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Evil Bible

A comprehensive reading of the Bible reveals that the majority of it, excluding some books of the Apocrypha and most of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, are racist and evil from the first page to the last page. Yet, the average American is expected to hold it in high esteem, even to the point placing one's hand on it in court and swearing to tell the truth. That is complete opposite to what the Jesus character said. He said that one should never swear any oaths at all. That just shows that the control freaks have never read the fairytale.

The purpose of this thread is to cite and comment on all of the racist and evil passage in the Bible. Feel free to participate and comment.
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BibleData · M
A comprehensive reading of the Bible reveals that the majority of it, excluding some books of the Apocrypha and most of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, are racist and evil from the first page to the last page.

So? What's your point?

Yet, the average American is expected to hold it in high esteem, even to the point placing one's hand on it in court and swearing to tell the truth.

Everybody's a hypocrite. Americans especially. They don't do the Bible swearing in court anymore because the Bible doesn't mean what it used to to most of the people in those places.

That is complete opposite to what the Jesus character said. He said that one should never swear any oaths at all.

Jesus and James were advising against the frivolous oath taking that had become an unfortunate habit of the Jewish people. Making an oath by the heavens, earth, and Jerusalem as a sort of collateral which they had no real authority over. It was, Jesus and James were pointing out, more significant to be honest and truthful in all matters so that it wasn't necessary to establish every trivial detail by a frivolous oath, undermining not only your integrity but those things that belonged to Jehovah God or his appointed king. (Matthew 5:34-37; James 5:12 Also see Matthew 23:16-22)

Jesus wasn’t prohibiting the taking of an oath as is evident by his giving answer without objection to being placed under oath before the high priest at his own trial. (Matthew 26:63-64)

An oath is a statement stressing the truthfulness of something someone promises to do or not to do. There are two Hebrew words translated as oath; shevuah, which is an oath or sworn statement. Shava is a related term that means “swear” and comes from the same root as the Hebrew word for “seven,” so swear originally meant to be under the influence of seven things. (Genesis 21:27-32) Beer-sheba means “well of the oath” or “well of seven.” (Genesis 26:28-33). Shevuah doesn’t contain the connotation of a curse or hardship placed upon the person making the oath should he not fulfill it.

The other Hebrew word translated as oath is alah, meaning “oath, cursing” or “oath of obligation.” (Genesis 24:41; 26:28)

The Greek horkos, “oath” and omnyo, “swear” are both found in James 5:12. The Greek anathematizo means to bind with a curse. (Acts 23:12, 14, 21)

That just shows that the control freaks have never read the fairytale.

Hmmm. Interesting accusatory conclusion. Not very accurate, though, is it.
MethDozer · M
@BibleData Nah, there really isn't. Passive-aggressive has a clear defined meaning. Well, if you want people to know what the hell left field tangent you're on. I mean go ahead and redefine terms on the fly but don't expec lt anyone to understand whatever nonsense you're trying to communicate
MethDozer · M
@BibleData Like I can say racism toward ls arabs is " antisemitism" because technically Arabs are a semitic people. Yet it wouldn't be correct or understood by anyone because the language has defined the term as racism towards Jews..

But I don't know, you think it's wrong to judge evils commited in the past because " diffurrrent tymes" so I can't expect anything less than ignorant.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
The other Hebrew word translated as oath is alah, meaning “oath, cursing” or “oath of obligation.” (Genesis 24:41; 26:28)

The Greek horkos, “oath” and omnyo, “swear” are both found in James 5:12. The Greek anathematizo means to bind with a curse. (Acts 23:12, 14, 21)

You should know by now that the BIble, as a book, was originally written in Latin and that all other languages and versions are simply translations and revisions. There is simply no authentic original Greek or Hebrew versions written before 690 AD. And the Greek versions are written in the modern Greek language and not one of the ancient Greek alphabets.
Jungleman · M
the bible is the most precious book on earth.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Jungleman The Bible is 90% pure garbage. It does have some beneficial thoughts in the more secular books.

