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Joseph0723 · 41-45, M
Honestly the whole argument of "If you believe in a certain thing then you are not allowed to believe in the Bible, and therefore not allowed to believe in God" gave Satan an easy entry into my life. I was atheist for a few years because of that argument.
NakedExperiment · 51-55, M
@Joseph0723 I don't even know what that means. Satan is a stolen concept that doesn't make sense and is just an excuse.

Do you read the Bible? The Bible never speaks of reincarnation.
@NakedExperiment Hardly. Kids can do a million things around the house that could cause them harm. The danger is always there. They've been warned. What do you do, live in an empty house so they don't get hurt? How silly. A parent cannot watch them every single minute. You know that.

You have a soul that will one day die. If you didn't have a soul, you wouldn't even be alive. Your soul, is your "house", so to speak.

If your earthly house was on fire, I would do everything I could, to save you. As it stands, your spiritual house (soul) is on fire. Jesus wants to save it. It's on fire spiritually, and Jesus wants to rescue you, but you are saying, "No thank you! I want no part of it." You could have been saved, but you have rejected His help. That was your choice, not His.

You don't have to be perfect in order for God to accept you , yet you expect God to be perfect before you accept him, and he certainly is. It is because of his great love for us, that he even provided a way to heaven.
NakedExperiment · 51-55, M
@LadyGrace This is beginning to sound like a Monty Python sketch. I'm clearly wasting my time.

You missed my point entirely and, I suspect, deliberately.

My understanding is: Jesus is God. So God wants to save me from Hell which God (either directly or indirectly) created. If God is omnipotent, God could remove Hell from existence in an instant. If Jesus wants to save me from Hell by requiring that I believe in him or follow him under threat of violence/pain/damnation, especially when he already knows the outcome, he is unfeasibly cruel. Therefore Jesus either does not exist (which seems most likely but impossible to prove) or he is evil. You do understand that it sounds like some kind of criminal protection racket.

I don't believe in souls. They don't make sense on any level to me. Saying it's on fire is simply meaningless. If Jesus wants to save me, tell him to visit me.
@NakedExperiment If I did something deliberately, I sure wouldn't be writing back-and-forth, trying to answer your questions.
You do not want to learn. You want to argue and I'm not going to do it. You want all the answers when I have clearly stated that God requires faith. You have grossly misunderstood, judged, and criticized Jesus, when you don't even know him, by your own admission. It takes faith. Accept it or not. You don't need proof. You need faith. We'll just have to agree to disagree. Thanks for the chat.
woundedeer · 26-30, M
Thats not how it works Samantha
Well. That was nice. Watching people police who the "real" "Christians" are.

yawns. stretches. so refreshing.
Can you please show me in God's Word, the scripture where it mentions we are reincarnated when we die?
And I respect your belief. In some aspects I do agree but if someone doesn't believe that then it's not worth getting upset over. I sometimes think about all the people on earth who have never even heard of God and the bible. Do they deserve an afterlife of torment for something they can't help? I don't believe so. I see God as merciful and that's all there is to it.
Joseph0723 · 41-45, M
I'm a Christian and I believe in reincarnation also.
Joseph0723 · 41-45, M
He conquered death. He wasn't reincarnated. He conquered death and was able to enter the physical world from the spiritual world, and enter the spiritual World from the physical world. If you're looking for a scientific explanation, there is none.
Scripture to back up reincarnation please.@Joseph0723
NakedExperiment · 51-55, M
@Joseph0723 If he "conquered death" then he did not die.
Joseph0723 · 41-45, M
There's really not an issue with being Christian and believing in reincarnation. It's just definitely not a popular opinion. I believe we are able to reincarnate up until the final judgment. At the final judgment, those Souls who have not found God have run out of time and will never find God. The Bible speaks of two separate judgments. There is the Judgment seat of Christ and also the great white Throne judgement. 1 judgment is given in between each life, the other judgment is given at the end of time.
Joseph0723 · 41-45, M
Explain to me why there are two judgments?
@Joseph0723 There is nowhere in the Bible that says there are judgments between each life. If you can find that by verse, let me know please.
@Joseph0723 Christianity and reincarnation, do not mix. God's Word clearly states that it is appointed unto man only once to die, and after that, the judgment. Hebrews 9:27. Once , means one time only. We don't come back then die, then come back then die. Many make the mistake of regarding the term "born-again" as meaning that we live again. That's not what it means. Careful Bible study explains that.
twofacetoo · 26-30, M
So what variant strain of Christianity do you follow?
@MissMollyCharlotte0702 yes, in fact, the Bible says that a double-minded person is unstable in all his ways. We either follow Christ , or not at all.
@Summersrain We cannot pick and choose which verses we wish to follow. Following Jesus is total commitment. He does not want half our hearts. We either follow him all the way, or not at all. The key to salvation is total commitment.
Exactly. You do not get to pick and choose. You either follow Christ and God’s word or you don’t. @twofacetoo
Abrienda · 26-30, F
Sorry but the slightest knowledge of both would show you they are mutaully exclusive. You may "like" what Christ said but that does not make you a Christian. It's rather more serious than that.
Spinner · 61-69, M
I wasn’t aware the bible spoke of reincarnation.
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Are you speaking to me?@Abrienda
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That’s ok. @Abrienda

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