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The ghost of someone still alive.

I'm watching this docuseries that is taking a look at ghosts and hauntings and alternate theories on what they are. It says that it is possible to have a ghost haunting a house from someone who is actually still alive.

So....It says that if a man/woman is possessed by another spirit, then the original man/womans spirit is pushed out of the persons body and becomes a ghost that could haunt the place he/she died. Errrr...was pushed out of their body.

Then they would haunt that location while their body, now possessed by another ghost, would continue life as that same person. Only, it isn't that same person...and voila! A haunting from someone who isn't dead.

It's pretty confusing but does anyone think something like this could actually be true?
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@NativePortlander1970 It's called Darker Passage. I think it is indi - but still pretty good. They explore all different topics. I watch it on Tubitv.

@swirlie - It is definitely a creepy situation. Just thinking about it weirds me out but it is interesting.
@NativePortlander1970 that guy is so animated he reminds me of the hair guy from ancient aliens.
@ReaperLinda More like super hyper pissed off 😬
@ReaperLinda George Tsoukalous from Ancient Aliens, with his goofy grin, looks like he's explaining while dosed on dmt and weed, Emmett Connery looks like he skipped his meds.
Ynotisay · M
Since you Ghosts aren't real. Neither are aliens or supernatural entities. They're part of a long line of fables that, for whatever reason, some are attracted to. It feeds people something they want or need. When proof and evidence don't exist it opens the door for conjecture and that's the seed that grows. It's where "faith" and "belief" take precedent over facts and that allows it to feed itself. Some may see it as harmless fun, others see it as pure lunacy and others go all-in because of what it provides them. Just my two cents.
@Ynotisay - I am definitely not saying I believe in ghosts. But I have always been interested. But you are right. The belief, I think, is to help people think we just don't blink out of existence. This is still a different take on what ghosts are I think.
Ynotisay · M
@ReaperLinda I think you're right on the money in regards to belief and our (actual) blinking out of existence. Recorded history shows the influence of gods and greater powers over humankind. Maybe it's comforting to believe that there's 'more.' But that doesn't make it so. When evidence isn't required all bets are off. TV is particularly good at exploring those types of things.
I always ask: Define exactly what is a ghost and how this is known. What are they made of? Do they emit or reflect light? Leave any kind of residue? In short, what is the objective evidence. Not say-so anecdotes and photos. None exists so this is speculation.

A real theory means tests can be designed and conducted. Anything viable?

Ferric67 · M
@BlueSkyKing leave it up to the scientologists to fuk it up for everybody
CBarson · 51-55
Not like that, no. We aren’t pushed out during a possession. More like being a passenger while somebody else is driving
That’s not a ghost it’s just their energy print
@SW-User I do have a theory on that, that I surmised decades ago.
@NativePortlander1970 it’s true you can even refer to Joseph Murphy he has many experiences with it
@SW-User He's not someone I recognize.
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
It’s interesting
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
Renaci · 36-40
Lol 10,000 years of claims. Zero evidence ever.
@ReaperLinda If not zero, what the objective evidence available? Can it be tested? No? Then it’s zero.
@BlueSkyKing I see that there are old pictures that experts can't explain and sounds. Stuff like that. Nothing concrete but technically unexplained. That doesn't mean it could be anything ghostly and could just be random weirdness going on. But none the less still evidence to some. Like I wrote I'm not saying I absolutely believe in ghosts or anything but have still always been interested in the stories or possibilities.
@ReaperLinda Old pictures and sounds isn’t good enough. All other plausible explanations must be eliminated before a supernatural event can be inplied.

Believing a little is like being a little pregnant. You either believe or don’t.
swirlie · F
It absolutely IS true because I've witnessed it myself with a relative of mine at her own property. My experience happened EXACTLY as you've stated in your post that it could happen.
Then if that's true, the real spirit of my 2 years and ten months old self, I had a near death out of body experience two months before my third birthday in 1973, is haunting the Adventist Hospital in Portland, Oregon.
@NativePortlander1970 - I guess that would sort of fit. But you could have went back into your old body - which is something this show says can happen. But I think the idea is that you could have been pushed out of your body when you were almost 3 - and your body could have been taken over by another spirit. So, essentially, the 'you' that is posting this comment is actually the intruder...that grew up in your body and 'became' you. While the original 3 year old 'you' who is "actually" you could still be haunting the hospital.

Weird, right? This show actually asks something similar and asks what would happen if a ghost had possessed a kid and lived another 80 years in that kids body...and then the original kid (the ghost of the kid) repossessed his original body that was now 80 years old. Haha.
@ReaperLinda 🤔🤷‍♀️
@ReaperLinda I'm interested in watching this docuseries, what's the name of it?

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