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Hate that this happens!!!

I just received news yesterday from my job that they are moving my position (and 30 others) overseas and we have less than a couple months to find new work with no severance or anything.

I’m stressed and feel like my energy is cranky and mean towards everyone. I just want to feel okay and not fear the unknown.

Good things are coming but being in limbo had me feeling weak and disappointed in myself.
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hunkalove · 61-69, M
Any company that would do that is not worth working for.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
> I just received news yesterday from my job that they are moving my position (and 30 others) overseas and we have less than a couple months to find new work with no severance or anything.

I've been there and it's AWFUL. No severance either. What a kick in the teeth. You'll get through this but it's still so destabilizing and terrible. I became a union rep for a reason. Nobody should have to go through this.
Pfuzylogic · M
Unemployment opportunity when they let go for no reason. I think 6 months is minimum.
pdockal · 56-60, M
Not your fault so nothing to be disappointed with

We need to start using/promoting companies (which isn't easy) that employ Americans in every aspect of their business otherwise this will continue to happen. Companies are for profit and do not care for their employees like decades ago. It's sad.
I hate more government control & red tape but this is something they need to get more involved in.
rfatoday · 61-69, M
Man, that's bad. Although it's stressful, perhaps consider the Good Lord maybe has a better plan for you, in that you'll be in a position where your hard work will be respected and rewarded. Which is how it should be. I'm in a similar situation where I'm needing to go back to work. Good luck!
Hate that this happens!!!

Totally understandable

Save your money and treat it as an opportunity to "re-invent" yourself.......

**** Have you been there long enough to qualify for unemployment benefits? And do not forget to look into what other benefits youmay be entitled to IE healthcare programs.
SaraxKay · 26-30, F
@Threepio I have been there for about 6mo now, (wasn’t even given enough time to show them my whole potential for the company). I was assuming 6mo is long enough to qualify for unemployment but I also want to find something new and better asap as the pay wasn’t that great but the hours and flexibility was phenomenal.
@SaraxKay Different states have different rules as far as time required to qualify for unemployment. (Mine is 6 months, but some require more time on the job). Research it and KNOW YOUR OPTIONS.

I understand the desire to quickly find something else.....speaking of which... start applying now (as they say, it is always easier to find a job when you already have one)....

Good luck to you....
updown2020 · 61-69, M
Well check to see what the law says about severance it not what the companys says its what the law says . Talk to your coworks but because who you talk to because you do not want admin to find out. Good luck
Gibbon · 70-79, M
No severance is BS. What kind of company pulls that off?
SaraxKay · 26-30, F
@Gibbon The one that literally does not give a CRAP about who is working for them. I haven’t been given the boot yet but I have zero drive to put in any effort to work.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@SaraxKay I can understand that under the circumstances. I went through similar feelings my last of something similar but I wasn't treated like you. I won't mention the company but they are very big and have many divisions. One of the divisions was low on work so the company decided to close our division and give our work to them. The day it was announced 50% of us were let go. I was told I would be needed for another 3 months. The longest and last ones, just a few had 4 months. So as each month passed another group was out the door. Some of the employees accepted their same jobs and had to move out of state to continue working. I didn't even complete my time sheet on my last because by then I didn't care. BUT everyone involved that didn't take a job at another location got a three month salary severance. So it can't be said the company didn't care.
That does sound very stressful. I hope you're able to find something soon so you aren't so worried about what's next.
I hope things work out for you. What kind of company do you work for and where are they sending the jobs?
deadgerbil · 26-30
This stuff will keep happening until these companies receive consequences from every day people
DaddyThomas · 46-50, MVIP
It must be very stressful for you but don’t be disappointed in yourself.
Time to find a better employer
Morvoren · F
Oof that’s tough. I’m sorry to hear that.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@SaraxKay 😢so sorry this has happened this must have come as terrible news and so out of the blue
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
Is that legal ?
In France that’s completely illegal
SaraxKay · 26-30, F
@Strictmichael75 not in the US. Unfortunately this is common. My fault for not having anything to backup. Just going to figure this out and do my best.
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
I don't see a reason for you to be disappointed in yourself because they're doing the dirty. Are they at least offering assistance finding another job?
SaraxKay · 26-30, F
@ineedadrink not at all, they just said, “we’re so sorry this is happening to you all, and if you have any questions the floor is open.”
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
@SaraxKay "Question: What kind of job assistance will youse be offering? None is the wrong answer."
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ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
That really sucks. The only good thing in the situation is that at least you have a few months to try to find a new job. Good luck.
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I'm so sorry. 🥺
What is your line of work?
SaraxKay · 26-30, F
@SaraxKay What kind of tech?

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