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If Zeus gods and goddesses weren’t real how did they know what they looked like

I’m watching the museum in Egypt and they have Zeus’s head on display
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Well, they just made them up!

Like that dotty old allegorical painting, The Ancient of Days, by William Blake, 1794 - but there seem now modern prints that ruin it by omitting half of the image.

It depicts God as a giant, very hirsute naturist leaning down from a cloud to measure the Earth with an enormous pair of dividers, invoking the Freemasons' badge.

I've often wondered if the artist knew you measure cylinders and spheres with calipers not dividers, as presumably God would know too, or if he was trying to please someone (see above...).
Nobody knows what Jesus looked like but that never stopped wild speculation.
@Missbirdie1986 Try the link.
Missbirdie1986 · 36-40, F
@BlueSkyKing whats that supposed to do
Missbirdie1986 · 36-40, F
@BlueSkyKing what makes you so sure that Jesus was a man what if he was a woman

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