of the border.
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robertsnj · 56-60, M
@Roundandroundwego you forgot to vote in the poll! and you start a thread "does the USA need a boarder wall on the southern border?
@robertsnj I chose other, but it's never a choice to admit that immigration is everyone's right, that's already international law. I'm not in the population, I'm nobody because I am not for wars or violations of rights. It's your country, leftists removed, conservatives and moderates together liars and cheaters who love wars and hate human rights at the border. I'm not starting a thread! I'm the only one left in reality with international law! You have your fictional stuff and your massive wars, the genocide! You really are the country! I'm not!

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