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If “woke crusade” is your weird way of saying “nation building”, then yes. Going to Afghanistan to kill terrorists was fine. Trying to turn it into a “democracy” was pointless and stupid.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
lack of commitment & biden pullout is what undermined our credibility; as unpopular as the idea may be, we needed to maintain a presence over there; if nothing else but to prevent terrorists from gaining any significant power (keeping them in check)
Russia/Ukraine is the same problem with different players. NATO was supposed to be the deterrent against Russian aggression; but in reality, it was the US carrying the brunt of the military burden; Europe's lack of commitment to NATO only opened the door for Russian & Chinese aggression. When push came to shove, they got shoved...
There isn't any redundancy when it comes to worldly threats, everyone just relies upon/begs the US for aid, which has always been contingent on the US having a strong leader; it was only a matter of time before we got a weak minded idiot as president, to which the ensuing disarray was only an inevitable result.
Russia/Ukraine is the same problem with different players. NATO was supposed to be the deterrent against Russian aggression; but in reality, it was the US carrying the brunt of the military burden; Europe's lack of commitment to NATO only opened the door for Russian & Chinese aggression. When push came to shove, they got shoved...
There isn't any redundancy when it comes to worldly threats, everyone just relies upon/begs the US for aid, which has always been contingent on the US having a strong leader; it was only a matter of time before we got a weak minded idiot as president, to which the ensuing disarray was only an inevitable result.
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
@wildbill83 I sense that much of this was Merkle's fault.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
No biden destroyed it
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
If it was a 'Woke Crusade' America could have done something about Iraq and Afghanistan 20 years ago. It wasn't until a botched oil deal with the rich Elite of America that America went in under the flag of Democracy.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
Having served multiple times in both Iraq and Afghanistan, I'd like to know what exactly you mean by "Woke crusade"?, both wars were started by a Republican President intent on Nation Building and acquiring illicit wealth. Iraq was an unjustified war once Saddam had been eliminated and only until Bin Laden was killed was Afghanistan justified. We should have pulled out of both Countries and come home once those tasks had been accomplished, we don't need to be "Team America World Police".
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
What the hell does "woke" have to do with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Elessar · 26-30, M
@basilfawlty89 They gotta have to fit and stretch their orwellian one minute of hate narrative on anything and everything, just like they do with fuel prices
BohemianBabe · M
"The woke crusade." Please get yourself sterilized.
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
@BohemianBabe So in other words the answer is "yes".
BohemianBabe · M
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MasterLee · 56-60, M
Have one on me
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Have one on me
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cycleman · 61-69, M
Trump wants it all his way!
Northwest · M
Apples and oranges.
The Victim, Ukraine, is the issue, not our colossal fuckups in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Syria is legit. We armed and trained them to defend themselves against the Islamic state.
The Victim, Ukraine, is the issue, not our colossal fuckups in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Syria is legit. We armed and trained them to defend themselves against the Islamic state.