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Let Have SW QSL Trading Cards.

Say you made a friend and you want to remember them.

Back in the day CBers (CB radio users) would send these out to their friends or to confirmed a radio contact.

These were all post card size and you just mailed them out.

I know some SW friends that would get one

(sorry I can't tag everyone, looks like SW limits amounts of tags you can put out there, but everyone gets gets a card)

@Likes2drive We go back to days of GAG and before the internet with ham radio. Remember me sending you my QSL card to you. 😊😊😊

@Guardian We go back to days of GAG

@Handfull1 I can save a stamp and just hand it to you 🤗🤗

@Tumbleweed No words can be together for your awesomeness ✊

@HootyTheNightOwl Your my sister from another mother

@SarahConnorT800 SW original friend, how you doing?

@WillaKissing My partner in crime

@nonsensiclesnail How's the Cluck Clucks doing?

@LilMissAnonyMOUSE My new friend. Smile be happy

@Antigone We go back to days of GAG

@Luckylu We don't talk enough like we used

@laurieluvsit We go back to days of GAG

@Primnproper We would have some long ass talks about nothing and feel great about it. It was like that TV show Seinfeld

@Starcrossed I want to see what your card would look like with your creative soul.

@Elsaa You're just awesome to talk to

@NinaTina My first SW friend that wasn't from another website and never blocked me 🤣🤣🤣 for being too obnoxious & crazy. You think I would forget about you. Never. I would send you out a card in a heartbeat.

@NeverMissABeat Because I'm famously famous of course. Not everyone can handle my level of fame. I'll even autograph it for you. 😁😁😁😁

@iamonfire696 Another one of my favorite friends on here. I hope your doing okay with health and all is well.

@ImpeccablyImperfect You were always just a nice person to talk to. That's why I would you one

@cherokeepatti I would send you one. Because I think if we lived closer and if caught me acting stupid you would knock me upside my head and tell me to knock it off.

[@AbsolutelyFabulous] You get one because you didn't bat an eye when I told who I was the day you came back

[@MsSwan] You get one for being the my MadTV fan

[@Fairydust] my SW twin. We know too much and not enough at the same time. You get a card

From a collection

WillaKissing · 56-60, M
Thank you and I Love the cards and mention! Dang sure a partner in Crime! LOL!

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HumanEarth · F
That's cool, specially the last one
i see how it is....
HumanEarth · F
Actually, they only let me tag so many people
Lol, I'd have some fun designing my own...
@HumanEarth Yeah, I'm suspecting lines are being crossed here now... that's why I'm trying to get advice on where I stand.

I already know that not having the gas safety certificate is illegal - and they're refusing to fix the boiler so that this can be obtained.

They already have me feeling like I am being hounded out of my property after years of this... and Raz says that they're not listening to him in the meetings either - so there's little to no point in working with him anymore.
HumanEarth · F
Ever stop to think that Raz is on their side and playing you on good side to keep in the dark.

What i mean is playing the spy for the homeowner/Landlord
@HumanEarth Yep... I've been suspicious of that from day one.
HumanEarth · F
Yes, I was told. "I'm only going have 5 chicks"

That went to Ducks , Guinea Hens, Geese, Swans, Turkeys, Rabbits, Cows, Goats, Sheep and two Llamas

Thats including the all the chickens we have
@HumanEarth I was thinking that if the chickens do well over the winter, and that the dogs behave themselves, that ducks might be in our future.
HumanEarth · F
See, see I knew it... It always starts with chickens

There is a video out there. You just have to see it. Its so funny. Its about what we are talking about

I'll see if I can find it again
HumanEarth · F

Look at my post above ⬆

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