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I have lots of questions and need lots of answers

I believe in God I believe in Jesus and rely only on him for my salvation. Unfortunately I struggle with trusting the Bible. My mind sees things that cause me to question certain aspects and I’m looking to see what others opinion or knowledge is on this. For instance……

John chapter 7:46-53. How did the author whether it be John or someone else, how did he know? How did the author know exactly what was said and happened between the soldiers and the Pharisees?
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LadyGrace · 70-79
Trusting Jesus for salvation, and believing and taking and trusting Him at His Word, go hand in hand. Ask yourself why Jesus would give us any untruths in His own Word. We either believe it all, or not at all. The more you read God's Word, you will see there are no contradictions. God is no liar and he does not contradict Hisself. The so-called "contradictions" that people bring up, are because they have not read scripture in context nor the history of it, what was going on at the time, and all these things make a big difference, including who was being spoken to. There are no contradictions in God's Word. Only what people make up in their own minds, because they have not read the Word nor understand it. If you can't believe all of God's Word, then how can you take him seriously about His standard for salvation? God is incapable of lying. He does not make mistakes nor errors. This is why God said to study His Word diligently, so we are not confused or have to guess. Satan is the author of confusion. There's no speculation in the Word of God. He said what He meant and meant what He said. This is why Bible study is so important. It is God's literal road map for mankind in life. We just can't pick out parts we're going to believe, or not. It's either true or it isn't. Satan is a liar. God did not entrust His Word to just anyone, but the Bible says to holy men of old, were taught and told what to write as the Holy Spirit led them.

You can look to outside religions all you want, but when Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, that's what he meant. You can stray from God and His Word, but Jesus said there's only one path that leads to salvation and eternal life in heaven. Be careful who you listen to because those who are not believers, will lead you away from Christ and His Word. We either believe God or we don't. You have to make up your mind. All you will find in all religions, which are nothing but man-made philosophies, are what God teaches AGAINST in His Word.... worshiping idols and praying to statues and believing that the way to heaven is by doing good deeds. Man did not get the privilege of setting the standard for salvation FOR God. Sinful man does not know the way. Who better knows the way of salvation and who set the standard for salvation, but God? Tell me what "religion" died on the cross for your sins. None of them and none of their gods. But Jesus did. Living for Jesus and salvation, have nothing to do with denominations. It is trusting in the Living God, Jesus, that God approved and appointed to be our Savior to the world.
I grew up hearing that the real bible is written on the heart. And I think that is true as most of us have a conscience. But of course the bible is written by humans so it's fallible. Many Christians make it into a god itself. And that is idol worship. The bible is meant to be a general guide not a thing to replace your own heart.
It has lots of good in it but it also has caused great suffering as well which should act as an indicator of it's non divine status. If you have studied lots of religious as you say then you should see a common thread through all of them. And even the bible admits that the greatest commandment is love of god and others. And also against love there is no defense. And that God IS love. It then goes on to give a description of love 1 Corinthians 13:

"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a ringing gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have absolute faith so as to move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and exult in the surrender of my body, but have not love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no account of wrongs. Love takes no pleasure in evil, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.
But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be restrained; where there is knowledge, it will be dismissed. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial passes away.
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I set aside childish ways. Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of these is love."

But you will have many Christian preach fear and hate and pride. None of these are love. In fact fear is:
"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love."
So all those people that cast their enemies into hell are not made perfect in love. And since god is love they are not made perfect in God.

You might also check out the Nag Hammadi scriptures which was another early branch of Christianity that was killed off by the early church so that all that has currently come down to us is literally church propaganda from a monopoly. And one should never trust an organization that has had over 1000 years of a monopoly which we call the dark ages.

Also books by Bart D. Ehrman are really good and he picks up a lot of stuff the biblical reader never even notices because the bible is frankly a lot to take in and fine details can get muddled.

Also finally check out people that have had near death experiences. An author by the name of Betty Eadie is a good one in her book Embraced by the Light. Just remember a lot of people will be liars and charlatans as well. They will try to scare you with demons and hell and various other monsters. But just keep the scriptures in this post in mind. Are these people acting in fear or love. Because again: "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love."
Justlookingforanswers · 41-45, F
@canusernamebemyusername Bravo! Absolutely brilliant response! Thank you so much!
@Justlookingforanswers You are super welcome. I'm usually not very helpful with these things. Lol But you seem pretty open so you keep doing what you are doing!
This is where your research skills come in. Find out for yourself because with religion and especially Christianity there’s so many different variations and ideas about what actually happened. There is historical information, some real, some speculation.

