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Yeonmi Park, a North Korean Defector, attended Columbia University in the USA, where she was taught the EXACT SAME THINGS they teach in North Korea!

Columbia University NOW teaches that the ONLY thing that will save American is a COMMUNIST REVOLUTION.
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Confined · 56-60, M Best Comment
If its true, then the school needs to be closed, and they need to be charged with Treason.
4meAndyou · F
@Confined THIS government is filled with woke commies, so I doubt very much they will charge anyone with treason. Inciting revolution...yes.
bhatjc · 46-50, M
@4meAndyou You have a good point. There is a law school being sued by the heirs of the law school. Because the school dropped the founders name off the building. You go woke you go Broke

when it comes to learning about communism, i learn less from Ivy League blowhards and alot more from the people who actually lived in communist countries.
I hope she asked for her money back.
bhatjc · 46-50, M
Till that school looses more money
Yuri bezmenov tried to warn us..
Soviet defector..
We've been experiencing a communist death by paper cut in the US for decades.

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