Do you want to be free from blind faith or do you want to remain a blind believer?

If you look around with open eyes, you can see that people all over the world are going through a tragic and deep crisis. Most of the man-made problems all over the world ~ injustice-tyranny, oppression, fraud, poverty, unrest and bloodshed etc. are the root cause of human lack of sufficient knowledge and consciousness, and mental illness. Blind faith, blind devotion, superstition, hatred, violence, violence, all these are born from him.
Real human development and world peace can only be achieved if mind-development education and training called 'MahaDharma' is introduced everywhere. If true human development takes place through mind-development education, then most human-centered problems and crises will be solved.
It is the time to think about why most people are so far behind in the development of consciousness. If you free yourself from obsession and search for the real reason, you can see that one of the main reasons is conventional religion. Religious education is the greatest hindrance to the development of human consciousness.
I urge you to think a little deeper. Many religions exist all over the world, all religions are dark about the real God. Their business is with imaginary God. As they explained to people, people accepted it in good faith.
My main point in this topic is blind-belief. This blind faith is one of the main causes of most of the human suffering. We are mostly driven by the subconscious mind, because our conscious mind is not yet developed enough. Religion is mainly responsible for this condition. Religious education has only taught us to believe blindly, not to acquire pure knowledge, not to be rational. As a result, even after thousands of years, our mind has not developed enough yet
The question does not arise in people's minds even once, there are so many thousands of religions in the world and their so many kinds of God! People of every religion believe in their own religion's God. So which one is true!?
A man who thinks himself educated, rational and science-minded, forgets to question himself. He is not aware of his own mind.
It is natural that people of strong faith and blind faith will oppose me. Despite knowing this, I called for change thinking that if even one or two people benefited a little then my efforts would be worth it.
Many may consider this idea and appeal of mine as my blind faith. I can watch my mind and I know which of my thoughts are beliefs and which are my knowledge.
After gaining enough knowledge about the mind, with a little effort, you will also be able to understand which of your thoughts are thoughts of the subconscious mind and which thoughts are thoughts of the conscious mind.
Blind faith is more dangerous than a deadly virus. The day most people realize this, most human-centered problems will disappear.
In the near future, a terrible disaster is going to descend on the earth. Then no religion and religious God will come forward to save us. If people are not yet freed from superstition and become aware, I am afraid to think what will happen to mankind.
Because we have become slaves of strong faith or blind faith, we have so much suffering and misery. But if we are careful to become self-aware, to know our own mind and this real world, then we can make this belief of our subconscious mind our slave. Consciously using this belief we can achieve many impossible things. We can achieve success in many areas of life.
We are like ignorant blind people, thinking that we are getting better or we are benefiting because of someone's grace. In fact, not by anyone else's grace, whatever is good or beneficial, everything is benefited by our subconscious mind, through our belief, by our own subconscious mind or self-power.
The basic premise of conventional religion is ~ an (imaginary) omnipotent creator and omniscient ruler. And from that beginning lies started. Even Religion or religion-mongers themselves do not know the real identity of our Creator.
The great religious business is going on in full swing by creating one or more imaginary creators of omnipotence under different names, capitalizing on myths and beliefs.
There is no comparison to this religious business project of torturing, oppressing, and exploiting people by keeping them in the darkness of ignorance, tempting them with false rewards and threatening them with false punishments.
As people have been enslaved to liar and hypocrite religion for a long time, the belief that this is the normal system and this is the normal life has become entrenched in their minds. Beyond that, they have lost their ability to think independently.
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