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In this Day of Rest , Lord's day , day of Sabbath .. What have .

Id like to throw out a few blessings , hail mary's , what have you , to all the priests , ministers , monks , religious leaders , men or women of the cloth, lurking about In the inner sanctum , cavities , what have you as a gentle reminder to practice what you preach to you congregation ..

You know , just so you aren't in here riding the heels of hypocrisy , trying to get your next fix instead of saving souls. Although by God , really a simp or fetish religious leader is pretty much the cream of the crop on here, and I can understand why so many of Us followers wouldn't want a piece of that sanctimonious pie as a ticket into heaven or hell , whatever your preferred station in the after life ..

Anyhoo ....

and, one more thing , don't bother putting a good word in for me. You know , if you've been sweeping around here being naughty , it ain't going to be doing me any favours winning the love and sympathy from the big prop iwe hoomans have put in the sky ..

God bless 🙏
I'd just like to say. Good to see you

BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M


BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M

All praise the soul that created ☕

🙏 Bless you
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M
Btw ..

I understand that most consider Saturday as day of rest .. So don't feel the need to correct ..

Unless it makes you feel better about yourself .

Theb by all means go right ahead

God bless 🙏
smiler2012 · 56-60
@BobbyMoeven 🤔the sad fact is yes we should try and practice what we preach but we are sadly very fallible creatures and fail by falling too temptation
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M

On your way to the image feed my friend ..

Then five hail Mary's and a good Rinse off and you should be as good as new to do it all over again tomorrow ..

And Don't forget to praise the inventor of coffee on your way out ...
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
The only Sabbath I'm having is a Black Sabbath!
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M

Praise the heaven and hell for the birth of Sabbath ..🙏


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