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Conservatives freaking out over Peppa Pig's introduction of a lesbian couple.

Lmao. It's so weird, I accept orientation as just a fact of life rather than political. Like there's always been lesbians, gay, trans even when there wasn't any word for them. It's just a reality but I don't know, conservatives are weird.

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ElwoodBlues · M Best Comment
Along those lines, it's kind of AMAZING how many books conservatives are trying to get rid of. This is from NY Times:

By early August, two of the butt books and several more that had been called out by the group vanished from Llano Library’s shelves and online catalog listings, including Jane Bexley’s “Larry the Farting Leprechaun,” “Gary the Goose and His Gas on the Loose,” “Freddie the Farting Snowman” and “Harvey the Heart Had Too Many Farts,” along with “My Butt Is So Noisy!” and “I Broke My Butt!”
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Then in May of this year, a school board in Nampa, Idaho, voted to remove 24 books from shelves, including “The Kite Runner,” by Khaled Hosseini; “The Handmaid’s Tale,” by Margaret Atwood; and “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian,” by Sherman Alexie.
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... a local chapter of Moms for Liberty flagged books including “Ruby Bridges Goes to School,” by Ruby Bridges, about the civil rights icon of school integration, and “Separate is Never Equal,” by Duncan Tonatiuh, about a family’s fight to end school segregation in California.
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One of the most prominent figures shaping the debate over book banning in Texas is State Representative Matt Krause, who in October 2021 issued a widely circulated letter to the Texas Education Agency and a group of school-district superintendents listing 849 books he wanted investigated. He asked officials to identify books with “sexually explicit images” or ones that “might make students feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress because of their race or sex.” The books on the “Krause list” include “Between the World and Me” and “We Were Eight Years in Power,” by Ta-Nehisi Coates; “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness,” by Michelle Alexander; and “The Fight for LGBTQ+ Rights,” by Devlin Smith. The list prompted school districts across the state to remove or review the titles.
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Ray Bradbury, author of “Fahrenheit 451”: “There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches.”
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
The only anti- Harry Potter stuff I've seen has been from right-wing evangelicals who consider "magic" to be satanism.

That's a good point lol I forgot about that group. I see youtube videos about Harry Potter being satantic all the time.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@ElwoodBlues I tried looking it up but all I found was Catholic schools and Christian moms calling for bannings. I even typed it "leftists want to ban Harry Potter" and the first link talked about a mom challenging a school trying to ban Harry Potter because it promoted witchcraft. Then there were a few religious schools but can't see anything about the left wanting to ban them.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Torsten Elwood's comment still stands as a valid point but I did manage to find a Newsweek article talking about book banning from both groups so there's also a point there. But I think that right leaners are bit hypocritical since they are always the ones going on about cancel culture, case in point Peppa the Pig.

FatEight · M
Why the focus on kids? Toys, candy, cartoons... what's the point, they don't even understand it?
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@FatEight Kids take in a lot more than you think, I recommend childhood development classes. Childhood is when you develop attachment styles and stuff due to parenting, you can develop narcissism, sociopathy or borderline through childhood too. Heterosexuality is introduced from a young age with fixed gender roles so it becomes the norm even when people have never been "just" straight. Sure, a large portion ARE straight but there's was never "just" straight people.

Kids don't understand relationships to an extent but why is there a push for heterosexuality then? There is in shows all the time you see straight married couples and other heteronormative subject matter. Not that long ago they announced gay men as a sort of mental illness, science has advanced since then and where humanity was ignorant, we are not so ignorant now.

With more education comes change but some of that change conservatives don't like because conservatives well... they conserve. They conserve things even to the point of damage. Likewise, you have the extreme end of things where you can change so drastically without any thought to it.

At the same time, conserving relationship normalcy where we know more about human sexual orientation now than ever before, does the world a disservice because some of the older generation's views no longer match new information.

One way of getting around that is to introduce gay, lesbian, trans or gender neutral characters as just part of everyday life, as it's always been.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@FatEight Haha did you really just block me for no reason. What an idiot 🤣
Burnley123 · 41-45, M

This is brilliant!
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Burnley123 You know I bet that if they introduced the racist character over the lesbian one we'd never hear anything about it. Now since it's an LGBT subject matter, they all of a sudden care lmao
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
Cause it's to push an agenda and it's revisionist, it's so up in your face now. Nobody cared years ago when this sort of thing happened because it was either implied or there was a reason for saying it. It added another dynamic to the character. Half the time now it's literally just an announcement to declare a character is gay, them being gay doesn't even exist in the actual media.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Rolexeo If anything heterosexuality has always been revisionist. They're the ones who, throughout centuries, only they could exist. If some gay person was made public they were burned or locked up because it was considered a mental illness even though it's not. They're the ones who had to revise and hide the existence of LGBT people. LGBT people never revised anything, they were always here.

