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Christian’s answer this question don’t beat around the bush.

Why is wisdom described as “her”? Like 7:35 KJV

35But wisdom is justified of all her children.

Also. You were told there were only 66 books of ancient Hebrew text. This is INCORRECT. There’s only 66 books that the Roman Catholic Church allowed in “their” canon.

There’s way more… one set of books being the Apocrypha. The 1611 KJV was known to have it in the canon at the time.

Here is a passage from Wisdom of Solomon 7

Wisdom of Solomon 7:22 For wisedome which is the worker of all things, taught mee: for in her is an vnderstanding spirit holy, one onely, manifold, subtile, liuely, cleare, vndefiled, plaine, not subiect to hurt, louing the thing that is good, quicke, which cānot be letted, ready to do good:
Wisdom of Solomon 7:23 Kinde to man, stedfast, sure, free from care, hauing all power, ouerseeing all things, and going through all vnderstanding, pure, and most subtile spirits.
Wisdom of Solomon 7:24 For wisedome is more moouing then any motion: she passeth and goeth through all things by reason of her purenesse.
Wisdom of Solomon 7:25 For she is the breath of the power of God, and a pure influence flowing from the glory of the Almighty: therefore can no vndefiled thing fall into her.
Wisdom of Solomon 7:26 For shee is the brightnesse of the euerlasting light: the vnspotted mirrour of the power of God, and the Image of his goodnesse.
Wisdom of Solomon 7:27 And being but one she can doe all things: and remayning in her selfe, she maketh all things new: and in all ages entring into holy soules, she maketh them friends of God, & Prophets.
Wisdom of Solomon 7:28 For God loueth none but him, that dwelleth with wisedome.
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Adstar · 56-60, M
Man you need to educate yourself before making statements that have no factual basis..

Also. You were told there were only 66 books of ancient Hebrew text.

Nope as a Christian i have NEVER been told that in my life..

There’s only 66 books that the Roman Catholic Church allowed in “their” canon.

There are 66 Books in the KJV / protestant Bibles..
The catholic bible has 73 books
The eastern Orthodox bible has 81 books..


The apocrypha books where not declared conical when the Bible was first agreed upon in the third century.. When the protestants only included 66 of the books declared canon in the third century the catholic religion responded by upgrading their added apocryphal books as canon that what happened in the 1600ds.. Before that time they where not accepted as canon..

The book, Wisdom of Solomon,, has never been accepted as canon in the Christian Faith.. The catholic religion is NOT Christian.. So your quote from that book to me is as if you where quoting quranic verses..
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@Adstar thanks for the correct data it’s helping my point. Catholics and Christian’s are being controlled and limited. Have you read them and did comparison?
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@Adstar let’s not forget about the Ethiopian orthodox Canon which also has even more. We’ve been lied to is my point and many of us have been standing up for a lie.

The truth follows the pattern of Nature. And regarding the Godhead.. we should look at what are the elements need for natural organic reproduction of the human being Family.

Father Mother Child.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Adstar thanks for the correct data it’s helping my point. Catholics and Christian’s are being controlled and limited. Have you read them and did comparison?

I was born into a religous catholic family.. I went to both a convent primary school and a marist brothers high/colledge.. I spent 10 years as an alter boy and my uncle is a Priest.. My family had a tradition of one child per generation becoming either a priest or a nun.. So yeah i know all about the catholic religion..

I became a Christian in my early 20's when a friend at work started to discuss religion with me and gave me a Bible to read.. Of course being a catholic i had never bothered reading the Bible.. But i read the Bible from start to end and by the time i finished reading Romans 7 i was no longer in the catholic religion but because a Christian..😊 Thanks to God..

Yes i know the Ethiopian canon is bigger i think even the Egypt based Coptic church has a different number of books too.. This drive you have to declare God part woman is making God out to be bapomet.. have you seen a depiction of Baphomet the multi gendered demon???

Do you also know that there is one sin that Jesus declared Never has forgiveness in this world or the next? That sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and you calling the Holy Spirit a woman may well be blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.. Let the LORD judge.. But never the less you are the one who has been mislead with this doctrine that the Holy Spirit is a woman..
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Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@Adstar thanks for your testimony sounds like quite the journey!😅

And yes you are right Catholics are different then Christian’s. They use more practical knowledge of the elements when doing rituals in connection with the Word. However their doctrines also has been learned and whitewashed through colonization of the Crusaders and still brainwashing their followers. Catholicism is also a Whore that the Bible speaks about.

Before the crusades their was a different universal understanding of spirituality.
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@Adstar so are the Ethiopians wrong having more books in their Canon?