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What was your hardest phone calls to get and make in your lifetime?

1. The first was taking the phone call in the morning from an Ohio State Trooper to tell me about my son's suicide.

2. The second was to notify my family and friends them the phone call to my ex-wife about our son's death.

3. The last was getting a phone call out of the blue from a dear friend and soldier I mentored that turned the Army into a career like I had. He shared with me that he was retired medically with stage four brain cancer. I told him I would fly out to California to see him, and he told me he did not want me to do so, and to just remember him as he was when we served together. And that it was better he got the cancer instead of me because he said I could not handle it. I was crushed as we said our final goodbyes.

4. Calling my Army mentor's son and wife after his sudden heart attack and death.
LilPrincess · 41-45, F
1. Phone call that my dad was just rushed to the hospital. He was DOA because he committed suicide. 2007

2. Phone call from my brother that my mama just passed away. 2012

3. A phone call that my nephew was just rushed to the er. He died just as I got there at the age of 26 from a blood clot. 2013

4. That my adopted sister was involved in a tragic accident 2013. I had to be sedated because I lost it.

5. July of 2022 my best friend of 25 years and the Godfather of my kids was being rushed to the hospital where he passed away on July 4th.
@LilPrincess This is sad to hear, wow what a punch in the stomach. I couldn't imagine what you had to go through. My condolences for your losses 😔
LilPrincess · 41-45, F
@SW-User Thank ya. They say time heals but it really doesn't make the pain go away.
@LilPrincess It never does, sometimes it can make it worse
Matt85 · 36-40, M
mooncrest02 · 31-35, F
I never had to make a hard phone call but the hardest call i recieved was the news of my brothers murder. He was missing for weeks and it was hard news to take. That was when I quit SW.
WillaKissing · 56-60
@mooncrest02 I am so sorry for your loss.
@mooncrest02 I'm sorry that's a call no one should have to get.
cd4259 · 61-69, M
1. Having to call my children and in-laws to let them know that my wife of 30 years ,their mother and sister had passed away.
2. The call I received to tell me that one of my best friends and the godfather of my daughter had been killed in a tragic bus accident.
3. The call that a dear friend and mentor in Scouting had passed away.
4. The call that my grandmother had died and been buried for six months, before they called me.
5. The calls I had to make to let family members know that I had bowel cancer for the second time.
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HumanEarth · 56-60, F
I don't really have any.

Calls about family members dying or have died is normal.

Never got a call about a friend that was killed by the police. They came to my house to tell me.

Basically all the really bad stuff was told to me in person. Which I think is harder to do.
WillaKissing · 56-60
@HumanEarth I would rather have been told in person myself.
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Lot of adult life I did not have a telephone. I always used the payphone or used the CB radio as if was the telephone
Horrendous. I am so sorry😥

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