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Jesus' teaching has nothing to do with Christian beliefs.

Jesus taught about love, the quintessential quality of holiness, the state of oneness in which there is no separation, not between you and anyone. It is a selfless state of being. Love is that. It is a timeless quality of existence that has neither beginning nor ending, neither birth nor death.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25, F
But... but... but I thought his teachings were about giving tax concessions to filthy rich executives and corporations, criminalising homelessness, and unconditionally supporting the genocidal, apartheid state of Israel. Isn't one of the Ten Commandments, "Thou shalt make a killing on the stock-market"?
You mean I was wrong? 😳
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25, F
@sree251 I know. I was just being silly, just being sarcastic.
sree251 · 41-45, M
I know. I was just being silly, just being sarcastic.

You know? Tell me what you know about the teaching I am talking about?
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25, F
@sree251 I'm not a Christian, and primarily because I despise pacifism. It's immoral to willingly allow psychopaths and bullies to literally get away with murder and do absolutely nothing to stop them. "Turn the other cheek"? What absolute nonsense!
What Bible passages support that? That sounds like vague new age psychobabble. He said a lot more about concrete things, like taking care of poor people.
sree251 · 41-45, M
What Bible passages support that? That sounds like vague new age psychobabble. He said a lot more about concrete things, like taking care of poor people.

Both the Hebrew and Christian bibles are collections of the religious scriptures of Judaism. "Jesus" is the name of a religious figure regarded by apostate Jews as the messiah. The Jewish religious establishment of the day condemned that claim and regarded "Jesus" as a political trouble maker, a fake like Trump. Back then, their Jack Smith succeeded in indicting "Jesus" and crucified him on the cross like a common criminal.

Judaism is the religion of the chosen people, Jews who believe in their God of the Hebrew Bible. Christians are a confused lot.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
This obviously isn't from the Hobby Lobby Bible preferred by American conservatives.
MostlyDogs · 100+
Tell me you’ve never studied Jesus’ teaching without telling me

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