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Why the bible is true

Because even atheists, to who they call when their health is bad ? To who they call when they are sick and need help ?

Atheists believes we are alone , but when they are shaking and in pain, they cant even call jesus for help because they dont believe in him

If you think that , as an atheist, you are born here and you live your life and then you die; then you believe there's nothing after death; then what would be the purpose of life if you live here 80 years then die then theres nothing else anymore. Life would be pretty much pointless.

And look how big the world is.... we are living on this single planet in a universe almost infinite in space...

we live in 1 solar system, and in our galaxy alone theres like 400 billions of star systems, each having its own planets.

And also theres billions of galaxies in the universe..

I mean, this is crazy alone. Maybe not too far from us, there is others planets with life on it. Maybe as we talk theres others civilisations in our galaxy that are like us.
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Sharon · F
When my health is bad, I call my GP or, if it's an emergency, an ambulance. The only Jesus I believe in is the waiter at the Mexican restuarant, Your Jesus couldn't help because, even if he did exist at one time, he's been dead for 2 millenia.

Life is what one makes it, it doesn't have to have a purpose. I enjoy my life as it is.

It seems likely there is life elsewhere in the universe but it is possible that abiogenesis is so incredibly improbable that it has only ever occurred once, here on Earth.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I'm an atheist and I don't think we are alone in the universe; I believe there must be life on other planets. The vastness of the universe and our tiny speck of a planet in it, says that it is arrogant to think that God created this all for this one species.

Is there a Jesus for every planet?

I believe you have to bring your own meaning to life; one need not the supernatural to be happy and appreciate your existence while you are here.
YoMomma ·
Even if there was another civilization which i don't believe in but even if there was.. who could say if we are even capable of communicating with them? What if they were like big huge beings and we were smaller than ants to them or if bugs like mosquitos are another civilization but we can't communicate with them? 😅
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
In one of the episodes by Preston Dennett it was reported that when an alien was asked,"Which human religion is correct" it replied, "None".
MasterLee · 56-60, M

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