I Used to Think That Wind Could Blow Me AwayIt's going to be really windy, tomorrow, like 50 miles per hour. I'm going to be out in it. Trouble is, I have to travel 3 hours to get there.
I Used to Think That Wind Could Blow Me AwayThere is another storm expected overnight. I hope it will be a real kicker, wake me up, and maybe I can go out. I'll let you all know what happens.
I Used to Think That Wind Could Blow Me AwayI need to travel to the North Sea coast. I've heard from some of you folks that the wind there is a great experience. Anybody familiar with it?
I Used to Think That Wind Could Blow Me AwayWe had another storm, last week. I hoped it would last until I finished work for the day. Wind usually comes first and I really enjoy it. I don't remember when I started having a thing for wind. When I was a kid in school, I felt comfortable around... See More »
I Used to Think That Wind Could Blow Me AwayI like these comments, so I thought I'd share an event. One night, I was awakened. There was a storm in the area and this was the time of year when such things happen - lots of violent noise and then the chain saws come out in the morning. Anyway, I... See More »