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Angels anyone?

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Just wondering if any of you have experienced angels? I remember taking a corner wrong on my bike and nearly coming off, I braced myself ready to hit the road and my bike suddenly went upright again and I carried on riding!
A lady from our church who was ill at the time was shopping and a smartly dressed young man offered to carry her shopping to her car, when they arrived she turned to thank him and he had totally disappeared! I've heard so many similar stories, any of you had similar experiences??
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Mamapolo2016 · F Best Comment
A number of times, in many guises.

This one I don't remember so it could be dismissed as hearsay.

When I was still a toddler I contracted polio. I was told it was touch-and-go for a time. My parents later related that they had hit a rocky place in their marriage, and one night I woke up during a high fever and told them I'd seen an angel, and I had a message for them. If they didn't get their marital act together, I was going to go with the angel.

Second, during my husband's catastrophic illness, after an especially soul-grinding episode, I came unglued. I ended in a large antiseptic hospital restroom sobbing uncontrollably in a stall.

When I came out, there was a petite, beautifully dressed black woman gazing at me with compassionate eyes. She opened her arms to me. As I cried on her shoulder, she told me such grief could only come from love, and - something - passed from her to me. Strength. She told me her name was Delta, and I never saw her again, but I have never forgotten her. I was able to go back to to my husband in ICU and get on with it.
Nelladell · 80-89, F
@Mamapolo2016 ❤️
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@Mamapolo2016 wow thanks for sharing!!
@Mamapolo2016 wonderful

Nelladell · 80-89, F
One instance: Shortly after I turned 84 I fell on a concrete surface. I felt hands guiding my body as it fell. I instantly knew I was okay and went on my way.
I had no marks no pains, no results from the fall except more gratitude and joy.
@Nelladell 🤗🤗 Yay, angel!
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@Nelladell wow that's amazing
I know of some. When my friend Mary, who never lies and is a devout Christian, was in the hospital recovering from a removed lung, from cancer, she was in the worst pain ever and didn't think she was going to make it, but an angel came to her and told her, with the sweetest voice, she would be okay and not to worry, and she had an old-time nurse's uniform on, she said. When the nurse came in, Mary asked her who's that sweet nurse was that just left and she said honey, I've been standing outside your door for quite some time and I saw no one leave your room. The Bible does talk about angels being ministering spirits/visitors. And that we do have guardian angels, but we are not to worship or pray to them. I love your post.
Carazaa · F
Yes, many times, when my car stopped absolutely parallel 1 cm from a cement divider on the freeway after spinning around 3 times. I prayed please don't let me hit anyone God.
@Carazaa holy moly why were you spinning the car? 😞
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I was falling off a cliff , lost my grip free climbing alone, fell backwards only had my toes on the rock. Past vertical, hands over my head when a hand slapped hard against the middle of my back and pushed me forcefully back up against the cliff wall and I managed to grab ahold of the rock face..
I was totally alone but I looked back and said, "thanks man" instinctively..
The person who saved me would have to have been directly behind me literally floating in the air to do what happened..

It was an eye opener that's for sure.
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@Onestarlitnight glad you have shared it now!!
Nelladell · 80-89, F
Nelladell · 80-89, F
@Onestarlitnight Understood. Thanks for sharing it.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
I was doing a pastor visitation to an elderly lady who was extremely poor. When I arrived she had a beautiful fruit platter and other snacks that I KNEW she couldn't afford. I ate as little as possible and still be polite and she asked me if I believed in angels. I asked her why she asked. She then related how she was able to afford the fruit. She was walking downtown (she couldn't afford the bus fare) to apply for welfare. As she walked she heard a young man call her name. He invited her too coffee which she gratefully accepted and they sat in a cafe and had a cup which he paid for. She took a sip and as she did the young man said "Anna you are blessed of the LORD". She lowered her eyes as they filled with tears and then looked up. The young man was gone. She went outside the door and happened to glance down. On the sidewalk was a dollar. She picked up and thought that this might get her bus fare to down town. She heard the young man's voice saying she was to go buy a lottery ticket. She disagreed. She thought such gambling was a sin. The voice continued even though she couldn't see him. Finally she went to the lottery kiosk and asked for a ticket. She bought one and had to be told it was a scratch ticket. She scratched and won $10,000.00.
I'll never get tired of this post. I read it again ever so often haha, because I know there are angels that minister here on Earth. You are so blessed to have encountered one.
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@LadyGrace I know!!
Ok, one that is debatable but still.

When my mum was little she got swept out to sea, in the middle of the ocean, a fisherman just happened to be there and rescued her.

My mum was on holiday with her parents in a small fishing town where everyone knew each other- when my Grandad rushed out to find the man, thank him and take his family out to dinner, noone knew him- this was a small local fisher town.

Now when we talk about it, my mum realises it doesn't add up- how could they not know who the man was, why was he there at the exact time of her need, and in fact she was drowning at a depth- how did he manage to go down and pull her out?

