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smiler2012 · 61-69
@Cinderellagirl🤔not sure i am a little sceptical in the time of matthew hopkins the then witchfinder general many woman and girls where probably convicted on flimsy evidence of this crime through fear and ignorance
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@smiler2012 Matthew Hopkiuns was no "Witchfinder General" in any official way. There was no such post.
Hopkins titled himself thus in a sort of one-man crusade, and operated only over a relatively small area of England.
Hopkins titled himself thus in a sort of one-man crusade, and operated only over a relatively small area of England.
Ynotisay · M
The reality is that, at least in the U.S., they were hanged and not burned. Not that it makes much difference.But as far witchcraft being real? I think you probably know the answer to that.
SomeMichGuy · M
The hurting was real.
BohemianBabe · M
It existed in that there were people who believed they were practicing witchcraft. It's basically a religion like any other. But the people who were burned or hung for witchcraft usually weren't witches, they were just random people accused of heresy.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@BohemianBabe Not quite correct.
"Witchcraft" and "heresy" were two very different "crimes"
Witchcraft was a mob-rule reaction through ignorance, fear and superstition to any unfortunate event, based usually on mere co-incidences. Burning was used in some European countries but the penalty in England at least was usually hanging, though by gibbet not gallows.
By the way, by the proper legal term, they were "hanged", not "hung".
Heresy was speaking against the Church or its dogma, and that could bring execution by burning at the stake.
(It differed from county to country but executions for other capital offences were more often by hanging or beheading. The appallingly grisly "Hanging, drawing and quartering" was used against treason, in England, and don't think "Braveheart". That film showed its own version that glossed over the reality.)
"Witchcraft" and "heresy" were two very different "crimes"
Witchcraft was a mob-rule reaction through ignorance, fear and superstition to any unfortunate event, based usually on mere co-incidences. Burning was used in some European countries but the penalty in England at least was usually hanging, though by gibbet not gallows.
By the way, by the proper legal term, they were "hanged", not "hung".
Heresy was speaking against the Church or its dogma, and that could bring execution by burning at the stake.
(It differed from county to country but executions for other capital offences were more often by hanging or beheading. The appallingly grisly "Hanging, drawing and quartering" was used against treason, in England, and don't think "Braveheart". That film showed its own version that glossed over the reality.)
BohemianBabe · M
@ArishMell It was mostly hanging in America too. Burning witches was usually done in Germany, Scandinavia, Scotland, and France. But yeah, in England and America, it was almost always death by noose.
Witchcraft was generally considered a form of heresy.
Witchcraft was generally considered a form of heresy.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
The burnings existed, the witchcraft that they were burnt for did not regardless of what both the women and there oppressors might have believed.
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
it unfortunately existed, look up a figure called matthew hopkins 'witchfinder general'.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Many were executed, yes, but in England at least were hanged rather than burned at the stake. It was still a slow, very painful death, but nothing like as nasty as burning.
oldguy73 · 70-79, M
people may think they are witches , been around ages, but no person ever or can cast a spell or do witch stuff, all fake
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