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War The Scourge of Man

The Crisis in Israel has begun to manifest into a major turning point for more aggressive actions not only by Humas but in Ukraine with the United States backing continues to antagonize Russia into exasperating the already horrific conflict. When we add up what is already occurring in the Mid-East, in Europe with the tensions mounting in Southeast Asia the world is now just a step away from turning into a global inferno. It is time we recognize the failing of the United Nations. For they are the peacekeepers that should have intervened first in Ukraine well before Russia even contemplated armed aggression. Sadly, though the UN is only as effective when the supporting nations combine in peacekeeping efforts through-out the world. We would be wise to reconsider how global peace can become a reality.

"War the most malignant scourge of mankind." General Douglas MacArtther. He was and still is right. Ever since the dawn of man countless wars, armed aggressions, and atrocities against fellow man have plagued civilizations. History is full of countless battles that determine outcomes of countries destinies. The Battle of Waterloo in 1815 is probably the most significant in that the outcome forever changed the course of history.

Today a global catastrophe of epic proportions is already happening. From the constant turmoil in countries of Ukraine, Africa, the drug cartels in Central America, the rampant kidnappings in Mexico, the violence in Israel, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and the threat of nuclear aggression from the leaders of North Korea, The world is more volatile than in any time in recent history. The United States in its failure to ratify the League of Nations following World War I fueled the flames for Hitlers rise in Germany which led to World War II. The United Nations since its formation following World War II has done very little in curbing the horrific tragedies that have plagued countries all over the world. The United States has been failing to achieve the stature that was and to this day still expected in the eyes of the rest of the world to ward off any aggression of any country or terrorist group.

The argument of a superior military presence of one country is a valid one where the greatest deterrent against any armed aggression of any country or group is the real threat of total annihilation. Today the world is more violent, destructive, and more complex. The civility among nations except for a few, there is none. In most parts of the world dignity, compassion, humility, and humanity have yet to be of prominent importance in the governing of nations. Mans inhumanity to man is so rampant that any attempt today to stop the insanity is almost futile. This is why the United States must initiate more authority for the United Nations in solving the many crises around the world. The failure of the UN has been the constant lack of real support by countries and the go it alone approach in the United States foreign policy from the Bush Administration thru the Biden's

Now the real problem in attaining a lasting global peace is that most countries governments are faulty. In that corruption of any form destroys any government no matter how well intended it is, and furthermore pervasive honesty is vital for the success of any democracy. Morality is basic for any and all laws to be effective and a strong moral society is necessary for any government to succeed. It has taken centuries to rid the concept of the divine rights of Kings now it is time to rid of the divine rights of governments in order to restore sensitivity, humanity and humility to societies. When anarchy prevails in places like Somalia human rights are non-existent and the horrific suffering of people continues to spread causing a continuing escalation of more violence. The only recourse is for the United Nations to form a coalition force is stop the spread of anarchy and restore order to those countries who continue to violate basic human rights.

This time the United Nations must have the real backing of the United States, Germany, France, China, Japan, Australia, Canada, Russia, England, Mexico and Spain to start to ease the suffering of peoples of countries whose own governments or lack of governments prohibit human rights. With these countries commitment to the United Nations the UN will have the authority and the capabilities to strive for global coexistence between nations and to thwart countries from using armed aggression against one another.

With the United Nations backing any governments success depends on whether it is the clear choice of the people, the citizens, the majority must be charitable, they must have a military and a diplomatic policy of and for defense only, there has to be a reasonable distribution of wealth, and any government will be considered negligent if it denies or does not provide the means for earning a living for all who want to work. Right now, the United States government is guilty of not following through on most of these policies and the success of all Americans is very limited.

There are five fundamental moral rules that must be followed by the leaders of countries and the citizens have to be concerned enough to speak up and demand that governments follow them. "Only an educated and participating population can democracy thrive and prosper." 1. The United Nations must have a mutual defense pact and a firm resolve by all countries to join together to repeal aggression and restore human rights in countries that oppose and suppress them. 2. Citizens must withdraw support from any leader or country that violates or condones armed assault. 3. Nations must have adequate defense forces to prevent aggression and to repel any armed assaults. 4. Governments must realize that no person has the right commit violence against another for any reason except if it is unavoidable to protect human life or nations borders. 5. Capital punishment must be abolished and replaced with life imprisonment instead. These fundamental moral rules have to be the basis to build a foundation for lasting global peace. To do nothing or ignore is paramount and a prelude to Armageddon.
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newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
antagonise russia?
Are you serious?
The barbarians initiated a genocidal war by invading Ukraine in order to steal everything (especially toilets and washing machines) and destroy the population.
Beforehand, putin lied and lied... now lying lavrov does most of it for him.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
one couple's little restaurant

It didn't take long for you to arrive at: "some of my best friends are Ukrainian"

How long before we hear that you didn't know what was really going on and that you were just following orders?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@NativePortlander1970 I know what putin's tactic of divide-and-conquer is.

Split the country into artificial 'regions' and start eating those chunks one by one.

In Ukraine, he choked, and now he can't breathe.

