KingofBones1 when you say obey the law,, i am guessing most of them did not realize at that age they were doing an illegal border crossing.
but i think what you are saying (and don't le me get your thoughts wrong) is that when they discovered, at whatever age they were undocumented they should have self-deported at that time and tried to go through the legal process of re-entereing the USA? Am i getting your thoughts correct?
or is more that the USA is not a home for DACA they should go back to where their family came from and stay there?
sidebar your analogy doesn't make any sense but that is ok-analogies may not be your thing:
to elaborate--we have all kinds of laws and we all breatk some of from time time--for example driving the speed limit or having too many drinks at a restaurant (public intoxication)
some laws are mild when there is an infraction small potatoes and some like bodily harm are extreme in terms of infraction. when you say "obey (all) laws given the diverity and sheer number of laws we have the analogy loses value until such time you compare it to specfic laws you think are on par with immigration law and immigration status.