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Should the pictures depicting Jesus As being European in appearance be removed.

No one knows exactly what Jesus looked like, and there are no known images of him from his lifetime. Art history professor Anna Swartwood House writes in The Conversation about the complicated history of the images of Christ and how historically they have served many purposes.

The portrayal of Jesus as a white, European man has come under renewed scrutiny during this period of introspection over the legacy of racism in society.

As protesters called for the removal of Confederate statues in the U.S., activist Shaun King went further, suggesting that murals and artwork depicting “white Jesus” should “come down.”

His concerns about the depiction of Christ and how it is used to uphold notions of white supremacy are not isolated. Prominent scholars and the archbishop of Canterbury have called to reconsider Jesus’ portrayal as a white man.
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Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Actually the "White Jesus" was invented by Michelangelo during the Renaissance. His base vision was Michelangelo's gay partner.

Hence all these Christians since are in fact venerating a picture of a gay man.

But that aside, there are older depiction of Jesus in the East. Most "non White" images of Jesus were destroyed by the Church as being blasphemous.

The thing is that if the hiearchy had ever read the fairy tale, there would be no depictions of people in the church. So, the bottom line is that they don't believe in the fairy tale.
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Miram · 31-35, F
Jesus probably looked more like me than your people.

Might have had bigger nose though.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Why should anyone, except Israelites, worship an Israelite who preached an ethnocentric religious message? It makes as much sense as a 10th Century Eskimo believing in the Islamic fairy tale. At least there is a short physical description of the Mohammed character.
sylvsn59 · 61-69, M
Probably safe to assume he looked like the people of that region look.
Heard it all before and too tedious for words..
Dacrowman · 70-79, M
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Shaun King, I think, is going too far. When you create an egregore to worship, you're entitled to give him, her, or it whatever appearance you choose. White Christians can worship white jesus, black Christians can worship black Jesus (not the cartoon on Adult Swim, lol) and Hispanic Christians can worship Hispanic Jesus. I don't care what image they choose to focus on, and I wouldn't force them to picture him in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable.

The underlying problems with Christianity are much worse than what color skin Jesus has. The fact of the matter is, the New Testament contains language that condones slavery. That's what Shaun King should be worried about.

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