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I Hate Americans And Anyone Who Supports The Usa

Controversial time.

The title is actually a little over the top. I don't hate Americans. I don't even dislike all of them, but my God, you really do make it so hard to like you at all.

Case in point. Ryan Lochte. Before you all start making the point that this is just one example, it really does highlight an important social trait of American society which is quite evident.

Obnoxious, loud, arrogant with a huge sense of entitlement and a major superiority complex.

Is there anything worse than watching them chant U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A in the background of political rallies and other 'patriotic' events?

What's wrong with displaying a little modesty and helping to make the world a better place without having an interfering foreign policy that involves bombs?

I really need to sit down and write multiple posts about what's wrong with the USA, but I'll see how this one turns out before I go any further.
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hami1091 · 41-45, F
🇺🇸USA USA USA!!!🇺🇸

I hope you have as much pride in your country, as I have in my mine.
AvGeek · 31-35, M
Hami - That's healthy pride right there👍🏼. Hardly the over exaggerated low self esteem compensating variety.

I'm proud with you!!!!
AvGeek · 31-35, M
Mustang - Luv it! You represent two more all-Americans that we can be proud of - The Iconic Ford Mustang and the beautiful horse it was named after👍🏼
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Foreboding · 31-35, M
I'm laughing so hard. You are completely ignorant of anything that happened during that time. Well done RMG. Proved everything I already believed.
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Foreboding · 31-35, M
I'm sorry, I forgot that the British had repelled Germany's invasion attempt under Operation Sea Lion and were completely in the driving seat after defeating the Luftwaffe, but hey, don't let facts get in the way of your narrative. You keep telling yourself that without the USA Britain would have lost, because we had already been conquered long before you joined the war right? Where did the USA launch D-Day from again? Oh, that little conquered island in RMG's revised history outlook.

You can't keep making unsubstantiated comments and then not back them up with any actual facts. Now you're running because you've got no real argument of value.
lov2smile · 36-40, F
Wow, So full of hatred.... or is it jealousy?

It is better to be envied than the one who envies... and that is you, little boy

Excuse me if I can no longer read this jaded child's rants
Foreboding · 31-35, M
Oh dear, insinuating that a certain allegiance to a political entity makes you a certain mindset. I suppose you must be a Republican moron then?

he's kinda right...they talk too much and mostly it's just fucking b.s

it's hard to tolerate self righteous, narcissistic, ignorant fucktards :)
Foreboding · 31-35, M
My God, thank you.

People have taken this as some kind of deadly attack on the constitution. I'm surprised they haven't already started shouting about gun ownership and how weekly massacres are a god given right.

Ironically, those proclaiming that my comments are the words of a child should perhaps look at the thing they cherish so much, the constitution. First Amendment guarantees my right to say whatever I like.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
I do want to respond here and I promise you a thoughtful and respectful dialog. But first I need to put your thoughts into context. Where are you from?
Foreboding · 31-35, M
@sarabee1995: Hi sarabee1995,

I had a very brief look on your profile before coming on here to reply to you. I saw your resumé, and I thought that your response would be worth responding to. Fortunately, unlike 99% of the others on here, it is. So here we go.

NATO doesn't really mean anything. It's an organisation in name only. Turkey and Greece have been at loggerheads for decades, which include skirmishes and aircraft frequently engaged and shot down. If member states can't even play nice with each other, then I doubt they'd do anything if a Russian tank rolled across the border. However, saying that, it certainly isn't a requirement for member states to like each other. Had The Ukraine been a part of NATO, do you think Europe/USA would have stood idly by and watched it happen or engaged them? It's a tough one to answer, but my gut tells me that we wouldn't have engaged militarily. Geopolitics and defence also happen to be some of my areas of expertise. NATO is the USA. Without their say so, no-one would do anything.

I've been seeing the chants frequently on various media. It tends to happen at political rallies, both Clinton and Trump. I've even seen a video of it at one of Bernie's which surprised me.

It is certainly a common occurrence at sporting events, but why is it that only the USA are culpable of this behaviour? No-one else has the same over the top in your face support as other nations whilst maintaining intense levels of arrogance. To me, it's a really interesting social trait and I like delving into the psychology behind it. It's fine to take pride in something good your country has achieved. It's fine to support your team with chants. It's fine to get behind a sportsman/woman/team. What's completely bizarre is the way some Americans seem to go about it. There's never any modesty. There's never any attempt to sit back and enjoy the spectacle without having to be as loud as possible to establish dominance over the rest of the crowd. It wreaks of small man syndrome.

I did add the caveat in multiple posts that the traits I describe are not indicative of everyone who lives in the USA, but it is something that keeps on appearing.

