littlepuppywantanewlife · 31-35, M
To go to heaven you need to do alot of good work. Feed those poor people, give hospitality to everyone around you. And when you die people will say your name in good respect and the prayers of your good deeds will take you to heaven.
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newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@littlepuppywantanewlife She says there’s a magical entity that does various things... mainly involving genocide and threatening people who reject its erratic and arbitrary rules
Adstar · 56-60, M
Nope.. Thats not the Way.. Works salvation preaching leads to the eternal lake of fire.. Only by accepting the Atonement of the LORD Jesus Christ can one be redeemed.. Jesus is the Redeemer.. He does the redeeming..
To go to heaven you need to do alot of good work. Feed those poor people, give hospitality to everyone around you. And when you die people will say your name in good respect and the prayers of your good deeds will take you to heaven.
Nope.. Thats not the Way.. Works salvation preaching leads to the eternal lake of fire.. Only by accepting the Atonement of the LORD Jesus Christ can one be redeemed.. Jesus is the Redeemer.. He does the redeeming..
@littlepuppywantanewlife Friend, there is nothing in the Bible that states that. Our Salvation is not based on our good performance or good works. We don't have to earn our way to heaven. God already loves and favors us. We don't have to earn his love. He already loves us. That is great news. The Bible is very adamant about the fact that we do not have to work our way to heaven or earn our way to Heaven by any means.
Ephesians 2:8-9 - For by grace are you saved through faith; and that, not of yourselves. It is the gift of god, not of works, lest any man should boast."
How are we saved? By grace. What is Grace? Grace is unearned favor from God, to us. How are we saved? By grace, through our faith in God, believing that he is the only Son of God, who takes away our sins and forgives us, bringing us back into fellowship with God our Father. Once we repent and ask Jesus to forgive us, he does so, and this brings us back into proper standing and fellowship with God, our Heavenly Father, so that we may have everlasting life in heaven when we cross over into eternity. It is faith in knowing that Jesus died on the cross and paid for our sins, was buried and raised again from the dead in 3 days and was then resurrected and went back into heaven to be with His Father, since His mission was complete. Over 500 Witnesses watched Jesus die and then come alive again 3 days later and they watched him Ascend into heaven to go to be with his father, where those who believe in him and Trust him, shall meet him and live with him forever in heaven one day. We do not set the standard for salvation. Jesus does and this is the way he said we must believe if we want to have eternal life with him in heaven one day. Alls it takes is a prayer to Jesus asking him to forgive us of our sins and repent of them and he will do so and then give you eternal life in heaven since your sins are repented, forgotten, and washed away by the blood of Jesus.
Ephesians 2:8-9 - For by grace are you saved through faith; and that, not of yourselves. It is the gift of god, not of works, lest any man should boast."
How are we saved? By grace. What is Grace? Grace is unearned favor from God, to us. How are we saved? By grace, through our faith in God, believing that he is the only Son of God, who takes away our sins and forgives us, bringing us back into fellowship with God our Father. Once we repent and ask Jesus to forgive us, he does so, and this brings us back into proper standing and fellowship with God, our Heavenly Father, so that we may have everlasting life in heaven when we cross over into eternity. It is faith in knowing that Jesus died on the cross and paid for our sins, was buried and raised again from the dead in 3 days and was then resurrected and went back into heaven to be with His Father, since His mission was complete. Over 500 Witnesses watched Jesus die and then come alive again 3 days later and they watched him Ascend into heaven to go to be with his father, where those who believe in him and Trust him, shall meet him and live with him forever in heaven one day. We do not set the standard for salvation. Jesus does and this is the way he said we must believe if we want to have eternal life with him in heaven one day. Alls it takes is a prayer to Jesus asking him to forgive us of our sins and repent of them and he will do so and then give you eternal life in heaven since your sins are repented, forgotten, and washed away by the blood of Jesus.
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Carazaa · F
@ninalanyon I answered you to the best of my ability.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Carazaa Then I think it sounds like you are accepting a pig in a poke. And closing your eyes to what sounds like a huge injustice.
Carazaa · F
@ninalanyon I accept Jesus not pigs😏
saintsong · 41-45, F
I can hear Heavenly Angels telling me through singing that I’m going to Heaven! First I was washed clean by the blood of Jesus Christ then I was redeemed from the pits of hell and given His fragrance of life then I was called to Jehovahs alter to become a living sacrifice that was when I became born again sealed by the Holy Spirit to live in love and by faith in the truth then I started noticing my reflection in the tv then I felt his comforting touch then I was baptized in water and by the spirit when I was 7 months pregnant then I became the light of the world and a city built on a hill cannot be hidden and I was given my ministry of Pentecost then I was sanctified then I was justified and now in being glorified I am loved by God Himself for Christ became sin for me that I may have the righteousness of God it is the great transaction and I place my heart in Him because no matter how hard I tried to be perfect my own righteousness was like that of thilthy rags so I took on Christ’s righteousness so when God looks at me He sees Jesus! 🙏
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Lynda70 · F
What does it matter?
"For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten" (Ecclesiastes 9:5).
"For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten" (Ecclesiastes 9:5).
People think Satan doesn't exist? He had a FIT when I posted this:
I had a humongous picture above my TV, super-secured...NOTHING could budge it to fall, given how it was hung. Even the hanging device on the back, was glued, and STILL in tact, when the second I hit "send" for the above to post, Satan slammed it down to the floor, with great force. 😂 He wants nothing more than to keep people in the dark, thinking their good works shall save them. He also tried to turn my computer off, before I posted it. I looked, and the fall from the picture had unplugged it. 😏 God would never have done that when I was writing scripture from His own Word.
You know, though Einstein was a "good" man, he was also forced to frequently defend his beliefs. Over the years, Einstein claimed to be both a 'freethinker' as well as an atheist. How can one like Einstein, who blatently denied any afterlife at all, have gone to heaven when he died? What we believe, DOES count, after all.
I had a humongous picture above my TV, super-secured...NOTHING could budge it to fall, given how it was hung. Even the hanging device on the back, was glued, and STILL in tact, when the second I hit "send" for the above to post, Satan slammed it down to the floor, with great force. 😂 He wants nothing more than to keep people in the dark, thinking their good works shall save them. He also tried to turn my computer off, before I posted it. I looked, and the fall from the picture had unplugged it. 😏 God would never have done that when I was writing scripture from His own Word.
You know, though Einstein was a "good" man, he was also forced to frequently defend his beliefs. Over the years, Einstein claimed to be both a 'freethinker' as well as an atheist. How can one like Einstein, who blatently denied any afterlife at all, have gone to heaven when he died? What we believe, DOES count, after all.
This is so beautiful. I love this. God bless you. You're right on target. I'm so proud to know you.
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Everyone dies and ends up in the same situation.
@GuyWithOpinions I'm sorry. I gave you the wrong one link. This one will take you directly there.

Hello sir. I tried messaging you a bunch of edifying and faith increasing resources, but it wouldn't let me and said that you have to contact me first, so send me a message real quick so that I can do that. Godspeed!
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masterofyou · 70-79, M
I believe in heaven too just not sure I will get there even though my favorite verse I John 3:16 ... I know the Bible inside and out the more I read it the more questions I have... As so many books of the Bible were tossed out by men of the church. I wonder if they they tossed out the right ones.. So many Bibles Were made in England each King had a Bible made just what they believe..
Lynda70 · F
each King had a Bible made just what they believe
Not "the Word of God" then. :(
masterofyou · 70-79, M
@Lynda70 I know....
Carazaa · F
I know I have eternal life!
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