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MadraLaska · 31-35, F
They shoot me in the foot with it! I have friends who move to the UK to work and some times I will think I wish to do this when there is the chance, for now this is difficult to do
@MadraLaska I can empathise with you. I hope you get through all the red tape

Murmurs · 31-35, F
The foot-shooting was less in voting to leave, and more in electing a cohort of cackhanded swaggering semigonads to run the country while negotiating the withdrawal.

Brexit didn't need to be terrible. We got one because we (well, other people :P ) voted for terrible MPs
@Murmurs maybe it was more like blowing your legs off..
firefall · 61-69, M
@Murmurs I disagree, Brexit was always going to be terrible. OF course, the dolts in charge at the time made it just that much worse
Murmurs · 31-35, F
@firefall yeah I suppose I meant it need have been only slightly terrible...
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Anytime you can free yourself from globalist control, it's a good idea. Globalism is the most vile ideology ever created.

It's a destroyer of independent and sovereign nations and the precursor to the new beast system and world government. It's communism on steroids. This vile ideology is demolishing western civilization as we speak.

The problem with Brexit is that nobody knows if it truly happened, Great Britain still seems connected at the hip to the globalist agenda, which is anti freedom, anti privacy. It is a de-growth climate cult and open border policy leviathan.

The UK, US and other western nations are in the midst of national suicide. The war in Ukraine has exposed NATO for the paper tiger it has become.

Pray hard, because the world is a powder keg right now being controlled by technocratic leftist communist misfits who hate independent and sovereign nations. World tyranny is their ultimate goal and end game.

Placing control in the CCP's hands and shifting power to the Asian countries is what is happening. Social credit scores, 15 minute cities and a menu of bugs will become the new normal if the current flow of geopolitics is not drastically reversed. It starts with an aware citizenry which values critical thinking, common sense, freedom and the sustainability of a vibrant middle class.
@SunshineGirl Brussels doesn't have to play fair. Britain left the Eu and now they are suffering the results
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@Zenbra I agree, but these are now the mainstream complaints of those who think Brexit has been betrayed.
@SunshineGirl Agreed
DaveE54 · 51-55, M
The majority were swayed by lies and the decision to ignore common sense. I voted to remain but unfortunately not enough sensible heads did
@DaveE54 yes, youtube has so many issues for people, fishermen, the car industry..etc
DaveE54 · 51-55, M
@Zenbra as murmurs said it was handled by bullshit merchants and xenophobic idiots. Without any real ideas on sustainability.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@DaveE54 what are the benefits of remaining in the EU
GLITTER · 36-40, F
People voted to leave because they’re idiots. Not me though
@GLITTER it was a real tragedy I think
GLITTER · 36-40, F
@Zenbra the tragedy is that it’s 7 years later and the same idiots still are trying to defend it as a good idea. I take my hat off to those who actually have seen sense and been like I don’t think I made the right choice
@GLITTER i agree 100%
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Yes. It was the culmination of a long running and ridiculous internal conflict within the ruling Conservative party. There was a terrible lack of political leadership and complete absence of honesty throughout the referendum campaign. But in the final instance the British people have only themselves to blame for this mess 😔 It was the same sense of humour and lack of attention to detail that brought Boris Johnson to power. This is no longer funny and a majority of us would like to return, thank you very much. I have obtained a Polish passport through my mother's heritage to allow me to continue to enjoy the benefits of free movement. But I sonetimes worry that if I leave my country I will not be allowed back in 😟
Ilovebustyladies · 51-55, M
Best choice we did leaving the EU
@Ilovebustyladies you were never in. You need independance to function. The british immigrants rely on their health and pensions to survive living there. That will stop soon according to British parliament. There are no french immigrants of Eu looking for work in Britain. Those days have gone. Britain can trade with who they a cost. SO good luck being on your own in a world economy and good luck queuing at the non Eu isle at the
Ilovebustyladies · 51-55, M
@Zenbra but that’s good not having any French immingrants in the UK less for us to house, if the french used there boarders properly they would not have all those refugees trying to get to the UK, they would be sending back home again not just losing them to uk boarder control,
@Ilovebustyladies French People were never depending on English land to inhabit. Have a happy Brexit
Barny52 · 56-60, M
It’s all Nigel Farages fault
@PSuss1 So how about the question? Did the British people shoot themselves in the foot?
Barny52 · 56-60, M
@Zenbra yes both feet its madness
@Barny52 true
@ididntknow I'm not unemployed if that's what you mean? what has that got to do with anything ?
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@Zenbra more workers less pay, less workers more pay, the law of supply and demand, economics
@ididntknow Britain with stock only for Britain. Cannot export . Lots of stock. only Britain to buy it,price rises. supply too high , not enough demand. Bad economics
firefall · 61-69, M
For sure. In both feet, really.
72andy · 51-55, M
There certainly has been some short term pain
Invites to stay, and hate that we are not free to travel now.

But then again. The EU is racking up dept pretty fast, someone is going to need to pay for it all
@72andy my guess is the Eu is doing fine
2cool4school · 46-50, F
Their foot, their problem.
@2cool4school I guess you're
2cool4school · 46-50, F
@Zenbra for better or worse I guess this time I am.
PSuss1 · 51-55, M
@2cool4school definitely for worse 😪 The majority of people I know who voted Remain (including myself) were willing to give it a chance, despite our worst fears. Unfortunately history has proved that life outside of the Single Market is every bit as painful as expected.

Ironic that the majority of people who lived through the "everything's a bit shit" 70s, and our position as the Sick Man of Europe never educated themselves as to why we were able to climb out of the gutter and shrug off that label (clue: the Single Market) 🤷‍♂️
Nimbus · M
The evidence is there!

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