exexec · 70-79, C
I would love to see your snowman as I enjoy our 80 degree heat down here. My wife wants snow for Christmas.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Going to be just across the lake in NW Ohio at the end of the week. Hoping to get some snow time whole I'm up there. Though Canada is big, so that's still not even really assured to be close.
ReneeT · 61-69, F
We haven't had much snow yet, but winter is just starting.
With all that snow, just watch that snowman grow
With all that snow, just watch that snowman grow
snowman65 · 70-79, M
snowing here in Maine. 4 to 8 inches expected tonight
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Haha send pics after you build it
Panamared · 70-79, M
Now it is your turn
Lou45 · 61-69, M
A snow man.....requires two carrots right?
swirlie · F
Welcome to Ancient Snow Henge....
[image/video deleted]
ShenaniganFoodie · 36-40, M

This message was deleted by the author of the main post.
ShenaniganFoodie · 36-40, M
@Justlivingthedream correct