I’ve studied many different religions and philosophies. Figuring it out for yourself is where you decide to trust the information or not, trust your feelings or not.
@SW-User I understand you have great regard for your father. I hope my daughters do in me as well. But just because he said he was wrong, doesn't make it so. I don't know his circumstances, but he may have lost his faith.

Also, it was not my intent to postulate that you believe in nothing. If I gave you that perception, I apologize. All I was trying to get across is that someone with faith doesn't need to see proof. Or answers. Not that the inquisitive don't accept what they see. Whether in agreement with faith or not.
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@SW-User When everyone thinks the same no one is thinking at all.
LadyGrace · 70-79
The Bible IS God's mind/thoughts. It is Satan who would have us believe that we have to know the answer to every little thing before we can come to Salvation. He doesn't want even one of us coming to God for Salvation. That's why he puts all these doubts in our minds. He would have us to dwell on detail instead of God's Plan of Salvation which God said not to put off. Will we listen to Satan, to unbelievers, or to God? I don't think any human being that can compete with God's wisdom and knowledge. Who better knows what it takes to have salvation, than one who died so we could have salvation and eternal life in heaven? He has been there, on both sides, not man. There are no variations nor contradictions in God's Holy Word. That is a devil's lie. That is what he would have us to believe. You say you trust God. If you trust God then you must also trust His Word.
@Diotrephes careful showing any love for my comments. Apparently they earned me being blocked.
@Diotrephes I'll live through it. I just don't quite understand extreme reaction.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@SW-User It's a vanity thing. People tend to become heavily invested emotionally in their beliefs and will usually get extremely upset when someone disparages them in any way. They regard such comments as a direct attack upon their very existence.
@Diotrephes I think you've nailed her to a T. It's little surprise renewable conversations are difficult to maintain if differing opinions can't be discussed respectfully.
Jehovah God’s active force, God's holy spirit inspired the apostle John to pen descriptions of certain events that took place. John was also an eyewitness to many of the situations that took place in Jesus' life. He was a close companion of Jesus.
@hippyjoe1955 No Jesus is not Jehovah. Jesus is not the same as his heavenly Father no more than you are the same as your father. Yahweh is the Hebrew spelling and pronunciation of God’s personal name.
@hippyjoe1955 John 20:17. If Jesus is God, why did he pray to his heavenly Father to remove this "cup" from him or his upcoming sacrifice? Couldn't Jesus have removed his upcoming death if he was God?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@seotelkniwt The Thought of God asks the Will of God if there is any other way. The Will of God said "No" so the Thought of God said "Your Will be Done". Jesus was the Word/Logos/Consciousness of God.
Carazaa · F
God says that he inspired the Bible, and so it is Gods words in the Bible. And God knows everything. I believe it!
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
He rose from the grave and anyone doubting that just is uneducated, and lacking logic!

Will you please read the fairy tale? The Jesus character was never buried in the ground. His corpse was placed in a tomb above ground large enough to walk around in. The guy who owned the tomb probably stole the corpse and ate it because he wanted to gain eternal life. All he got was diarrhea.
Carazaa · F

Nope, wrong! Proof positive is that many hundreds of people would rather die than deny what they had seen. That is proof!

What did they see?

Jesus doing many miracles
Jesus raising people from the dead after rotting and stinking
Jesus himself being raised from the dead and rising up in the clouds and Jesus promising to come back to judge the living and the dead and making a new heaven and a new earth after the gospel has gone out to every nation.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Carazaa The Jesus character never did anything godly. All of his so-called "miracles" were con games because of the time period. In the ancient past, guys like Moses and Elijah could get away with claims of doing all kinds of fantastic things. But the Jesus character lived in "modern" times so he couldn't do any similar things attributed to the old guys. As I've said before, if he was still wiggling on the cross you might have a case.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I'd say that you're looking for contradictions rather than answers. In the bible there's no shortage of information being left out from the reader which with an imaginative mind can make up any sort of contradiction they want. One example is that people communicate with each other and you wouldn't have to be present to know what happened, you'd just need someone who was there to tell you. This conversation between the people behind the writing of the scriptures would not be mentioned. I'm not sure if that's the explanation to exactly the scripture you mentioned, maybe there's an easier or more complex answer. However, it is not important. It's a minor detail that doesn't teach you anything. The scriptures, after all, are about teaching you faith.

