Christian’s answer this question don’t beat around the bush.
Why is wisdom described as “her”? Like 7:35 KJV
35But wisdom is justified of all her children.
Also. You were told there were only 66 books of ancient Hebrew text. This is INCORRECT. There’s only 66 books that the Roman Catholic Church allowed in “their” canon.
There’s way more… one set of books being the Apocrypha. The 1611 KJV was known to have it in the canon at the time.
Here is a passage from Wisdom of Solomon 7
Wisdom of Solomon 7:22 For wisedome which is the worker of all things, taught mee: for in her is an vnderstanding spirit holy, one onely, manifold, subtile, liuely, cleare, vndefiled, plaine, not subiect to hurt, louing the thing that is good, quicke, which cānot be letted, ready to do good:
Wisdom of Solomon 7:23 Kinde to man, stedfast, sure, free from care, hauing all power, ouerseeing all things, and going through all vnderstanding, pure, and most subtile spirits.
Wisdom of Solomon 7:24 For wisedome is more moouing then any motion: she passeth and goeth through all things by reason of her purenesse.
Wisdom of Solomon 7:25 For she is the breath of the power of God, and a pure influence flowing from the glory of the Almighty: therefore can no vndefiled thing fall into her.
Wisdom of Solomon 7:26 For shee is the brightnesse of the euerlasting light: the vnspotted mirrour of the power of God, and the Image of his goodnesse.
Wisdom of Solomon 7:27 And being but one she can doe all things: and remayning in her selfe, she maketh all things new: and in all ages entring into holy soules, she maketh them friends of God, & Prophets.
Wisdom of Solomon 7:28 For God loueth none but him, that dwelleth with wisedome.
35But wisdom is justified of all her children.
Also. You were told there were only 66 books of ancient Hebrew text. This is INCORRECT. There’s only 66 books that the Roman Catholic Church allowed in “their” canon.
There’s way more… one set of books being the Apocrypha. The 1611 KJV was known to have it in the canon at the time.
Here is a passage from Wisdom of Solomon 7
Wisdom of Solomon 7:22 For wisedome which is the worker of all things, taught mee: for in her is an vnderstanding spirit holy, one onely, manifold, subtile, liuely, cleare, vndefiled, plaine, not subiect to hurt, louing the thing that is good, quicke, which cānot be letted, ready to do good:
Wisdom of Solomon 7:23 Kinde to man, stedfast, sure, free from care, hauing all power, ouerseeing all things, and going through all vnderstanding, pure, and most subtile spirits.
Wisdom of Solomon 7:24 For wisedome is more moouing then any motion: she passeth and goeth through all things by reason of her purenesse.
Wisdom of Solomon 7:25 For she is the breath of the power of God, and a pure influence flowing from the glory of the Almighty: therefore can no vndefiled thing fall into her.
Wisdom of Solomon 7:26 For shee is the brightnesse of the euerlasting light: the vnspotted mirrour of the power of God, and the Image of his goodnesse.
Wisdom of Solomon 7:27 And being but one she can doe all things: and remayning in her selfe, she maketh all things new: and in all ages entring into holy soules, she maketh them friends of God, & Prophets.
Wisdom of Solomon 7:28 For God loueth none but him, that dwelleth with wisedome.
36-40, M