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How many true prophets are there today? What end-day prophecies are we seeing today?

Are they all the same old prophecies? Scripture shows they are not. Not one prophet today, can claim 100% accuracy, against those prophets in the Bible. Every single prophecy in God's Word, TO DATE, has been fulfilled with 100% accuracy, even years before they came to pass. This tells us that we can also count on those prophecies made by men of God generations ago, to be just as accurate today.

All prophecy shall be fulfilled, including the future of our generation, described in great detail in the Book of Revelation. This makes the Bible the most reliable, respected, and accurate work of science and historical value we have not only today, but of all time. Obviously inspired by God's omniscient Holy Spirit, it is the only Holy Book today, that is more accurate and up to date, than tomorrow's newspaper.

Isaiah proved himself a great prophet. His awesome description of Jesus' birth as Savior of the world, up to every single detail of His death on the cross with 100% accuracy, was written an astounding 700 years in advance of these events. The mark of a true prophet!

Jesus warned in the 7th chapter of Matthew, that many false prophets and false teachers would arise and deceive many people in the last days, and would be openly hostile to the gospel, but we don't have to fall for their lies. The Bible provides many warning signs and practical ways we can respond to false teachings/teachers.

1. False prophets make predictions that do not come true.
2. False prophets predictions are not consistently 100% accurate.
3. Future false prophets shall perform miraculous signs and wonders, but God said not to believe them. Their power shall come from Satan, not God. Satan loves to mimic God, in an effort to deceive many, but in the end, he shall be destroyed.
4. Many false prophets shall come, claiming to be Christ. We are seeing that today, just as prophecied thousands of years ago!
5. False prophets have an unbiblical lifestyle.
6. False prophets deny Christ's identity.
7. A false prophet and teacher, will lead people away from the Lord.

Without the grace of God and wisdom we receive from studying His Word, we're all vulnerable to deception. Jesus said to be on guard. If we're not careful, Satan can deceive even the weak in Christ. Jesus said that's why it's important to stay close to Him and knowledgeable in His Word, so you'll know what to expect in the future and won't be deceived, because when these false prophets come and bring fire down from heaven before their very eyes, naturally people are going to be deceived, thinking this person is the god they claim to be, but scripture says there's only one God, and Jesus came as Savior of the world. Jesus said don't be fooled by any who claim to be Him.

The Apostle Paul, in 2 Timothy 3:1–2, was very descriptive of the last days. "People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control or morals, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— hating God, cursing Him, and some having a form of godliness, but denying God and His power."

Those verses would not have described the generation I was raised in, but they sure do describe our world now! What was considered sinful, perverse, or criminal 20, 30, or 40 yrs. ago, is now commonplace. We don’t want to “offend” anyone or seem to be "judging" anyone’s behavior, so now everyone can “do what seems right in their own eyes,” and those who have a problem with it, are said to need to learn to be tolerant. So much so, that we now allow adult men in our country to have child brides, because that is their “custom” and who are we to judge? That was called child molestation not that long ago, but now…well…good is called evil and evil is called good. Another perfect description of these “end days.” Days of delusion and great deception.

If we turn to the book of Revelation chapters 6, 13, and 17 we see prophecies that are casting a shadow over the globe now that include, but are not limited to, world-wide inflation, famine, pestilences, persecution of Christians and Jews, global governance that will require a “mark” on the right hand or forehead in order to “buy or sell” and a one world religion that will worship the "created” rather than the “Creator.” Along with world war and a war prophesied in Ezekiel 38 and 39 where we see Russia, Iran, Turkey, Sudan and Libya coming against Israel to “steal and loot” her resources. Yes, all these prophecies and more, are “at the door” and will certainly begin their fulfillment shortly after one of the most supernatural and mocked prophecies, [aside from the Second Coming of Christ] that God’s word speaks of. The rapture.

The rapture of the church found in 1 Thessalonians 4:16–17, 1 Corinthians 15:51–53, Matthew 24:36–44 and more, that prophesies Christ’s coming “in the clouds” to first resurrect the dead of all those who are “in Christ” and THEN will “catch up” the rest of those believers who are alive and remain, then take us to heaven, where we’ll remain while the 7-yr tribulation is going on, here on earth. The DIFFERENCE between the rapture and Second Coming, is that in the rapture, believers MEET Jesus in the air, by His power. He does NOT step foot on this earth, until His Second Coming.

