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"Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen,

, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. 1 John 4:20
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I love God and I love my brother and sister. They love me back. I hope I was truly a better person.
I do have a question, do you think that following the character of Christ is a big deal in what makes someone a Christian. Of course I believe in the grace of God for salvation. I do NOT believe in sinless perfection to get saved or as needed proof of salvation, both are heresies, but in general, the question stands.
Carazaa · F
@SpiritualMan I think the point is that whoever says they are a Christian and is not loving all people, turning the other cheek, and obedient until death, is not a Christian at all.
But people are so hard to deal with...😭
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
@Carazaa you are my favourite SW Christian :)
Carazaa · F
@ServantOfTheGoddess 🌷 That's so nice of you to say! ☕🍰
Like2play · M
4:20 is that the passage about smoking weed?
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Carazaa · F
@Like2play Probably addressing them too, yes!
Dacrowman · 70-79, M
There is no god
marke · 70-79, M
Don't be stupid!

Maybe I read you wrong. Do you believe God created the universe or not?
marke · 70-79, M
Moses wrote the first 5 books with Gods direction 6000 years ago. Only Moses, his wife, 3 children and their wives survived the flood. God warned him that he was going to drown every living creature because of their sin. How people mocked him and how they all died except Moses family. Then if you read each book after that, the writers write how God spoke to them and told them to write down the stories for us to learn about God, and how God himself saves humanity from hell and how Jesus will come back to take us to heaven and to judge the rest of humanity that rejected Jesus.

Moses was not in the flood, Noah was.
Carazaa · F
@marke🙏 I am sorry I said that, I didn't read your entire comment and you are not stupid at all. I thought at first you were mocking, and that there is no proof of God. I was in a hurry because of work and I meant Noah was in the flood, thank you!
eyeno · M
marke · 70-79, M
Then what was the purpose of you threatening people who slander your invisible friend on my comment, if you weren't accusing me of slandering your invisible friend?

There are a couple of points I need to make. First, I was not accusing you of slandering God for supporting slavery, but I have encountered such slander dozens, if not hundreds of times over the years. To comment on the issue of God's support for slavery without mentioning the fact that people who slander God over slavery do not realize the harm they do to themselves as well as their failure to understand why God did not condemn slavery in some situations in the OT or in the NT.

Secondly, those who carelessly show open disrespect for God (not you but anyone who does so) demonstrate their lack of fear for God and that will end very badly for them.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@marke Okay, but counterpoint. There are two things required in order for slander charges to be filed. First, the thing people are saying has to be a lie. I just provided biblical evidence that it's true. Secondly, the person or persons being slandered have to exist. So why don't you go scurry along and find some evidence for the existence of your invisible friend?
marke · 70-79, M
] Okay, but counterpoint. There are two things required in order for slander charges to be filed. First, the thing people are saying has to be a lie. I just provided biblical evidence that it's true. Secondly, the person or persons being slandered have to exist. So why don't you go scurry along and find some evidence for the existence of your invisible friend?

If God is not your friend then you are His enemy and God's enemies will end very badly.

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