Florida Man superhero stats. Tell me if I miss any.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Abilities: Can drink, snort, smoke, and slam any substance known to man and survive. When killed or arrested, respawns in his home. Animal affinity: reptiles. Inexplicable ability to attract women despite his track record.
Goals: Florida Man's goals are understood only by Florida Man himself. It is possible that he only wishes to cause chaos and disorder.
Known associates: Florida Woman
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Abilities: Can drink, snort, smoke, and slam any substance known to man and survive. When killed or arrested, respawns in his home. Animal affinity: reptiles. Inexplicable ability to attract women despite his track record.
Goals: Florida Man's goals are understood only by Florida Man himself. It is possible that he only wishes to cause chaos and disorder.
Known associates: Florida Woman