Precision guided munitions are merely a facade. Defence companies market them as being able to hit a needle in a haystack, but believe me when I say that this is not completely the case. Damage limitation weapons have less of an explosive footprint, but still have to be aimed at the 'right' targets. Saudi Arabia have been using them left right and centre in places like Yemen and have shown no regard for civilians. Even the coalition of Western nations, whilst showing more restraint, have still been guilty of hitting civilians multiple times.

Just one more point on that subject quickly before I sign off. Defence companies use the premise of limited civilian casualties as a smoke screen for government investment into their company. They don't actually care how many of them die so long as their pockets are lined. The American government, and other foreign governments, also don't particularly care about the average human on the ground. So long as people are still employed by the defence machine, they'll continue to throw money at it.
Foreboding · 31-35, M
@sarabee1995: Come on Sara. Don't lament me for taking ages to reply and then not do so yourself.

Tick tock tick tock.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Foreboding: Sorry! I never saw the notification of your response and figured you had scurried away, tail between legs. ;-) Thanks for poking me. :-)

If Ukraine (not "The" Ukraine) were a member of NATO, then NATO troops, tanks, and other equipment would have been pre-positioned on its eastern border as you see now in the Baltics and other frontier states. And yes, I do believe the USA and European member states would respond militarily to any incursion into NATO territory. We can agree to disagree on that and hopefully we will never find out.

Let's agree that sports fans everywhere are sometimes too enthusiastic for the less ebullient among us. I've seen reports of crowds gone wild in England as well as cities on this side of the pond. I don't understand it and won't defend it, but neither will I criticize it. If that is their thing, then fine. I'll watch on TV at home if the event is of interest.

As for national pride, this is a different issue and one that, to an extent, we can also agree on. Trump's campaign (and Clinton's to a much lesser extent) is fueling nationalism. I do love my country and I'm proud to be an American as I hope you are proud of your country's rich history and accomplishments.

But nationalism can be taken too far as Europe knows all too well. Perhaps this is why you are more cognizant of its outward signs than most Americans? I honestly don't know if the campaigns have gone too far in stoking American pride and my only bases for comparison come from text books.

I don't think it is reason to hate America or Americans because those you see at political rallies are a VERY small slice of the country and not a representative one.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
I guessing you don't realize how many times/how much aid the US has put out over the years....... your description described out leader, not the people here.
Foreboding · 31-35, M
The USA has indeed put out a lot of aid. Pray tell, what the comparison is between aid spent, and the money spent on foreign interventions which achieved nothing.
Northwest · M
I see that foreboding has deleted one of my responses. Shows the type of person he is.

Hey, Foreboding, as a reply to your WWII nonsense, the decision to get involved, was not really a straightforward one for us.

The extent of Hitler's extermination program, was not really well known at that point, and we are a nation of immigrants, some from Ireland, France and Germany. Our pre WWII Ambassador to the British Court, was Joseph Kennedy, whose grandparents, came from a country that was occupied by the British. As far as we were concerned, we had a couple of European powers, who were enslaving continents (the UK more than France, but...), and yet, they were demanding that we helping them liberate themselves, from an aggressor.
Yeah..we don't like you either

Foreboding · 31-35, M
Where did I say I didn't like all Americans?

Classic American, failing to read correctly.'re one of the one's I don't like

A couple of those Brits are ok 😂
lov2smile · 36-40, F

You have a very appropriate avatar.
Foreboding · 31-35, M
lov2smile, I have taken a brief look at your profile. We are not going to see eye to eye on this matter, but, if you want to talk to me properly about it like some of the other posters have on here, you can. However, if all you have are little digs then I'll happily block you.
Dewkissedrose · 46-50, F
Yes, I always judge an entire country by one person too.
Foreboding · 31-35, M
Dewkiss, that's a really decent post, thank you. I have donated you one heart for your comment as it's the best one on here by a country mile.

I feel like I've perhaps been a little unfair in singling out the USA. Of course there are a plethora of cultural oddities around the world which really annoy me. Female/Male Genital Mutilation, Vuvuzelas at the South African Football World Cup (that's real football, not the American one!), the lack of ketchup served at some McDonalds abroad, and naturally about a million things that annoy me in my own country too.

But as you inferred, without these differences, the world would be a much more boring place. It's absolutely fine to celebrate and have different identities between country to country, but I suppose my real problem is that no-one else quite seems to have the in your face energy the USA does.
Dewkissedrose · 46-50, F
Thanks for the candid dialogue. :)

Also, as I used to love to play soccer.... I do wish we called it football as that makes more sense. ;)
Foreboding · 31-35, M
This is probably for a different conversation, but the USA does have a brilliant female football set up. Many of the top female footballers show a desire to ply their trade over there at some point. Women's football is getting bigger in this country but it won't ever be on the same level popularity wise as the male equivalent which is a shame.