Not only are we in the “end days”, but the return of Christ for His church is “at the door” and the balance of end day prophecy will begin its fulfillment after that. Daniel 9:27, foretold over 2,700 yrs ago, of the Battle of Armageddon, and the man who breaks that false, deceptive 7 yr. “peace” treaty with Israel, will be the one that Scripture refers to as the “beast” [the first beast from Rev. 13], the “lawless one” from 2 Thessalonians 2 or the “Antichrist”, as most who know their Bible, refer to him.

For those who are watching…we can see it is almost time. God has told us the “generation” that would see it all come to pass. According to Matthew 24’s “parable of the fig tree” that generation is the one that also witnessed the restoration of Israel as a nation. Also fulfilling Ezekiel 36 and 37, Jeremiah 33 and Isaiah 66:8–9 and more. We are that generation. And because God always and only says what He means and means what He says, it seems we are quickly running out of time. I can’t imagine what it will be like to be “in the clouds” in the “twinkling of an eye” with an immortal, imperishable body and see Jesus face-to-face, but I know it’s coming. Sadly, some will find themselves “left behind” because they have rejected Christ and His free gift of salvation that He offers to all.

We can be certain the rapture precedes the tribulation, along with what God’s Word says we must do to be saved, and more. Although people can still give their lives to Christ after the rapture…during the tribulation, they (those who mocked, laughed, and cursed God) will lose their lives for doing so, as the Antichrist will have zero tolerance for those who will not worship him, because they’ve turned to Christ for salvation. They will all be beheaded. And the horror of that alone, gives us a far too graphic picture of what awaits those who wait until after the rapture, to turn to Christ for salvation. That is not just my “opinion” but is Bible prophecy. And the Word of God has already proven its validity and ability to foretell the “end from the beginning”, for those who challenge it. We can reject it all day long, but we cannot reject it because of a lack of evidence of its accuracy. Those who choose to do so, are simply denying facts. However, denying the truth, doesn’t change it nor abolish it. If God said He will do it…it’s as good as done.

According to Strong’s Concordance, the word “horrors” comes from the word “odin” which is best translated as “the pain of childbirth” or “birth pangs.”

This means that, much like birth pangs, signs of the end times will appear with greater frequency and intensity as Christ’s return draws near. This is why Jesus mentioned this sign first, when answering his disciples’ questions “When will all this take place? And will there be any sign ahead of time to signal your return and the end of the world?”

According to Jesus, three things in particular will increase in frequency and intensity, as the world draws closer to His return:

1) Wars

2) Famines

3) Earthquakes

Have we seen these three things increase in frequency and intensity in the recent past?


Let’s take a brief look at wars, famines, and earthquakes over the past 500 years.

Wars – A Sign of the End Times

According to a Wikipedia list of wars, the past 500 years have witnessed an increase in the frequency of wars:

15th Century – 29 wars

16th Century – 59 wars

17th Century – 75 wars

18th Century – 69 wars

19th Century – 294 wars

20th Century – 278 wars

The first decade of the 21st Century has already witnessed 55 wars, putting humanity on course for 550 wars over the next one hundred year period.

Have these wars increased in intensity?


For most of human history, wars were fought through individual hand-to-hand combat. But the past few hundred years have witnessed the ascension of more accurate guns, machine guns, and aerial bombing. Today, a single weapon of mass destruction can kill hundreds of thousands of people.

Famines – A Sign of the End Times

According to a Wikipedia list of famines, the past 500 years have also witnessed an increase in the frequency of famines:

15th Century – 6 famines

16th Century – 10 famines

17th Century – 24 famines

18th Century – 28 famines

19th Century – 30 famines

20th Century – 44 famines

The first decade of the 21st Century alone has already witnessed 12 famines, putting humanity on course for 120 famines over the next one hundred year period.

Have these famines increased in intensity and severity?


As the population of the world has grown, famines have caused more and more death and destruction in their wake.

