malizz · 70-79, M
Not all 66 books in the Bible were Hebrew text.
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Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Sharon I'm taking a break from responding to him but his "evidence" might include these fuzzy images =
When I click on most of them all I can see is fuzz. Maybe that is because they are just fakes. Some appear to have been printed because of the format and standard size of the letters. The ones that are in Greek are in the Modern Greek alphabet. Take a look if you are so inclined and reach your own conclusion.
When I click on most of them all I can see is fuzz. Maybe that is because they are just fakes. Some appear to have been printed because of the format and standard size of the letters. The ones that are in Greek are in the Modern Greek alphabet. Take a look if you are so inclined and reach your own conclusion.
Adstar · 56-60, M
Man you need to educate yourself before making statements that have no factual basis..
Nope as a Christian i have NEVER been told that in my life..
There are 66 Books in the KJV / protestant Bibles..
The catholic bible has 73 books
The eastern Orthodox bible has 81 books..
The apocrypha books where not declared conical when the Bible was first agreed upon in the third century.. When the protestants only included 66 of the books declared canon in the third century the catholic religion responded by upgrading their added apocryphal books as canon that what happened in the 1600ds.. Before that time they where not accepted as canon..
The book, Wisdom of Solomon,, has never been accepted as canon in the Christian Faith.. The catholic religion is NOT Christian.. So your quote from that book to me is as if you where quoting quranic verses..
Also. You were told there were only 66 books of ancient Hebrew text.
Nope as a Christian i have NEVER been told that in my life..
There’s only 66 books that the Roman Catholic Church allowed in “their” canon.
There are 66 Books in the KJV / protestant Bibles..
The catholic bible has 73 books
The eastern Orthodox bible has 81 books..
The apocrypha books where not declared conical when the Bible was first agreed upon in the third century.. When the protestants only included 66 of the books declared canon in the third century the catholic religion responded by upgrading their added apocryphal books as canon that what happened in the 1600ds.. Before that time they where not accepted as canon..
The book, Wisdom of Solomon,, has never been accepted as canon in the Christian Faith.. The catholic religion is NOT Christian.. So your quote from that book to me is as if you where quoting quranic verses..
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Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@Adstar thanks for your testimony sounds like quite the journey!😅
And yes you are right Catholics are different then Christian’s. They use more practical knowledge of the elements when doing rituals in connection with the Word. However their doctrines also has been learned and whitewashed through colonization of the Crusaders and still brainwashing their followers. Catholicism is also a Whore that the Bible speaks about.
Before the crusades their was a different universal understanding of spirituality.
And yes you are right Catholics are different then Christian’s. They use more practical knowledge of the elements when doing rituals in connection with the Word. However their doctrines also has been learned and whitewashed through colonization of the Crusaders and still brainwashing their followers. Catholicism is also a Whore that the Bible speaks about.
Before the crusades their was a different universal understanding of spirituality.
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@Adstar so are the Ethiopians wrong having more books in their Canon?
Mathers · 61-69
You need some facts friend. There are actually only 39 books in Hebrew text in our Bible and parts of those (Daniel and Ezra) are in Aramaic. The other 27 books are in Greek.
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@Mathers ok sure. But still Wisdom is considered feminine as a Mother
Mathers · 61-69
But in languages certain things are feminine. In French certain things are feminine. Even in English we consider a ship to be feminine. @Heavenlywarrior
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@Mathers yeah this is my main point .
Essence… words it self has essence. It’s a life force. The whole vibration, tone, frequency of a word makes it masculine or feminine in its own nature.
This goes over many heads… that’s why the Hebrew is very important , the Tetragrammaton
Essence… words it self has essence. It’s a life force. The whole vibration, tone, frequency of a word makes it masculine or feminine in its own nature.
This goes over many heads… that’s why the Hebrew is very important , the Tetragrammaton
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@LordShadowfire A couple of bigots used their influence to get the Apocrypha deleted from the Bible when it was revised around 1880. The Protestants eagerly jumped on board but the Catholics told them to shove it and retained all of the books in the original Bible.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Heavenlywarrior Well, I suppose I could have been a fish, some kind of dinosaur, an elephant, a blade of grass, or even you. But I won the lottery by being me right now.
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@Diotrephes what if you were all of those sat one point in your journey of Life?
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
That is called evolution. Life is continually evolving. If humanity survives you wouldn't recognize a human in another 300,000 years.
what if you were all of those sat one point in your journey of Life?
That is called evolution. Life is continually evolving. If humanity survives you wouldn't recognize a human in another 300,000 years.

Mostly because of all things, caregiving was seen as a motherly practice and wisdom allows us understanding? I could be wrong that’s a big guess on my part. However I complete agree with the canon/apocryphal statement. The council of Nicaea really editing what the general public were given access to in terms of what would be classified as the word of God
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@SW-User yes … you get it😊🙏🏿
Abstraction · 61-69, M
The answer isn't particularly complicated.
Chokmah (Hebrew: חָכְמָה Ḥoḵmā) - wisdom - is a feminine noun in the Hebrew language.
It's not alone either.
Sabiduría = wisdom is a feminine noun in Spanish.
Weisheit = wisdom is a feminine noun in German.
Chokmah (Hebrew: חָכְמָה Ḥoḵmā) - wisdom - is a feminine noun in the Hebrew language.
It's not alone either.
Sabiduría = wisdom is a feminine noun in Spanish.
Weisheit = wisdom is a feminine noun in German.
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@Abstraction yes my point
Tanya02 · 41-45, F
There are 66 books the church fathers (not the RC church) recognised in the canon
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@Tanya02 right … they “chose” to formulate a doctrine around those 66. Which is a partial truth since the fact is there are more than 66 books of the word collectively
revenant · F
Sophia my guess
revenant · F
@Heavenlywarrior that is way older. Assynian ? Nag from Naga ? I have seen that phrase but I have forgotten where
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@revenant I can recall these were gnostic scroll’s found in Egypt Nag Hammadi. Nag hammadi library speaks a lot of Sophia the Wisdom of God
revenant · F
@Heavenlywarrior yep you are right. I had read a book about Gnostic Christians and what was hidden. Stuff is Wow !