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I turned in my resignation letter to the head boss

And I guess they never accepted it or let it go in

So randomly, I get a letter in the mail a few days ago, saying that I’m fired. I haven’t worked since January lol.

Wtf can they even do that?
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
This could potentially come back to haunt you if any of the workplaces you apply to in the future check your work history. It might be worth the effort to get it cleared up.
tenente · 100+, M
This could potentially come back to haunt you if any of the workplaces you apply to in the future check your work history

yes it could. if @DeluxedEdition former employer lies about her resignation and says that she was fired, she can get any lawyer to send a cease and desist letter to the employer demanding that they stop making false statements about her employment status. as a business owner i can tell you, no employer wants that kind of attention, and in most cases, the hostilities stop right there. but, if that employer decides, hey - i want to die on this hill, believe me when i tell you, the judge is not going to side with the employer

you're advice to lawyer up is the right one
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@DunningKruger I honestly don’t give a f. I quit because I was being racially bullied at that job. My resignation letter specified that. That’s probably why they didn’t accept it because then corporate would see that they didn’t address it

They can’t tell my boss because I don’t have a boss. I have a llc and I am a full time independent contractor. I am a travel cna, do home health and go and take care of disabled children. I work for three different agencies.

If they want to poke the bear I’ll call corporate on their ass. I already left employee reviews
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@TryingtoLava I don’t have a gap on my resume because I was still working at my travel job the entire time simultaneously working this job 😉

So I never have to mention it.
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
Go apply for unemployment, rack their premiums up
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@WolfGirlwh0r3 this made me laugh 🤣
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Very mature of them.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@JimboSaturn right 😂
they never accepted it or let it go in
They cant claim this without a time stamp from your letter AFTER they 'fired' you or you can sue for wrongful termination likeee no you neda fight this its like a bf saying no i broke up with her she didnt break up with me bs
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@TryingtoLava I don’t think they wanted to accept my letter because then they would have to turn it into corporate and then my letter I specifically stated that the reason I was quitting was because I was being racially, bullied and discriminated against
RoxClymer · 41-45, M
the only thing that will happen is you say that you quit, if asked about it

they will say that they fired you, if asked
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@RoxClymer luckily, I worked another job simultaneously while working this job I actually don’t even have a gap in my résumé. I never even have to mention this job.
XDHyperGirlXD1 · 31-35, F
no they are not allow do that

my mom was bullied at the work place to point she ended up with nerve damage due to poor working condition and she gave them 2 resignation letters but they refused to accepted them because the boss want her to take back what she said about the poor working condition and the bullying

she fought against them for a full year before they had no choice but to accepted the resignation
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
You going to be ok?
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@MrBrownstone I work full time as a independent contractor now 😊
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
I hope they paid you the whole time!
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
Get it back from them in unemployment checks.

Yaaas Queen. 😜

tenente · 100+, M
business owner and employer here. can confirm: no, they cannot do that. your former employer broke the law.

employees have the right to quit their job at any time. if i refuse to accept my employees resignation letter the courts could consider my actions as a form of coercion or duress

as an employer i am obligated:
-to acknowledge an employee’s resignation letter and provide a response promptly.
-to respond in writing and detail the effective date of resignation and the final date of employment
-to inform my employee of any outstanding benefits or compensation that they are entitled to receive

notice period is the only area of contention, and even there, the courts have ruled that 'sufficient notice' is not standard and isn't binding. if i wanted to argue this point in front of a judge, i will lose the case and my reputation will take a hit

bottom line, i can't stop an employee from quiting, and i can't stop them from working anywhere else. it doesn't matter what i put into the employee agreement, the courts always side with the employee. in america, it's employment at will. i take a risk (big or small) when i hire someone, and when they quit, i wish them well and i move on
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@tenente do you know what her response was? I shit you not she asked me if I was seriously coming to work tonight or not
tenente · 100+, M
@DeluxedEdition send them this via email or post. remember: they broke the law, they failed to meet reasonable obligations, the courts will side with you

Subject: Final Notice of Resignation

Dear [Employer's Name],

I am writing to reiterate that as of [Resignation Date], I have formally resigned from my position at [Company Name]. This letter serves as a final reminder that I am no longer an employee of your company.

Despite my clear communication regarding my resignation, I have received repeated requests to attend shifts and continue work. Please consider this email as a formal cease and desist notice regarding any further communication about employment duties or expectations.

Any continued contact on this matter will be considered harassment and will leave me with no choice but to seek legal counsel. Future correspondence related to this issue will be directed through my attorney.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

[Your Name Here]
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@tenente I appreciate you for that 🙏
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tenente · 100+, M
@SW-User my experience is the opposite. as an employer i have obligations, and so does the employee. that said, in america, it's employment at will, and the reality is: the courts always side with the employee. so, in every case where my employee resigns, i thank them for their effort and move on. if her employer wants to fight, they are going to lose and they are going to look really bad, b/c the press love siding with the little guy

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