In fact, while the Roman Empire’s entire population at the time of Jesus is estimated to have been approximately 55 million people, the first half of the 20th Century alone witnessed these famines:

The 1921 famine in Russia (5 million+ dead)

The 1928-1929 famine in China (3 million+ dead)

The 1932-1933 famine in Ukraine (2.6 and 10 million+ dead)

The 1932-1933 famine in Kazakhstan (1.2 and 1.5 million+ dead)

The 1936 famine in China (5 million+ dead)

The 1942-1943 famine in China (1 million+ dead)

The 1946-1947 famine in the Soviet Union (1 million+ dead)

That’s an estimated 18.8 to 26.5 million who perished from famine just from these seven famines alone!

And from 1959 to 1961, the Great Chinese Famine is estimated to have killed more than 36 million people.

Famines have dramatically increased in both frequency and intensity since Jesus first answered His disciples’ questions.

Earthquakes – Another Sign of the End Times

According to a Wikipedia list of earthquakes, the past 500 years have witnessed the following number of earthquakes described as a magnitude 7.0 or greater:

15th Century – 2 earthquakes

16th Century – 3 earthquakes

17th Century – 7 earthquakes

18th Century – 13 earthquakes

19th Century – 29 earthquakes

20th Century – 123 earthquakes

In 2021, a total of 2,206 earthquakes with magnitude of five or more, were recorded worldwide.

In 2023, there were 8,802 earthquakes.

The dramatic increase in devastating wars, famines, and earthquakes from the time of Jesus until today is one of clearest signs of the end times.

5) Rise of the Gog / Magog Alliance

Yet another sign of the end times is the current rise of the Gog / Magog Alliance. I could go on, but I'm afraid it would be an awfully long post, and I'm sure you get the idea by now that we are in the end times.

Jesus said that today is the day of salvation... not to put it off. We don't know exactly when the rapture will come, but we do know that we need to spiritually prepare for it, so won't want to miss it and be left behind to face the Great Tribulation period. The Bible describes that the Battle of Armageddon shall be the worst and most bloodiest war in the history of the world. However, those who trust Christ to save them, shall be saved from the the tribulation period [1 Thessalonians 1:9 and 10]. God ALWAYS keeps His promises.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
There are no Prophets after Jesus who once said......"It is Done"

And all we can do is repent and share the Gospel of Christ. There's no works to comprehend God's Glory.

In our Generation is a Whacky Rollercoaster. I also do know the Satellite Chips/ MicroChips just been rolled out......... By Amazon/Jeff Bezo's Company but I've already know it's going to fail. It's called Digital OneWorldCoin that could fall very Quickly due to many countries joining the BRICS.

Gasara is already here. The "BRICS" and Nasara will be coming Next. Gold Back up of the New World.

The New world Order will fail and we will experience a new world of freedom.......for now.

But next time it will succeed by one man. Imagine that. Just One Man God would be warning about in the Future.

Over 80 Million Globalist Elites are trying so hard to accomplish that....it's Funny how our Generation is right now.
@FreestyleArt people will definitely get the mark of the Beast during the tribulation.

Revelation 13:16-17
The second beast also forced all people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to have a mark on their right hand or on their forehead.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
The population is busy in accomplishing what all things, only they know. We have the facts, we have the blood moons in a row.

I was reading Paul and he said the Earthly individuals won't ever understand these spiritual things and this would be the reason they would be so away from salvation.
@TheOrionbeltseeker Oh yes. And they laugh at the rapture to come in disbelief, but the world is going to be shocked when it actually happens and it is bible-based with scripture to back it up. It's going to happen. Not if, but when.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@LadyGrace I saw all of us hiding our face off at the time of COVID. What would happen then when the rapture would come.
@TheOrionbeltseeker It will cause a worldwide panic like the world has never seen, because they will be missing family members and friends and some won't know why. Think what will happen when a Christian pilot or a train conductor, go up in the rapture and the plane and train crash. They'll be all types of automobile crashes and even planes diving into populated areas, so you can imagine that's just the beginning. Doctors and nurses will disappear from hospitals and even family members before they're very eyes.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Amen to that!! Whether they want to believe it or not, there are some on here who've fulfilled Biblical prophecy on here by asking where is Christ who was supposed to come. Good post, sister, thank you for sharing it.
Random3838 · 36-40, M
There is only one prophet today and that is Jesus. Divine revelation ended with the death of the last Apostle. Any new "prophets" or "prophecies" are fake and should not be listened too.

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