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If Republicans and Democrats were in a relationship, Democrats would be the narcissist and Republicans would be the empath. Why does the GOP continue

to allow Democrats to manipulate them?
monte3 · 70-79, M
Ok so the party that trump(narcissism personified leads is the empathetic one? In what fantasy is that true?
DCarey · 46-50, M
DCarey · 46-50, M
I am fascinated: how can anybody in their right mind vote for a Democrat?
monte3 · 70-79, M
@DCarey again: you claim that you have “been pushed around by the Democrats”, how have you been pushed around? And I actually was not trying to be sarcastic .
Republicans are empathic?

Towards themselves maybe, but if I was arguing for Republicans' humanity, I doubt I'd push that point.
@MistyCee lol, when it comes to democrats, they are. Otherwise, they're hateful.
@RocktheHouse I'm not getting you there.
llloydfred · 56-60, M
because VP Harris doesnt know N. Korea From S, Korea and Nancy wants illegal aliens picking crops at The Farm ( it's on TV they said it) by the way my leaves and lawn needs a doing-up.
llloydfred · 56-60, M
@TheSentinel a salute to an adversary is respect
@llloydfred nonsense. I know even you don't believe that.
That's just you trying to cover for trump's screw up.
llloydfred · 56-60, M
@TheSentinel no try historical events
Is this sarcasm, or is this projection ???????

You're calling the "F*ck your feelings" party empathetic???

You're calling the "deny healthcare to the poor" party empathetic???

Let us know, what color is the sky on Bizarro World???
Republicans are the empath all right, but Donald Trump is the narcissist they are self-destructively in love with.
@BohemianBabe source?
@LoneVoice Source: Life.
I think they're both capitalist tools.
@Roundandroundwego Yes, and both parties are very authoritarian too. They love to call each other fascists but truthfully, they're both on the top right side of the political spectrum.
Because that’s their job.
Controlled opposition.
The turtle and graham are working actively right now to sink the red wave..
nobody was shocked more at trumps win in 2016 then the rinos
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout The trump supporters are the actual RINO's.
graphite · 61-69, M
Because too many Republicans don't understand what they're up against - a Democrat Party that doesn't want to work with them, but wants to destroy them utterly.
@graphite So what you seem to be saying is there is no difference between the the dems and the party of trump.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Some are Rinos. They were hiding after Trump's home including his Allies Raided.

Nothing to see there
PatKirby · M
Well they could open up a restaurant where Republicans and Democrats get two different menus. The Republican menu has everything for free because they've earned it. The Democrat menu has only two items: Crow to choke on because they're always wrong, and for dessert a side order of Humble Pie to help close that piehole of theirs that speweth forth much lies. The rest of their menu is empty, because they only get what they deserve.
Anyone who believes this needs a mental health check.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow it's impossible to know what the liars really believe.
Middle Earth from Sauron's perspective?
monte3 · 70-79, M
@MistyCee 👆best answer!! 😊
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graphite · 61-69, M
@bleach A lot of leftists get blocked for being suspected paid Democrat Party flunkees. I had one who flat-out refused to answer when i asked if he was being paid to post.
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