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A Sunday Word by Nathaniel #2

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion:
1 John 4:7 (NLT) ~ "Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God."

When you think about God, what do you think? Do you think of Him as someone who is loving?

Today's Bible verse tells us that God is love and that love comes from God. Without God showing us love, we wouldn't know how to love. God's love is perfect, and unlike human love, it doesn't have any conditions or requirements other than us accepting it.

God is love. He shows us His love in so many ways. He shows it to us through his creation, as we have food to eat, and air to breathe. In our own Milky Way galaxy, one of the stars is our sun, without which the multitude of life forms on earth would not exist. He shows us His love also through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.

It was in Jesus, that God really demonstrated His love. God gave the best He had to have a relationship with us.

Let us allow the knowledge of God's love to flow in every area of our lives. As we begin to think about it, it makes it easier to love others. We realize that even though we don't always appreciate it the gift of love, God loved us. This knowledge helps us to love others too!

"God is love, and He invites us: 'Walk with me and love my way.' When we love both God and neighbor, Gracious deeds will fill each day."

This is A Sunday Word by Nathaniel! Stay blessed, safe, and loved! Amen!
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Well the first thing i think is the same thing i think when people mention Santa Claus.

When i think about the character of god as we learn about him from the Bible, i think of an abusive husband or father.

Sure, he loves and supports you when you do what he wants...but when you don't then he becomes vicious, brutal and unmerciful.
Just like the abuser it becomes "Why are you making me hurt you like this? This is your fault. You deserve this. I am reasonable, i love you, i don't want to hurt you but you are pushing me to hurt you."

Not a character i would consider to be the good guy.
NoobGains · 18-21, M
@Pikachu I'm sorry you interpreted or feel that God seems like a cruel or mean-spirited deity. However, I would love to share with you my thoughts that might help you to look at God from a different perspective if I may. I will be posting tomorrow regarding this subject matter.

You're very welcome to do so.
But unless you can change what's written in the Bible, you're not going to have good luck putting god in a different perspective.

What perspective can you add to make a character who kills the friends and family of a transgressor look benevolent?
How do you soften the image of a character who killed every firstborn child in an entire country with the stated purpose of making the world recognize his power?
Can you spin "i love you but you will suffer and die if you don't love me back" as the position of a loving character?
Will you address how it is a positive attribute to test people by demanding they murder their own child or kill their entire family to see how devoted they are?
Is the acceptance by god of child sacrifice carried out for victory going to be explained as an example of his love?

I'm dubious, NoobGains.
I guess we'll see.
Dshhh · M
@Pikachu is right in his comparison of the god of the bible to an angry vindictive abusive parent.
@NoobGains explains this loving god that killed every firstborn child in an entire country with the stated purpose of making the world recognize his power?
show me the care and compassion of
"i love you but you will suffer and die if you don't love me back"
or o test people by demanding they murder their own child or kill their entire family to see how devoted they are?

address these if you can, but you wont becasue you cant. unless YOU TOO thing these actions are worthy
Adstar · 56-60, M
God is perfect in all areas. Love being one..

Embracing Gods love saves one from Gods wrath..
4meAndyou · F
I love this post! Thank you for reminding us all that the pure love of God lives within each one of us, and is our daily Teacher.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M

The biblical God character beats the snot out of the ones he loves. Has he beaten you lately?

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