скоро будет! 😀
@newjaninev2 Sure, uh huh, ok, whatever you say 🙄
with the United States backing continues to antagonize Russia into exasperating the already horrific conflict.

Shall we just pretend that Russia and Ukraine and the US never signed the the 1994 Budapest Memorandum?

Shall we just ignore that in 2009, Russia and the U.S. announced that the assurances in the Budapest Memorandum would continue to remain in effect in the future?
Bumbles · 51-55, M
The United Nations is only good at humanitarian aide. Otherwise it doesn't do anything. Veto power of the "major powers" makes it impotent.
ArtieKat · M
@Bumbles Absolutely.
ArtieKat · M
Have you written to Putin to tell him? Russia guaranteed the security of Ukraine in 1994 alongside the US, the UK and Ukraine itself as signatories to the NPT in Budapest
@ArtieKat Absolutely. Just to add some detail, there's a three-way treaty known as the 1994 Budapest Memorandum.

Essentially, Ukraine agreed to give up all its nuclear weapons to Russia in exchange for safety from a U.S. or Russian invasion. Russia's invasion of Ukraine violates that treaty. And as a signatory to that 1994 Budapest Memorandum, the U.S. has a definite interest in righting Putin's current wrongs.

In the final version of the deal, Russia promised not to attack Ukraine. While the U.S. and the U.K. assured Ukraine they would aid if it was attacked by Russia, that promised aid did not guarantee military support like a NATO country would receive.

In 2009, Russia and the U.S. announced that the assurances in the Budapest Memorandum would continue to remain in effect in the future.

Russia promised specifically NOT to invade Ukraine, and the U.S. promised specifically to ASSIST Ukraine if the treaty were ever violated. And that's what the U.S. is doing now.
KiwiBird · 36-40, F

The term "humas" does not have a recognized general definition in English.

[Do you mean Hommus?

Hummus, also spelled hommus or houmous, is a Middle Eastern dip, spread, or savory dish made from cooked, mashed chickpeas blended with tahini, lemon juice, and garlic. The standard garnish in the Middle East includes olive oil, a few whole chickpeas, parsley, and paprika

Maybe you mean Hamas

They won't exist for much longer...and the Gaza Strip might cease to exist as well.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

Actually, it's the ayatollahs in Iran that should cease to exist. Their fascist theocracy is behind this attack by Hamas.
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
@Thinkerbell Sadly yes.....although I doubt Israel will attack Iran directly.
@Thinkerbell As well as Jordan and Egypt.
Should have held bush, Blair, Howard responsible for 1M dead Iraqis on the premise that there was WMDs…
That never existed.
Now the war machine is emboldened and unstoppable
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Read the book, "The Bomb in my Garden" . It was written by one of Saddam's scientists. It's true that Saddam didn't have a working nuclear weapon, but he was working on it! Saddam claimed he had one, and so did several European intelligence agencies including Interpol. And all the Western leaders believed it. So, Saddam didn`t really have a nuclear weapon , but he would have eventually. Also, he did have chemical weapons and did use them on a fairly large scale. Don't they count as WMD's?
@fanuc2013 opens up a whole new bag of worms..
we didn’t want Saddam to have nukes but we’re feeding Iran
( the worlds biggest terrorist funding state) money and a fast track to owning nuke bombs?

Sounds like spin to me… just sayin
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout I'm just saying, he was working on nuclear weapons , definitely had chemical weapons , and a very large army with millions of tons of ammunition. He took over a weaker neighboring country, gambling that the world wouldn't do anything about it. Then after that dust settled he would have taken over his next target, etc. etc. Now, Iran needs to be neutralized, but that won't be easy.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
1 - defense pacts start wars, not prevent them

2 - every leader of every country is guilty of that, they use government agencies to persecute civilians, then claim it's for their own good/to preserve government

3 - if two world wars & the cold war wasn't enough to teach Europe the importance of maintaining a strong military, nothing will. Without the US's powerful military and military/nato funding, Europe would collapse like a wet brown paper bag...

4 - that will always be subjective, greedy/corrupt leaders perpetually commit violence against others under the guise of defense

5 - prisons/prisoners cost money to maintain, and as evidenced by the current justice system, does absolutely nothing to deter future crimes. Capital punishment is necessary; It's foolish to waste resources on criminals who've abandoned their humanity when it could be better allocated to preserving humanity.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Like no one saw this coming😏
graphite · 61-69, M
It's Putin's birthday today. 71
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Is Russia attacking yet another country
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@smileylovesgaming no but US is sponsoring a war it has no business in.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Actually, it's the ayatollahs in Iran that should cease to exist. Their fascist theocracy is behind this attack by Hamas.

If Iran doesn't have a couple dozen nukes ready to go, they are stupid beyond belief.

Did Hamas get all of those thousands of rockets from the corner ammo depot? Ukraine should use their supplier.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

Kim Jong Un couldn't agree more.
@Thinkerbell What a vile, idiotic cocksmoker he is! 😠

Bidet Biden in case nobody figured it out 😠
Diotrephes · 70-79, M

If you want world peace then be prepared to kill all of your immediate enemies as well as others that might cause trouble in the future. That is biblical doctrine.

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