Getting Back from VacationI just got back from a few weeks vacation to Florida. I sure am glad to be out of the 80 degree weather to this 20s with lots of snow weather, said no one ever.
Being an Ohio native in Florida, I often find it humorous overhearing the locals call 60 degrees chillyEspecially since I overheard it in the parking lot of the grocery store that I was only visiting to get supplies for grilling outside. I've got steaks and hot dogs after this stuff. (1)
Witnessed a real Florida Man encounter todaySo I stepped out to run a couple errands during lunch today... I stopped at intersection to make a left turn. Light was red and there was a black minivan in front of me. Some guy sprints out into the crosswalk and stops right in front of minivan. He... See More ยป
Ugh this dude is steady trying to move to Florida with meI'm trying to leave here hahaha. You can take over my lease bro