Proverbs 3:3 Do not let loyal love and faithfulness leave you.
Tie them around your neck;
Write them on the tablet of your heart;
4 Then you will find favor and good insight
In the eyes of God and man.
5 Trust in Jehovah with all your heart,
And do not rely on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways take notice of him,
And he will make your paths straight.
7 Do not become wise in your own eyes.
Fear Jehovah and turn away from bad.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Many of the soldiers became Christians as did some of the Pharisees. Paul was a pharisee. He may well have been at the meeting.
Justlookingforanswers · 41-45, F
@hippyjoe1955 that is an excellent answer!!!!!! Thank you 🙏🏻 ❤️
NeuroticByNature · 41-45, F
I heard someone say once that you cant fit God inside a box. The bible was written by people. I would encourage you to study other religions. Not to convert you but to open your mind. Learn about Judaism and Muslim and Buddhism and Paganism. If you want to know who God is you need to look past the four walls of the bible.
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NeuroticByNature · 41-45, F
@Ferise1 yes! I couldn't think of the religion name.
LadyGrace · 70-79
And I agree with you that the basis of most religions view the same omnipotent God but are seeing different pieces of Him. My beef is specifically with the Bible and only certain things in it. My goal is not to disprove the Bible I just need answers and the truth is maybe no man has those answers.

If you cannot believe God then who can you believe? Most religions do not view the same omnipotent God. I know plenty who do not recognize Jesus as the Saviour of this world, that say He was only a wise prophet. Jesus did not tell us we would know all the answers nor that we had to know all the answers before we follow Him. He did not give us all the answers for good reason. There's some things that we were not meant to know until we cross over. But the most important thing he wanted to emphasize, is not have our minds wandering on all these other things, but in how to have salvation, which is the most important thing we could ever know, because what we believe, determines where we will spend eternity. That's all we need to know and God did not leave us to guess on that. He said, I write these things so that you will know how to have salvation. Read first John 5:13. The Bible answers every question we have in life and he didn't want us guessing because guessing will not lead us to heaven. He even came down from heaven so we would know and not have to guess how to have salvation. No other God has done this. Not only that, He gave his very life, so that we could be saved. That's another thing no other god has done. We must either trust him all the way or not at all. Nowhere in Scripture is reincarnation taught and one of God's Commandments is not to worship idols.
SDavis · 56-60, F
Using any event that may happen today scenario - people still gather around look and listen and gossip about what was said and done - people in decades centuries eons past did the same thing - the the only difference is they they didn't have cell phones to record it. And before the inventions of cell phone Word of mouth / eyewitness accounts was always used.
Classified · M
John 7:43-53 explicitly mentions Nicodemus as he was a partaker of that conversion. Nicodemus had visited Jesus before and had also assisted with preparing Jesus' corpse for the funeral. He would be a very obvious possible witness.
eyeno · M
eyeno · M
@Justlookingforanswers In my decisions whether it be an everyday occurrence or life changing, I've chosen to not use my understanding (logic) instead I'll choose to listen to Him.

A gift of discernment comes from Him not us. (John 4:24)
It is why Jesus spoke with many Parables to answer (Matthew 13:13).
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Justlookingforanswers How did anyone know what happened when there was just one character in the scene? It's a fairytale!!
Carazaa · F
@eyeno Exactly! God has given you wisdom!
"όλοι οι πιστοί πάνε στην κόλαση"
Kiblamagon, 23.6.2
Adstar · 56-60, M
Maybe one of the soilders later became a Christian... So many paths to a solution to this one.. 😊 Easy peasy...
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SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
I like Jesus, but I’m an atheist.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
He didn't. He couldn't. He wasn't there. None of the Gospel authors personally witnessed any of the events that happened in the gospels. As such, what you have in the Bible is actually a mythologized version of events.
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Diotrephes · 70-79, M
The bible is ridiculous. I tried to believe really hard but l can’t.

Why do people believe in the Bible? It is nothing more than an an ancient ethnocentric Middle Eastern Jewish religious fairytale whose main message is that the Jews are special above all other people on the planet. There are pieces of good timeless advice in the more secular books but you can get that elsewhere if you look.

It does not teach morality but complete obedience and total loyalty to the Boss (God, the emperor, the chief priest, the king, the family father). Disobedience to any of them warrants an immediate death sentence. The stories are based on the real Ten Commandments, which most people are completely ignorant about even if they claim to read the fairytale. The majority of people get their information from silly Hollywood movies which are complete BS and conmen preachers who are in it for the money, power, and prestige. It is strictly business to them.

In the end people buy the fairytale because they have been completely brainwashed their entire lives. They like the idea of having eternal life in a magical heaven. They like the sound of the words "God," "Bible," and "Jesus." And they think they are better than most other people.
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