It is a good instruction guide for how to do black magic rituals and how to engage in genocides if a peron is into those things.
Shadyglow · F
@Jungleman its a crazy maker in truth.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
the god of the bible is definitely evil. there are so many things that he does that if any human would do it would be considered evil, where do we start ?: created adam and eve with curiosity and knew very well they would taste of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and he just laid the trap and waited for them to do it so he could punish them. some time later he rejected cain's offering of plants and much prefered the offerings of blood from Abel. then he asked Abraham to kill his son just to see if he'd do it !!! and he was satisfied by Abraham's reaction when he was ready to do it!! so basically submission is more important to god than respect of innocent life because had abraham been a better man he would have told god "no, I will not kill my son you sicko !!" . then further on god tortures Job just to prove that even if he tortures him job will continue to worship god, again showing that submission to him is what he values most. the greay flood, killed almost all of humans and animals because he didn't like how they lived. later destroyed Sodom and gomorah for similar reasons and even turned to (salt or stone, I don't remember) one of his folowers as they left Sodom (or gomorah?) because he had said to not turn around. no mercy, even for his folowers, one small mistake of turning around and BOOM, YOU'RE GONE. any human would do any of these things and he would be perceived as a mass murdering psychopath. then Jesus comes along. now Jesus I have more respect for except that he preached to worship an evil god. but then this blood-thursty, sacrifice -loving god was still keeping a grudge about humans since Adam and eve and aparently making them mortal and chassing them from paradise wasn't enough, he wanted all generations after that to suffer as well but one thing could wash away their sins, just like in ancient judaism, a blood sacrifice. but for something that big it had to be special: his own son !! if his own son were to be sacrificed then and only then would he forgive humanity. 3 of then 10 comandments are about submitting to him and only him and to respect him. why is he so insecure that he needs to be worshiped and respected while we are just innocent children bound to make mistakes. would you send your own child to hell for eternity for disrespecting you ? . like the old christian saying "god fearing christians", GOD FEARING !!! why? is he like an evil drunk father that one must fear ? so yes, the god of the bible is evil and for this I consider the bible, the coran and the torah to all be blasphemous books as they portray the creator as an evil psychopath and if there is a creator certainly the bible is not the best way to honor him.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
I guess i have to agree. There's not a lot worth upholding in the OT. Then the NT is mostly gnostic fiction so I'm not sure what good putting your hand on it's going to do.
th3r0n · 41-45, M
Let your yes be yes, and your no be no, anything more than this comes of evil

If a man does not lie from the beginning, shall he need to swear to be believed?

It is clear that without dishonesty, the very need of swearing does not exist, so it is therefore born of evil

The Bible tells many stories, the story of God's people Israel, descended from Jacob, who God gave the name Israel

You say racist, not knowing or understanding, the peoples judged by God were judged not by their color or their look, but by their actions, whether they be good or evil, so your accusation falls flat

You say that the book that contains the law of God is evil, yet the law of God says not to lie, not to steal, not to cheat people in trade or be unjust, not to mistreat those you have power over, to help those who cannot help themselves

Did you write this to persuade others to Hell or do you believe your words to be true?
In many ways the whole Bible is simply a microcosm of Reality-as-is, the totality. It resembles a Rorschach test. What you see is what you get - we are what we understand.

The Everlasting Gospel (William Blake)

The vision of Christ that thou dost see
Is my visions greatest enemy.
Thine has a great hook nose like thine;
Mine has a snub nose like to mine.
Thine is the Friend of all Mankind;
Mine speaks in parables to the blind.
Thine loves the same world that mine hates;
Thy heaven doors are my hell gates.......

(Some) read the Bible day and night,
But thou readest black where I read white.
originnone · 61-69, M
That's stupid. It's not at all racist....perhaps a little far fetched but by no means racist....
BibleData · M
@Gloomy What's my moral framework, Gloomy? My moral framework differs from yours but isn't subjective? Did you know that the King James Version, Isaiah 45:7, says that God created evil? That the Hebrew word for evil is ra, and depending on context can be translated as bad, calamity, disingenuous, ugly or gloomy? Evil isn't subjective you say while we argue over whether or not the Bible is evil? C'mon.
Gloomy · F
@BibleData Of course it is subjective and quit your rambling.
What's your moral framework?
Tied to the Bible maybe?... the King James version is one of the most disgusting translations in my opinion and it fuels fundamentalist nujobs.
BibleData · M
What's your moral framework?

'57 Chevy.

Tied to the Bible maybe?

Tied to everything. The Bible, you, Buddha, Trump, slavery, Hitler, Stalin, the Rolling Stones, Daffy Duck . . . rambling again?

the King James version is one of the most disgusting translations in my opinion and it fuels fundamentalist nujobs.

Well, we wouldn't want that. Nutjobs are subjective as well. Seen any?!
You're free to use another book while being sworn in, or nothing.
Sarahsummersrockz · 18-21, F
Racist? The colours of people is never mentioned. Evil? By whose morales? Today or back then?
Dshhh · M
Maybe the better word is BIGOTRY
so you missed the part about "the chosen people"?
how about tthe philistines,? and others doomed by the orders of jehova
and so amay time\ s in the old testament,
where the order is Kill all of those people and their wives and even their livestock
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Racist? The colours of people is never mentioned. Evil? By whose morales? Today or back then?

You may want to read the fairytale so that you won't embarrass yourself.

