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There's absolutely no reason to feel plagued by feelings of condemnation.

No Condemnation - Taken from Romans 8:1-4

Some believers are plagued by feelings of condemnation. Either they think they'll never live up to God's expectations for them or they're nearly drowning in guilt over past sins. These men and women cannot seem to shake the sense that God is displeased with their efforts at being Christlike. I'm not talking about trying to please God, because we know that's not necessary. Salvation never depends on our performance. Our security lies only in God and his promises, not our best efforts. Our security has nothing to do with us, or being good, and everything to do with Jesus's sacrifice and promises to us. Past the experience of having accepted Jesus as your Savior, don't forget that God is omniscient. Do you really think he doesn't know your heart and mind? Do you really think anything you say or do, could surprise God? He knows you better than you know yourself. He also knows exactly when your heart is sincere. There's no shocking God.

The book of Romans confronts this devil's lie that we are still condemned, head-on: "There is, therefore, no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus" (Rom. 8:1). Satan wants unbelievers to believe that God is completely out to do nothing but condemn them and throw them straight to hell, but that's another post, and nothing could be further from the truth. I'll talk about that soon, in another post. THAT way, Satan can keep believers living in fear, instead of God's promises. When Jesus said there's no condemnation, that's exactly what he meant. We know God is no liar.

When our Savior went to the cross on our behalf, He lifted and shifted the blame from our shoulders, on to His, and made us righteous before God. Those feelings of condemnation, do not belong to us. They come straight from Satan. He amplifies our guilt and feelings of inadequacy and then suggests that's how the Lord feels about His "wayward child." Nothing could be further from the truth.

Our sins are wiped clean, because Jesus died on the cross and paid for every sin ONCE AND FOR ALL, by the grace of God, and if you don't believe that then you don't understand God's grace. And for the sake of confirmation, that does not give us a license to sin and we know that. When God looks at us now, he's not even seeing our sins. In honor of jesus, God's son, all his Father sees now, is the work that Jesus did on the cross to obliterate our sins, and that those sins hsve been completely blotted out. All that's left is God's righteousness IN US, because of Jesus. Father God sees righteousness that Jesus imparted to us, when he paid for our sins. That is, we were made righteousness, only because of Jesus. His Father is honoring what Jesus suffered and sacrificed for us, to wipe our sins OUT. With our sins forgiven, God sees Jesus's righteousness now, and that's ALL he sees, in honor of, and on behalf of his beloved Son. NOT because of anything we did, but because of what Jesus did FOR us. Let's not forget that. There's NO WAY that Father God will go back on His own Word or promises, in securing our salvation!

Trust in the Lord's love and let go of Satan's lie. God's children are covered by His grace and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Let me remind you that Jesus said, he didn't come to judge or condemn the world, but to save it. John 3:17. The mission of Jesus was not to condemn. It was to save. Rest in this promise:

FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
I always tend to feel Guilt from my long years of pasts and I had a Really Horrible Pasts living in a Messed up life especially my so called friends used me. Steals from me and one of them Trashed my house. broken Walls. Broken windows and a Broken Bathroom door. I had Drugs come Pouring in. Lost my pets and I had Most wanted Criminals In&out of my House. I was Broken and Never cared about Life. Just Surprised Ive Never gotten Arrested Before.

Thank you for posting this, sis. God haves a way to help us get through it.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@FreestyleArt Yes, my precious friend. GOD does. If it wasn't for His Word, I don't know what we would do. We'd be so lost, confused, and spiritually blind.
Adstar · 56-60, M
It is indeed a tragic thing that many people who identify as being Christian cannot bring themselves to believe that the Atonement of the LORD Jesus is a loving GIFT offered freely to them.. That's why many of them live in doubt and fear because they have a works salvation mindset thinking that they must justify their own place with God in eternity by performing up to a high level of goodness in their lives... There are a great many religions who have this works mindset..

But the Gospel revelation ( Good News ) is that salvation is so so easy.. all one needs to do is believe Jesus and trust that the atonement He secured by His death on the cross pays the penalty for all our sins and justifies all of us who believe and trust in The LORD Jesus.. 🤗

Just to add:: A TRUE GIFT is something that is given with NO / ZERO expectation of repayment.. The gift of salvation is a true gift and must be received as a true gift..
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Adstar You said that so much better than me and in so much less words, I sincerely thank you. I think you need to post these words, I really do.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@LadyGrace Feel free to copy anything i post about Faith and post it where ever you want.. If i say anything of worth it is not really my words but the Word of God given through me..
Darn that is one powerful post! Thank you :)
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Allelse That was specific to the church..

(1 Corinthians 14:34) "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law."

SW is not a church.. She is not preaching to nor is she claiming Authority over Christian men.. This is outreach to non Christans..
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Allelse This post is not about that. That scripture is taken out of context. I'd like to stay on the subject of this post. There is no condemnation from Christ towards us. The only thing that condemns man and keeps him separated from Christ, is sin. It is sin that placed condemnation on man, not God. He is not willing that any perish and that is why he came, to save us, not to condemn us, as the devil would have us believe. Jesus did not come from Heaven to die on the cross and save us from the condemnation sin placed on us, only to turn around and condemn us.

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