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Waiting Patients are now waiting beside Patients Beds in NHS Hospitals

I know patients waiting to be admitted have hours to wait in corridors of hospitals but this is going too far, surely.

Patients are dying in corridors and pregnant women are miscarrying in side rooms as overwhelmed hospitals struggle to cope, nurses say.

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) said evidence provided by more than 5,000 of its members across the UK this winter also showed cupboards, car parks, bathrooms and nursing stations were being turned into makeshift areas for patients.

Nurses warned such practices put patients at risk as staff were unable to access vital equipment such as oxygen, heart monitors and suction equipment, and did not have the time and space to provide CPR.

Health Secretary Wes Streeting said he agreed the problems should not be tolerated, but laid the blame on the previous government.

However, RCN general secretary Prof Nicola Ranger said the findings should act as a "wake-up call" to Labour.

"Patients are being stripped of their dignity and lives put at risk," she said.

Peter Towndrow fell ill on the night of 4 December, but despite his wife Caroline calling an ambulance at 06:00 GMT the next day, he did not get to hospital until his son drove him in at 21:00.

His condition deteriorated in hospital and he died on 7 December after eventually being diagnosed with sepsis.

The Welsh Ambulance Service said poor ambulance response times were a symptom of broader system-wide pressures.

My eye-opening day at overrun A&E department
1 day ago
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When my wife's family go to hospital, it has always been a mess. The NHS really needs fixing.
Maybe they can work in teams to heal each other.
Conservatives and moderates in all Western nations embraced austerity and war while eliminating us leftists from their politics. The US, the UK, Canada France, Italy and Germany are exactly the same, austerity war countries. As a Leftist I understand your problem in the West*! Sadly you hate the leftists more than anything and so everything stinks, and war is back,! You got this! Gahead.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
I guess that's better than waiting days or weeks for authorization from an insurance company.

Free Luigi!
senghenydd · M
@Crazywaterspring There's the National Health Service (NHS) which is available for everyone living in the UK and there's the Private Health scheme called Bupa which individuals pay into here in the UK, we don't as far as I know have Insurance company run medical schemes here.

Sadly the NHS is currently letting lots of patients down at the moment, I've put a joke cartoon here however the truth is it's really happening it's far from being funny.
thisguy20 · 41-45, M
The problem with NHS is that the system was sized for a population +/- 10% smaller than the actual population and a population which is younger and healthier than the actual population.
senghenydd · M
@thisguy20 Something must be done we are living longer or should be with proper healthcare.
At least it free right 😂
senghenydd · M
@Onestarlitnight It's no good if they don't catch for example Cancer in time, yes it's if you are prepared to be treated poorly and meet up with some not so good medical staff now and then.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
Couldn't they just commandeer a hotel?
senghenydd · M
@JoyfulSilence I find your story very interesting because I've had Bowel problems myself like yourself, nowadays I receive a bowel testing kit and send off a sample to be tested my last test only a few months ago was ok what a relief.

That Doctor I was complaining about never tested my blood he let three years past by, if I had Cancer I wouldn't be here today, he told me I was a nuisance this was the third time I'd visited the surgery in three years I suppose I took a gamble by not going ahead and having my bowel removed it paid off in my case.

I had eleven Polyps which surgery .sorted I've never forgot that Hospital which fixed my problem they took that pain and discomfort away.

I hope in your case you'll be as successful as I have been.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M

So sorry for your suffering, and I'm glad it got better with treatment.

In my case I felt OK, just constipated.

During my colonoscopy the doctor lasered abnormal blood vessels, or something. I saw a before and after photo. He suggested that is why I had failed the colon cancer test. It detects blood and abnormal DNA. All I had was the blood. But I never noticed it in my stool. So it was slight.
senghenydd · M
@JoyfulSilence All I can say with my experience is if there is any doubt obtain a second opinion, I left it three years if I had Cancer it would of been too late, next time I run into problems I'll deal with it quicker. (I do have private health checks nowadays I've learned to not take life for granted).
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Why is the UK health system so messed up? Is it because its a welfare system?
senghenydd · M
@Longpatrol It's messed up, I suspect it's underfunded too many patients and not enough Hospitals.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@Longpatrol It's not especially messed up. It works more or less well most of the time. Key health outcomes are comparable with those of other advanced nations (and much better than those of the USA). But our political class has sold the illusion of European standard healthcare with American standard taxes, with the result that primary healthcare and some critical hospital services are dangerously underfunded.
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Nitedoc · 51-55, M
That's government run healthcare for you!
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
Just privatise the heath system, get rid of the NHS system.
senghenydd · M
@Justenjoyit I disagree, there is already a private health scheme in the UK called BUPA, no the answer is simply improve the NHS which simply means we need more Hospitals and more staff to run them.

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