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Have you ever been horribly rejected

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I think you meant to put "rejected". Just thought you'd like to know. And yes I have, but that doesn't bother me.
What a lot of women fail to understand is that most Men have a predatory nature. As nice as some of them may be , it’s an innate trait ,they can’t help it .
Each new woman they encounter is going to assessed as potential victim, or potential mate. Depending on his emotional status he may just be looking for strictly one or the other.

Oh I know all about that. I can spot them a mile away. I've always known that, actually. I've always had that gift. I noticed that from a very young age. I could write a book about red flags. They need to get a new strategy because the old ones are embarrassingly outdated.

I don't buy for a minute that they can't help it. They know exactly what they're doing. They know how to treat women. It's just that they don't want to, some of them. I know exactly how they size women up. But I think we need to give women a little more.. . in fact a lot more credit than that. We are not stupid. Some are so egotistic, they might look at women that way, but then they find out differently, very quickly. I find these type men very easy to spot. They're so obvious. This was not the case with this guy. His personality was different. I would have been fine if he hadn't just lied to me. I wasn't interested in dating at the time. I'm not one to be taken over by sweet talking men. You can spot them a mile away and no immediately what they're after. I wasn't wanting to date. I wanted a companion friend but I had not seen anyone since 2005 and this was a strictly platonic relationship. The only reason I hooked up with him was because he did seem very nice and he had a great reputation, so I thought he would make a nice friend. It's hard to explain. I know people pretty well. As a retired legal secretary I came in contact with all types of people. And yeah.... I don't have a problem here spotting narcissists. They're super easy and obvious to spot. I think you give men too much credit when it comes to their prowess. They're not as slick as they think they are and there's plenty of women on this site that can spot them very easily.
Kaetana · 56-60, F
@LadyGrace I don’t give anyone credit which they haven’t earned. I haven’t got anything against Men, because I’ve honestly never met ‘the bad guy’ never had to deal with one.

The Narcissist I spoke of was a complex case . He had elements to his personality, where he trusted me & truly sought some form of companionship with me.

I considered this and was prepared to be a companion to him also. But then he blurred the lines .
& thought he might be able to get away with a little game play. That’s when I beat him at his game and shut him down & out.

I have zero tolerance for it.

Also we will very likely have to agree to disagree on your statement
. But I think we need to give women a little more.. . in fact a lot more credit than that. We are not stupid.

A lot of women aren’t exactly ‘ stupid’ I think that description is harsh. The word I choose is gullible, overly’ trusting’

Predatory has a Man may be inside of most men exists ‘the Saint and the Sinner’
Who you are introduced to will depend on what he’s looking for when he approaches you & what he finds.

It’s no more complex than that.
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akindheart · 61-69, F
yes and it was not the fact i was not chosen, it was the fact that this man played games to see how many women he could string along. when i saw the extent of his deception, it was overwhelming
Kaetana · 56-60, F
@akindheart He obviously had a streak of cruelty running through.
Likely if he had been kind at the time, you may have got drawn in much further still. Then experienced his cruelty too late to successfully recover.
akindheart · 61-69, F
@Kaetana that is exactly what happened. we got along great. i had no clue until i saw this lady chasing him online. then i knew. while we were having dinner, he was hearting her stuff on IG. i saw the dates later on and put 2 and 2 together. then he had the nerve to contact me as if nothing had happened. i told him off big time. he tried to flip it on me. it didn't work. he is now married with 2 kids.
Strongtea · 22-25, M
Yes, a few times. I actually cried it was so horrid.
Kaetana · 56-60, F
@Strongtea aw bless you, my friend this IS lovely to hear & actually proof that God usually gets rid of that which is not good for us.
Then gives us the best .

It’s wonderful to know that you pray together as well, that’s so cute! 🐣

My daughter19, recently met a young Christian man he’s 20 . He too suggested they attend bible classes together.

I’m hoping it’s Gods will that they marry & live a lovely life together Amen 🙏🏽
Strongtea · 22-25, M
I hope so too, they will be in our prayers. 😊🥰😊@Kaetana
Kaetana · 56-60, F
@Strongtea 🤗 thanks you are very kind 🪻
JustaBuddy · 41-45, M
Everyone has, it builds character
antonioioio · 70-79, M
Sure have
You just get on with your life
Kaetana · 56-60, F
@antonioioiothis would be the healthiest way
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Kaetana · 56-60, F
@Matt85 hmm 🤔 is there a good reason why you shouldn’t blame them ?
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
NEVERz, I JusTz Pay mOREz
Kaetana · 56-60, F
@DonaldTrumpet sorry can you explain a bit more , I’m not sure I understood. Ty
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Kaetana · 56-60, F
@pentagrammom A chatbot.. why would you think that?

Do you know that if you seriously have have those suspicions you can contact SW staff . Who I’m certain will confirm I am indeed human .
Still I’m curious as to why you would even think that💭
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Kaetana · 56-60, F
@pentagrammom I’m charmed 😀

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