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Teacher talks about the effect Andrew Tate has on 11 year old boys.

She says it's common for teens who are fans of Andrew Tate to say things like one male 11 year old who is a huge fan of Andrew Tate told another 11 year old female that she's fat and uses men for money. That he works hard for his money lols. It's funny but sad at the same time. It's funny because the kid is 11 who hasn't had any experience in life talking like a 40 year old male.

It's not funny because men like Tate are literally grinding out future incels. Think about it, you haven't had no girlfriends yet and you believe that women use you for money .. at 11 years old.

Can see the future now.

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SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@LordShadowfire I saw it yesterday and I found it hilariously accurate ha. It did make me feel better

I was blissfully unaware of this piece of cockroach shit until last week. Now I’m noticing news about him on an almost daily basis. Hopefully someone will sue him like they sued that other piece of cockroach shit Alex Jones.
@SatanBurger There are some things you can do in the US that will land you in prison in Romania. But to each his own.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@LeopoldBloom That's just what he said, I don't know if that's true of Romania or not. I'm glad he can be sued though, I'm kind of hoping he puts his foot in his mouth over there sometime soon.
@SatanBurger If he stays in Romania, he's probably judgment proof. I'm not sure he could be successfully served or what effect a civil lawsuit would have.
Incels existed before Tate. Tates never been the problem
It's not like women are "warned" before a rape happens

This right here proves you didn't understand what he meant when talking about authority and responsibility. He was talking about an instance in which he tells his girlfriend not to go out at night, or to stay in contact with him at all times while she's out and too come back on time. No one needs to outline why that is, the reason why he'd set such limitations should be obvious unless you just want to rage and call him a misogynist control freak. What he was pointing out is if he tells his girl not to do something with the intention of keeping her safe and she does it anyway he cannot be held responsible for the negative outcome that occur. That's a reasonable stance. You cannot be held responsible for things or people you have no authority over.

Even criminal defense lawyers don't justify what Tate says

Tate isn't being charged with a crime wtf😂🤣. Yeah anyone can have an opinion on Tate so what? A criminal defense lawyer can have a problem with things you say, that means nothing, it's just an opinion not fact. What happens if another criminal defense lawyer agrees with Tate would you change your mind then? 🤣
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@SW-User That's only your interpretation of what he said, if you click on the link he said none of what you're insisting. It's just more justification from you to justify rape and assault of females. Your views are the exact same as rapists who go to prison, they have the same exact mindset.
@SatanBurger I'm talking about videos I watched him speak on the matter. I could link them but I doubt you'd watch. Whatever though, he's banned so you can revel in it and assume what you will of me. Take care.
A rational discussion about Tate. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here. It's 2+hrs of grown ups talking sense so it won't appeal to your affinity for triggering "Tate bad" content. If it makes you feel better, Jedediah Bila is not conservative nor red pill.

@SatanBurger Of course you don't know dummy, if you knew you wouldn't have to watch the video would you now 🤪
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@SW-User I know Rollo's views well enough to know the justifications for what he's going to say. He said basically that Tate got shut down because media was "afraid" of him. Once again going back to my first argument talking about radicalization of younger boys i.e. this original post.
@SatanBurger You know Rollo. Good for you. I mentioned Jedediah Bila for a reason though...
i am sorry who the fuck IS this guy? i dont do pop anything. seems stupid
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@SatyrService Used to be a pro athlete fighter turned fake alpha male incel with a huge but selective following. His followers mainly consist of men who blame their porn addiction, lack of a father and other issues on women. They like to follow Tate because they dream of having that power because they been powerless and instead of doing something about it, they'd rather just whine.

Then there's "some" but not a huge following of women who want to fuck Tate. These women are the types to go with gang bangers, mafia sorts or serial killers because of the perceived power status even though it's an illusion. In short, pick me women. These women often overlap with the red pill women, who are often conservative, anti gay and very religious.

But yeah that's the gist, nobody too important.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
Porn, fatherless homes, feminism, and simping are the primary reasons. Tate gets laid, OF simps don't.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@SatanBurger You didn't articulate it well at all

I don't condone everything Tate says, am I still simping? Lmao

1 post, that you linked twice now, wow, that's proof that you're unbiased if there ever was

Didnt watch his recent vid, and the sex trafficking thing has been debunked. I believe it's a scam, but havent looked into it or care. You havent either but show such conviction about it

When did I remotely describe what I think a submissive woman is beyond not being argumentative?

Cause you can do both....? I've made the mistake of being too nice in the past, had more success being closer to the redpill than what women say to do i.e simp. And you yourself admit simps get no pussy so...

They do to an extent, they focus on what they disagree with Tate on.

Which post? You think simping and OF aren't a problem
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
I don't condone everything Tate says, am I still simping? Lmao

Okay what do you disagree with Tate on?
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@SatanBurger Women being the blame for being raped and stuff like that. Idk, gimme some stuff he's said and I'll say my opinion on it

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