It just makes me wonder as I am the only Christian in my family.
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic sounds like an angel to me!!
@TheWildEcho I just think of that and that I am the only one in my family who accepts the gospel and the plans that God has for me!
yes I have experienced so many scientifically impossible things through the grace of God
Nelladell · 80-89, F
@SW-User Do you share stories of your experiences?
OnBroadway · 56-60, F
I have 2 experiences to share. These 2 don't actually involve angels however I have had experiences with angels on other occasions. My 2 experiences are direct from God with no angel involvement.

When I was about 9 I was taken to the seaside with my Sunday school in the 1970s. I went into the sea even though I couldn't swim. Back then everything was laid back, I don't recall there being any life guards or any other safety measures. Btw, I am in the UK, just to clarify things. Anyway, I went into the sea by myself and was loving it. Suddenly the sand beneath my feet disappeared. I went under quite a few times and I thought that I was going to drown. I was chocking on sea water. I floated further away out to sea. Suddenly out of no where I was placed back onto a sand bank and I was able to walk out of the sea straight back onto dry land. People tell me that this is a miracle as I almost drowned.
Still waiting for Angels to manifest in my life and help with stuff like career. At the moment, I feel like things are working, and God has a plan! These cute friends I make at prayer meetings are really helping my perspective, and helping me become a bolder individual. Maybe they are the Angels.
Carazaa · F
@WhisperinAngelic101 If we put God first in everything including money he blesses us. We can't rob God of time or money.

"You are cursed with a curse, yet you—the whole nation—are still robbing Me. 10Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house. Test Me in this,” says the LORD of Hosts. “See if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour out for you blessing without measure. 11I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of your land, and the vine in your field will not fail to produce fruit,” says the LORD of Hosts".…Malachi 3:10
@Carazaa I remember reading this long ago. It was when I was learning what Tithes were. I was still very young, and there was a book by Benny Hinn, with a chapter about Tithing in it. This was so long ago, I still have fading memories. Its reflective of a time when as a family we were struggling to be what we were, in a foreign land, and God was helping us get through. This wisdom is too unreal. Wow. God is wonderfull....
Carazaa · F
@WhisperinAngelic101 You can read my miracle post and you will be encouraged.(my 5th profile post)
PatKirby · M
As a teen I was in my room listening to the radio when I felt what I thought was my mother's hand touch my shoulder from behind me. Turning around I was shocked to see there was no one there. I was told later that a relative had passed away that very day.

Another time I was relaxing and reading the newspaper while lying in bed during the afternoon by the open window. When suddenly I noticed some smoke between my face and the newspaper. Thinking there must be a fire I put the paper down to witness a large blue column of smoke rise and move into the ceiling. Then it was gone. Very strange.
Had a flat tire way out in the country in route to a baptism and a man appeared riding on a bicycle out of nowhere and fixed it and also disappeared suddenly. Not sure but it has crossed my mind many times.
@NoGamesTolerated I believe in them. I have had three similar occurrences. One was disturbing given what came to pass, the other two more positive.
PatKirby · M
As a kid I choked on a giant gumball, couldn't breathe, and was turning blue in the car while downtown. My mother said a man suddenly appeared out of nowhere, noticed, and made it pop out of my throat, then disappeared. Didn't know who he was or where he came from.
@PatKirby I know of one person who was drowning. I mean he said he was going down the last time when an unseen hand pushed him up to safety.

Another case is a guy was in a wreck and he felt an unseen hand pull him out just in time from being killed.
Been there with the sudden disappearance.
Yes. More than once.

When my late husband was in the hospital again, it had been a terrible day in a year of terrible days. I fled to a restroom for a meltdown.

When I was finally somewhat composed, I stepped out to find a small black woman gazing at me. Without a word, she opened her arms and held me, murmuring comfort.

It was enough to revive my heart and give me strength to go on. She said her name was Delta.
Nelladell · 80-89, F
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
An angel is technically a “message from God”

I think we’ve all seen angels

But no I have never seen a spirit angels or whatever you call them
HazyDayz · 36-40
I don’t know. I pray a lot that one will come see me though.
I had a dream once that felt like God was speaking to me…so there’s that I suppose. He seemed annoyed though.
akindheart · 61-69, F
i k eep hoping my daughter who passed comes to me as an angel. so far not...but i sure hope so
bentonlake · 70-79, F
There are books full of stories like that.
bentonlake · 70-79, F
Love hearing these experiences.
MasterDvdC · 70-79, M
We saw the shadow of one once
I used to believe that someone was my angel and now it's all dead inside.
Nelladell · 80-89, F
@littlepuppywantanewlife What a great loss. I am sorry.
No, only demons. But I experiences angels in people
MasterDvdC · 70-79, M
@SW-User Check out Hebrews 13:2
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@MasterDvdC yes there's obviously angels out there!!
I remember one girl standing at a subway station exit once @MasterDvdC pregnant asking for money. Yeeeeears ago. I passed her by..... When 1 minute later I decided to go back and give her money.. Not only was she gone but that exit/entrance too 😞😕😣 I regret it now

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