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What do you think of near death experiences of hell?

I've heard stories of people who almost died/were pronounced dead for a short amount of time n than came back to life. They said they seen hell, or at least what they perceived at hell. I feel that more than likely it's just in their head. If the Bible is true no one is in hell yet so it'd be impossible to see it/see people suffering there. Because doesn't the Bible say that when the finale judgement comes in the end times God will judge not only all the humans alive at that time but all the humans that have already passed. So technically no one is in hell yet according to the Bible.
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SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
Near death experiences can be many different kinds of experiences that don't relate to the Abrahamic version of faith. "If" they are indeed real, it could be tailored specifically for that person rather than religion itself. You could probably be atheist and still have a NDE but likewise you could just go into a pit of darkness, pass out and remember nothing. No one knows. I don't buy into the Abrahamic mythology of hell but I do believe something is there, I don't know what it is yet. I am not sure if these people experience things that are real but I wouldn't doubt it if it was real to an extent.

Sometimes, I don't believe people if it's "overly" stereotypical, like if it reads like something from a book and it's highly specific (I don't think that's how memory works when you die or when you dream rather) but I don't believe that all people are lying either.

I've had the opposite called a pre-birth experience, yes I'm aware that it could be a false memory or a dream even though dreams feel different than whatever that was and I know for sure I'm not lying when I say I perceived whatever I experienced even if it was or wasn't physically real.
pilgrim · 90-99, M
As to JonathanC's and Varianian's remarks I can understand their remarks and their hope they change their their thinking before they find the truth before they face it.
JonathanC · 61-69, M
@pilgrim You are a crock of shit.
DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
Many psychics suggest that there is no hell.
But they are often wrong.
It's hard to argue with all the people that died and returned, reporting what they saw.
And many people have died and shortly before their death, they start panicking, when they see things and trying to keep them away.
Perhaps it was demons or the grim reaper, dunno.
Sweetguy024 · 36-40, M
@DallasCowboysFan I've heard those stories too, but I doubt it could be really hell since the Bible pretty much says that no one is in hell yet. Not until final judgement will anyone be thrown into the lake of fire.
DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
@Sweetguy024 Perhaps, but Jesus even visited hell. So, we know it exists.
The bible isn't true, so no worries.
JonathanC · 61-69, M
They are a crock of shit.

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