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I Love Greece

He was born in Greece and came to the USA at six months, and he was diabetic and schizophrenic too... So he got deported to IRAQ where his whole family knew he wouldn't survive.

And they were right.



The orange monster and the fascist USA THRIVES on the kind of powerlessness and apathy seen here.
Slade · 56-60, MVIP
If he was Greek or Anerican how could he be deported to Iraq? How can you square that circle?

You seem delightful. A living doll.
chrisCA · M
It was a death sentence for that man.
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CoffeeFirst · 56-60, F
At this point, the Right should be questioning their leader. If they don't, I question their morality and judgement.
Platoscave · F
@CoffeeFirst thank u
ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
I heard about that yesterday. So, so sad and so wrong! It made me angry.
Hairy · 51-55, T
@CoffeeFirst I know, right? But they're not.

My mother proudly told me that she was "a deplorable" right after the cheeto won. I was appalled. I said, "you're backing a man who grabs pussies and reads Mein Kampf before bed." She just shrugged.

They follow him blindly. I don't get this lemming mentality.
CoffeeFirst · 56-60, F
@Hairy I don't get it either. We just met our daughter's bf's grandparents. Lovely people. But after a while, talking about Stephen King, who is from Maine like they are, the man started going off MAGA-style. So angry, and no, we really do not want to know why. So we will not be talking about politics with them.
Silenvoices · 41-45, M
America was Dream land in past now the people who are in Power making it very difficult for people to dream about USA. Wish good days for whole American come soon.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
I totally horrible story
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
[image deleted]
Platoscave · F
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
What are you saying, "they were right" to deport him, or that he would die if deported?
SmartKat · 56-60, F
Republicans gave us this.
Platoscave · F
@SmartKat I know. Thank you Kat.

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