Male football in Europe is fraught with play acting, diving and overpaid prima-donnas that couldn't care less about winning if it meant they could get home earlier and go on their 5* holiday to The Bahamas. Women's football can't match the money or the glitz of the male game, but if you want to actually see people playing with heart and passion then the women's game is where it's at.
Northwest · M
The "ugly American" stereotype, used to be more prevelant, when white trash discovered airplanes.

We also had a shameful period of disastrous foreign policy, supplemented by bombs. Prior to that, the blood of 500,000+ of our men and women, was spilled in defense of freedom. More recently, we've been trying to fire, only in self defense.

The Trump, never apologize for nothing, movement, is alarming, but I don't think he will win.

As an aside, we've been the largest supplier of humanitarian aid, and we still air. You can argue that our military aid, is not dispensed wisely, but that's part of the world we live in.

... And where might you come from?
Northwest · M
The most recent action that destroyed the Middle East, and destabilized the world, was a partnership between the US and the UK. So, I have to ask you? what did the Middle East and various Islamic nations do to the UK? Countries, that BTW, were ripped off their natural resources, by European colonialism.

You're from a country, that, along with France, was the genesis of the shitty situation the world is in today. So, how about, at a minimum, acknowledging that, before you start lecturing us about how bad we are? Or do you need help? Here's a short list:

India -> Pakistan -> Bangladesh
Near East / Middle East

Perhaps you'd also like me to post some of Prince Harry's videos, from Vegas for instance?
Foreboding · 31-35, M
You don't have a single clue what you're talking about. Let me take you through your post bit by bit and highlight every single part that's wrong so you can gain a better understanding of the world.

I see that you've decided to not answer my question regarding why the USA felt the need to get involved in the Middle East. I suspect that's probably because you can't. The fact that the UK decided to tag along is irrelevant. I'm fully aware that the UK, as well as the other coalition of nations, are almost as equally as guilty as you are. European Colonialism happened centuries ago. Ancient civilisations from the Middle East also conquered parts of Europe. That's how the world worked back then. Now that we have the United Nations, land borders are generally respected, and when they aren't, sanctions are introduced whether they be economic or militarily enforced.

Your next point is verging on the insane. Tell me exactly how French/British intervention around the world is responsible for the mess in some countries today. You won't be able to though, because you just made it up.

India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. So, all of those are in the worlds top 50 GDP nations with India being in the top 10. Oh dear, poor old them. So you're saying that nations that were really, really poor, corrupt and destitute before the Empire anyway are now worse off than before? So awful of us to give away their independence more than half a century ago. So awful that they then decided to fight on their own with no influence from the Empire. The problems that they're experiencing have nothing to do with colonial rule.

Africa. That's it. Just, 'Africa'. Firstly, France and Britain didn't even own all of Africa. Secondly, I don't even get the point you're trying to make. Are you inferring that Africa was this utopia where everyone got along happily or are you just going to ignore that tribal warfare killed people in the thousands long before the evil British and French, and Spanish, and German, and Italian, and Dutch, and Portuguese.... landed ashore.

Near East/Middle East. What the point is in replying to you I just don't know. The nations there have become prosperous due part in large to the help in managing to extract the vital resources from under the ground. Britain hasn't been receiving any profit from those extracts in more than 60 years. So how are we responsible for any trouble there now?

Come on, tell me exactly how Prince Harry is relevant here.

You completely ignored my previous message to you and went on the defensive with a load of rubbish points which have no relevance.

Try again. Actually don't, because you're embarrassing yourself.
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LOL.. since joining SW I have really seen how arrogant many outsiders can be.
Foreboding · 31-35, M
Then why don't you engage with me and try to learn about the outside world. I know ignorance is your thing, but I'm willing to educate you.
That's okay.. I'll pass. Thanks anyway.
AvGeek · 31-35, M
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Foreboding · 31-35, M
Obviously. I'd need my own website to dedicate enough posts to describing the faults of every nation on this planet, but the USA definitely takes the biscuit.
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who is going to feed your sorry ass,,
Foreboding · 31-35, M
Really? Don't you realise that what you said absolutely proves all of my points concurrently?

Congratulations, making America look even dumber by the minute.
Goralski · 56-60, M
Believe me alot of people are Fuckin sick of all these regime changes and probably most wanna get d Fuck out d middle east ...USA USA USA
Foreboding · 31-35, M
Thanks for this Goralski. Proving my point with gusto, thank you.

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