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Jesus Is All The World To Me

Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit, all are God. They are all part of the Trinity yet each a separate person of the Trinity, which is referred to as a whole, as "God". They are in unity constantly, consulting with each other at all times,and make their decisions.

Why do I believe in God?

I could write a book on it. God is so real, yet people refuse to believe it. Yet, I don't know how they could miss it all.

God loved me, though I was unlovable.
God loves me, though I am a sinner. Yet I am a sinner, saved by grace, thanks to Jesus. Jesus forgave me and transformed my whole life. He never turned me away and he never will anyone. Grace is unearned favor from God and anyone can have it. Jesus died for the world, not just one.

Jesus has shown me many miracles for those who believe. He saved my daughter from dying when the doctors gave up on her and told her she would die in a week. The family got together and prayed for her though she had given up on herself because all her organs were shutting down and her kidneys were, already. But the family prayed for her and God saved her. Instantly! And there were witnesses to see it.

You can't go wrong trusting Jesus and inviting him into your heart and life to be your Savior.

Jesus is the best friend you could ever have in the world. Though people lie and say he wants nothing but to hurt people and throw them in hell. What hypocrisy, what lies.

In the 50 years I have known and served him willingly, out of love not fear as some false teachers would tell you or naysayers..... he never abandoned me, he never stopped loving me though I made mistakes, he has done nothing but love me, care for me, protect me, has even healed me a few times, rescued me, never hurt me, has always been there for me through thick and thin, someone I can trust completely as my best friend. A friend in every way you can imagine. I can only say good about him because he is good. He's the only one that is good and worthy of being called good, and he is the best friend you'll ever have if you decide you want that.

God is love personified and he is perfect. He cannot err and he cannot lie. There is no sin in him. And he sticks with you until the end, always. There's just nothing negative that I could ever say or feel for him after all he has done for me and thousands of others that have accepted him as their Savior. He is a Way Maker, Miracle Worker, and Light in the Darkness.

His love does not require that we be "good" in order for him to accept us. He loves us just the way we are. We already have his love, we don't have to earn it, as some false treachers say.

I could say more, but you get the picture. Jesus said now is the time to make our choice whether we are going to accept him as our Savior or not. He turns no one away.

He died on the cross to save me from the condemnation placed on me... and the whole world. No one forced him to do that. He didn't have to do that, but he did. He volunteered. had he not, every one of us would have went to hell. He not only said he loves me, he proved it. There's nothing more he could have done, to prove His love for us. For that I am forever grateful and he is mine until I go home to meet him face to face and fall at his feet in love and gratitude, because he alone deserves all the honor and all the praise for what he did for the world.

Jesus gave his all for me. His very best, even unto death. Who am I that he should do this for me, and care? I cannot give him less than my best, in return.
Lostpoet · M
Jesus has always been in my heart some of the other stuff people do or preach about hasn't.
Lostpoet · M
@LadyGrace It's also the whitest white boy name out there except maybe Clinton or Claton.
Lostpoet · M
@LadyGrace Is your first name Grace?
LadyGrace · 70-79
I think the average person doesn't even know what's right and if God doesn't give you a confirmation on what's right then how does anyone know. I don't believe that faith is blind i think that when you have the spirit you know you have it without a doubt. And i am very much in doubt about what the spirit is anymore.

You're exactly right. That's why Jesus came, to give us direction and show us what is the right way. That's why he left us the Bible, His Word.... so we wouldn't have to guess how to have salvation and to lead us down the right path, but no one will know that if they don't read His Word. That's not blind faith. God told us exactly what to do and how to do it. He didn't leave us in the dark.

Jesus clearly told us that he is the way, the truth, and the life. Yet people say God is a liar and that's exactly what Satan wants them to believe. God's word is a light unto our path and a lamp unto our feet, that leads us through the darkness of this world and shows us the way to heaven. The Bible says there will be no excuse for people who say they didn't know how to be saved. But some people don't want to find God in this world, for the same reason a thief can't find a cop. They do not want to live by God's standards but want to make up their own and that's where they get all this confusion coming in. And God is not the author of confusion. Satan is and the Bible says so.

when you have the spirit you know you have it without a doubt.

I love what you said here about the spirit, however, people are not aware of how to receive the spirit. One does not receive it automatically. For all these answers we can always go to the Bible to find the truth. Jesus said the Holy Spirit is only given to us, when we accept him as a Savior, ask for forgiveness of our sins, God the Father then forgives us, our sins or then erased from the account of our life and we start over as new Creations in Christ. Jesus washes our sins away and they are remembered no more. When that happens, since we made a commitment to live by God's Word and live by His Word, This is when the Holy Spirit is sent to us, a clean vessel for Him to dwell in, transform our whole life to a brand new life in Christ, to be our teacher and guide, through our whole lives. It has nothing to do with feelings. It has everything to do with God's promises to save us and keep us always, unto eternity. We don't have to guess. We know we are saved because God keeps his word to us to save us and nothing can ever again separate us from the love of God and we shall live with him eternally in heaven. That's a promise. That's Security in Christ. God never breaks a promise. When a person gets saved, God doesn't remove our old dead spirit. He sends his Holy Spirit to transform our spirit, and make it alive through Christ, and our spirit is awakened to God and all the spiritual things, and gives us an understanding through the Holy Spirit, regarding spiritual things and our "spiritual eyes" are opened up, which means that being now saved, we can understand God's world now and things pertaining to the spiritual world. It is the Holy Spirit that teaches us all things, as we read the Word and he reveals the meaning of God, and the "why" of everything, because we now have the Holy Spirit to teach us these things. Without the Holy Spirit one cannot know things of the spirit. That is exactly why the Bible says that one cannot understand the things of God, unless he is born of the spirit. This speaks of the Holy Spirit, when he came to dwell in those who accepted Jesus as their Savior. Spirit understands Spirit. God said if you do not have the Holy Spirit then that's why people call the Word of God foolishness because they don't have the Holy Spirit to interpret the Word for them, and therefore they cannot understand it.
Pfuzylogic · M
if you “Walk in Faith” then Jesus is revealed daily!
This message was deleted by its author.
Pfuzylogic · M
I am not big in predestination talks I don’t believe just because God selects that others didn’t have opportunity for salvation per our DMs.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Pfuzylogic Yes, I had put that up before I saw your other answer in a private message.
ha ha ha! Jesus... this is lovely, my dear...
Pfuzylogic · M
We are in agreement. Jesus is lovely.
Peacegiver · 61-69, M
That’s not correct. Jesus does not love sinners nor does the Father.

They love those who keep God’s word and the commandments!

“The man who loves me keeps my word and my Father will love him and we will come and dwell within him.”

“The man who keeps the commandments he has from me is the man who loves me and the man who loves me will be loved by my Father, I too shall love him and reveal myself to him.”

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