He does, but he wants to hate.
SpiritualMan · M
When he acts loving it is as a Trojan Horse to gain people's trust. It is a facade. He doesn't care if those who serve him are destroyed.
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FenixGears · 41-45, M

He loves evil 😈 lol

Anyone capable of hate is capable of love, and anyone capable of love is capable of hate.
Even if that capacity is not in the forefront.
Even if that capacity is not in the forefront.
eMortal · M
Yes. Love is neutral. People fall in love with their pets and direct family members. That should give you a hint.
Whyme · 46-50, M
Ild guess it was a deep feeling of betrayal that les to it so ya
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Yes, if you know how to love him U_U
FenixGears · 41-45, M
4meAndyou · F
Nope. Satan is like a power mad politician, but even worse, because he doesn't just carelessly create destruction to gain power...he does it on purpose because he finds delight in our destruction.
JestAJester · 31-35, M
Satan reading this post

Punches · 46-50, F
@JestAJester NOW we will know who downvoted this thread if that happens. 😄
Damned Satan with his DV.
Damned Satan with his DV.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
No, which is why he was voted out in 2020.
Carazaa · F
He is a liar, and a murderer!
empanadas · 31-35, M
In Judaism, his wife was Lilith
FenixGears · 41-45, M