So now we are adding gay, trans and lesbian characters because it is accepted and with acceptance comes characters in books, movies and others because books and popular culture is a reflection of the way things are now, not the past.

As for Peppa, it's not revisionist, gay people have always been there and Peppa is a fictional show in which the plot can change at wim.

That's what tends to happen with cartoons.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@SatanBurger Nobody is talking about a hundred years ago or whatever. There's a difference between established characters that were already trans, gay, etc, or it was hinted at. And a character that was announced to be gay in the news or something, not even in universe, just because. Nobody has a problem with Poison from Street Fighter being trans, she was always trans, it'd be weird if all of a sudden she wasn't. What's being done now regularly is if they just decide Ryu is trans, like umm no, no he isn't lmao
I don't let my kids watch that show anyway.

Why do you think it's "good" for a lesbian couple to be depicted though? Isn't it normalizing something that isn't really normal?

By "normal", I mean not what most people are or are inclined to be.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@SW-User My main to that would be that you don't need something to be the "majority" in order to have gay characters. For instance, in my area I could say most people are straight but I've seen more a few gay couples and more than a few individually gay men depending on area so I don't get what's far fetched about writing them into a story or a narrative. This is my main point.

I do want to touch on a few points about statistics. There's significant differences across generations rather than just one generation so statistics are hard to quantify. Plus, you got countries that are heavily anti gay that even if there was polling that took place, people may not want to identify as their correct orientation. Some person can appear straight but also be bi, gay, trans or whatever on account of being afraid of their own families. This is also seen in older generations where being gay wasn't accepted.

All this skews statistics. For instance, there have been gay pastors they are uncomfortable with their orientation so this may come out as anti gay Evangelical fervor and they appear straight all the time, but they're not. In the media they are always found out as gay, this is where the term of internalized homophobia comes from because it's time tested proof things like that exist.

Also, even if straight people are a larger portion of the majority which I don't argue because I literally don't care as I accept it's a natural state of the universe unlike anti gay people, I am not sure as to the percentage of people who explored their sexuality to find that they were straight.

I'm not saying all straight people would do this but I don't know the percentage of people who, let's say, fantasize about same sex or are curious or exploring.

Things get kind of muddied that way when you introduce those components because orientation is a little complicated. Which is why I'm not sure we can rely on statistics in any quantifiable way of "just pure straight people" or "primarily straight but explored same sex relations."

I'm sure there are plenty who are "purely heterosexual" but what I'm not sure of is statistics and normalcy of any one orientation.
Torsten · 36-40, M
not conservative but I get why adults would be annoyed over such things, well only if you're a parent anyway.
Just leave the damn kids alone already
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Torsten See here's the thing though, in those cartoons you have heteronormative relationship subjects all the time. Having a gay character doesn't erase all the heteronormative experiences within that cartoon or just with anything in life. It just means that there's a gay character on that show. Without any ideology attached or any political subject matter, that's all that it is. The people who get overly anxious at ONE gay character on a show probably have a biased bent towards gay people to begin with. It's not like they erased all the other characters, conservatives have to get over the fact that culture just changes, it's what's happening.

You don't see me getting annoyed when I watch show with a heteronormative couple and I'm on social media up in arms about it do you? You would never hear me say it because I accept it's part of reality, conservatives are having a hard time of it however.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@SatanBurger fair if its just a gay couple and not any attempts at forcing ideology or politics into it, there shouldn't be a problem with it.
I do think so many parents are just getting fed up with all of this at the moment because its everywhere and it always seems to be directed towards very young kids.
I say that meaning forced ideology and politics.

Again just a gay couple, who cares. No big deal
Peppa Pig was a totally agreeable show...but then they put the GAYS in it!

lol what a weird thing to get upset about in this day and age.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Pikachu It's because they don't think LGBT people have the right to exist. They're okay with heterosexuality in cartoons but not gay parents because the truth is, they are narcissists who only think they should exist and no one else gets to.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Wow. Between Potato Head, the green M&M, and now Peppa Pig, they sure are upset by cartoons and kids' toys.
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SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@bleach A lot are conspiracy theorists. They feel like the LGBT movement is out to get people.
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