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It's troubling that in the USA while inflation adjusted education spending per student has grown more than 150% since 1970...

-Reading scores have remained unchanged
-Math scores have remained unchanged
-Student aged suicide rates have grown significantly
-Student aged obesity rates have grown significantly

What are we doing wrong?
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TinyViolins · 31-35, M
Cell phone usage is a major distraction in the classroom and also leads to shorter attention spans and decreased mental health, particularly with anxiety and depression. A lot of that may also lead to obesity

The thing is that student test scores and academic achievements were rising up until about 2013, when sites like Twitter and Instagram were peaking and smart phones had reached market dominance.

Is it causation or correlation? My guess would be it's closer to the former.

Social media algorithms are poison
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Off the top of my head:

- Doing anything with computers increases costs
- Schools have way more security now
- Accessibility improvements
- High school sports becoming bigger and bigger all the time

None of these have anything to do with quality of education and I bet some things which could affect quality of education (say, working conditions for teachers) aren't part of that cost inflation.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
I could not say as I do not live in America but suggest perhaps asking:

What was the USA's average inflation-adjusted rise in public-services costs generally in that 54 years?

Are you seeing that rise in teachers' salaries, school buildings overheads, educational-materials prices and other support costs; but no change since 1970 in subjects, examinations, teaching methods and materials, and expected academic levels?

For static curriculae, syllabi and tutorial methods might explain the two academic measurements staying static; but not the pupils' personal problems. If those are social and pastoral matters heavily linked to external factors - are the teachers helped to try to help such pupils?
1. Parental issues .. lower focus and involvement in their childs education .. ensuring the kid does the work and is held accoutable
2. Too much focus on teaching social issues in the classroom and not enough on reading, math and science
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Well we might be able to find out if the representatives of congress were allowed to enter the department of education instead of being blocked at the entrance by private security
@KingofBones1 I'm not fond of the manner either in many instances .. but the problems are there and need to be drug out in the open
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@BrandNewMan what they need to do is they need to do the surgeries with a scalpel and not an axe see unfortunately when we have what's called knee-jerk reactions that's never good for anyone well we need to do is sit down and devise an effective strategy for eliminating waste and curbing fraud without destroying the lives of the people who really need to help and Assistance or that the money is doing good for it's kind of like the old adage you don't cure a headache by chopping off the head
@KingofBones1 I hear you and agree to an extent
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Actually reading and math scores declined
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