Jeremiah 13:23 (ERV) = "A black man cannot change the color of his skin, and a leopard cannot change its spots. In the same way, Jerusalem, you cannot change and do good. You always do bad things."

Song of Solomon 1:5 (KJ21) =“I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon."
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
Don't forget when the god of the bible killed all the first born children and animals of Egypt. The children and animals didn't deserve this, and don't forget the flood too, he drowned most of the animals, children and all the people that was not on Noah's boat.
Carazaa · F
Hitler thought the Bible was a scam hahahaha!!! But he was scammed by Satan!!!Hitler hated Judaism. But he loathed Christianity, too.

Hitler’s mother was a devout Catholic. His father considered religion a scam.
A Great article how Hitler took after his father's philosophy that all religions are a scam and he hated Jews and loathed christianity!

By Michael S. Rosenwald
April 20, 2019 at 7:00 a.m.

Adolf Hitler in 1931.


At first, Adolf Hitler seemed to accept Christianity.

“In his childhood, Hitler was enthralled by the pomp and ritual of the Catholic Church,” wrote Fritz Redlich in his 1999 biography of the Führer. “Allegedly, for a while he even considered becoming a priest.”

But Hitler, born 130 years ago on April 20, 1889, began rejecting religion as a teenager. He was pulled in different directions by his parents.

His mother, Klara, reportedly the only person Hitler ever loved, was a devout Catholic. His father, Alois, with whom Hitler often fought, thought religion was essentially a scam — a “crutch for human weakness,” as another historian put it.

Hitler followed his father’s religious path straight into infamy. He hated Judaism, gleefully murdering 6 million Jews. But he loathed Christianity, too.

Hitler’s mother was ‘the only person he genuinely loved.’ Cancer killed her decades before he became a monster.

“In Hitler’s eyes Christianity was a religion fit only for slaves,” wrote Alan Bullock “Hitler, A Study in Tyranny,” a seminal biography. “Its teaching, he declared, was a rebellion against the natural law of selection by struggle of the fittest.”
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
I crucify the flesh everyday

I hope you don't look like a tenderized steak or ground hamburger.

From the river to the sea.
Carazaa · F
@Diotrephes No I'm very healthy! No diseases here! My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit! Jesus promises to cure all diseases!
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
No I'm very healthy! No diseases here! My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit! Jesus promises to cure all diseases!

That's wonderful news. May you continue to enjoy good health and a very nice life.

Age is just a number.
Dshhh · M
there are sop many. it is often Murder Porn
originnone · 61-69, M
@Dshhh Agreed on the NT....Paul was hit or miss....OT...probably historically accurate told from a jewish perspective. It's important to remember that they believed they were god's chosen people. keeping that in mind, it becomes difficult to call the document racist. BUT....it's also the case that the jewish people of the OT always took responsibility for their circumstances....even when they shouldn't have....thus they always had some action they had taken to either blame or laud themselves depending on what happened.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
"now the NEw testament? has some nice things
Jesus was cool
but some of thoseother guys,, not so nice"

The Jesus character was an ethnocentric bigot.

Recall what he said in Matthew 15:24 (CEB) = "24 Jesus replied, “I’ve been sent only to the lost sheep, the people of Israel.”

And he spoke in parables so that outsiders wouldn't understand his messages.

Then there's the warning in Sirach about not trusting a man who had his characteristics.

Sirach 36:31 (CEB) = "Who will trust a well-equipped robber who travels from city to city? Likewise, who will trust a man who does not have a nest and who lodges wherever night falls?'"

Remember what the Jesus character said about himself in Matthew 8:20 (CEB) = "20 Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens, and the birds in the sky have nests, but the Human One has no place to lay his head.”
originnone · 61-69, M
@Diotrephes Yes, he spoke in the words of the period in ways the people to whom he was speaking would understand. To get to where you're trying to go, you need to know more about the society and its sociological characteristics and make determinations in the context of the period in which they take place....
Shadyglow · F
western religions are all racist
Sarahsummersrockz · 18-21, F
@Diotrephes Do you really think I won't notice you trying to change the subject? You're racist and made racist and inaccurate comments.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Sarahsummersrockz So, it seems as if you really do believe that a Jewish lich will give you eternal life. What's more racist than that? It's like the old movies where the primitives started worshiping a blonde white woman as soon as they saw her.
Sarahsummersrockz · 18-21, F
@Diotrephes You're not denying you're racist either. Consider yourself reported.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
That god is a psychopath
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
The bilbical God character commands his minions to kill anyone who does work of any kind on the wrong day of the week. He also commands his idiots to investigate when they hear that people in another town are exerising freedom of religion and to kill everything and everyone in the town and burn it all to the ground.

Do you consider such acts as evil atrocities or are they something you would gleefully do as a believer?

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